Masonic Humor Found on a Masonic Web site from Italy!

A little before Lodge
is about to open an old man
totters up to the Tyler and says, "I'm here to
receive my 2nd degree." Well, they all look at
this guy, who really is older than dirt, and they
ask him to explain. "I was entered on July 4,
1922. Now I'm ready for my 2nd degree." So they go
scurrying for the records, and sure enough, there
was his name, entered on July 4, 1922. "Where have
you been all these years? What took you so long to
be ready for your 2nd?" they ask. Reply: "Learning
to subdue my passions!"

A small Lodge had had a string of bad luck. It was
preparing to initiate a candidate on a steamy evening
in June and it's air conditioner had stopped
working. After sweating their way through part of
the work, the Master had asked the candidate what
he most desired. The candidate replied "a beer".
At this juncture the WM., being startled,
whispered "light" to the candidate. "OK," the
candidate replied, "a lite beer."

There's a man, walking down the street at 1 in the
morning and he's very drunk. A policeman stops him
and asks: Where are you going in that condition?
Man: II'mm on mmyy waayyy to a lectttuurre on
FFreemmassonnrrry. Officer: Where can you possibly
get a lecture on Freemasonry at this time of night?
Man: Frromm mmyy wifffe, wwhenn I gget homme!

It seems a Jewish family had rented an apartment
that sat directly under the Masonic Temple, and at
least once a month they would always hear this
stomping from above. One day Izzy told his wife he
was going to drill a hole in the ceiling and see what
those Masons were up to. After doing so, one
evening he heard some stomping coming from above,
so he got his ladder, climbed up and decided to take a peek.
After a few moments, he flew down the ladder and ran in and told his
to pack all their belongs and
"Let's get out of here and fast !!!" When she
asked why, Izzy told her that he was just peeking
in on the Masons above and saw them kill a man and
said they were going to blame it on the

A man is walking through the recreation area of
his local park when he notices a huge fight in
full fury on the football field he is passing.
"What's going on?" he asks a spectator watching
from the sidelines. The other replies, "It's a
game between the Masons and the Knights of
Columbus." "What's the score?", asks the first
man. "I don't know, it's a secret."

-- Found on a cup in a Lodge in Ireland:
 -- A closed mouth gathers no foot.--