Mercedes-Benz SL owners of

Southern New Mexico and West Texas


Breakfast and Poker Run - April 18, 1999

Once a month the Experimental Aircraft Association meets at the Las Cruces International Airport. The members also provide breakfast to the public for a nominal fee that is donated to the local scouts. A group of car enthusiatists caravaned from town to the airport to see some of the planes and to enjoy the breakfast. In turn some of the public also enjoyed looking at the cars.

Later the same day, the Mustang Club of Las Cruces sponsored a Poker Run open to any and all vehicles. The weather was just perfect, and about 50 cars participated including members of The Border Star SL Club. After returning from the 30 mile trip around the local area, everyone that participated enjoyed a BBQ. Plaques were provided to the highest three poker hands, dash plaques for everyone and there were enough door prizes that just about everyone took something home.


photos by Pat Waleke

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