Sheepskin Express Sheepskins and TGF Door Inserts and Headrest Covers

After all the other mods, we decided to change the interior look a little. So we opted to install some Tailor made sheepskin seatcovers & console cover from Sheepskin Express and dress up the doors and headrests with TGF door panel inserts and headrest covers to match the exterior color. The sheepskins were made in such a manner that it did not require the removal of the seatbelts or seats to be installed. Once we figured out how to insert the center rod through the seats it only took about 15 minutes to install the rest of the cover. The TGF items were easy to install, just lineup and press them into place securing with the 3M tape on the backside.

Just delivered

Fully lined, tailor made seat cover

Driver's side done

Lining up door panel inserts

Pat securing passenger side seatcover

Norm installing headrest covers

One more door panel insert

Finished! (Security in place)

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