3 October 1985

Mr. Hermie O. Mastenfeldt

12 Mt. Sheridan Dr

Star Route B

Lawton, OK 73501

Dear Mr. Mastenfeldt

The Director has considered your application and qualifications for the space shuttle mission program and has rejected you, as you are not a secondary school social studies teacher or a US Senator. Thus far, these are the only two categories of private citizens selected to fly on shuttle missions.

Eligible categories of citizens for subsequent apace flight participant opportunities will be announced through the media later this year. We are not taking names, there is no waiting list, and we will not retain any unsolicited applications.

However, you may be solicited to submit an application. To become eligible you may wish to make a large cash contribution to NASA (tax deductible) or in your case, donate your space suit to the program (if you have already purchased it). If you have sewed any patches on the suit, we can't use it as air leaks out the little needle holes!

I'm not supposed to release this - - - but the next citizen categories to be selected will most likely be:

a. Presidents of the United States (incumbent)

b. Prostitutes

c. Ice Cream Vendors

d. Football players

If you have any additional questions please contact:

Isadore 0. Stryduski Manager,

Space Flight Participant Program

Mail Code ME

NASA Headquarters

Washington, D.C. 20546

(202) 453-2537

Sincerely, Isadore O. Stryduski
