Caballo Lake Weather


at 6:28 on 9/23/07

temperature 65 °F
wind S at 6 mph
peak wind SSE at 9 mph
wind average S at 7 mph
barometer 29.98 in
3hr baro. change +0.03 in
indoor temperature 74 °F

wind speed history - updated 6:15

weather history

today yesterday long term (as of jan 1st)
high temperature 72 °F at 0:06 94 °F at 15:56 112 °F at 15:36 on 7/1/07
low temperature 65 °F at 6:24 59 °F at 5:10 20 °F at 5:30 on 2/3/07
high wind SE 17 mph at 2:05 SW 32 mph at 20:31 N 0 mph at 9:46 on 7/11/07
high barometer 29.98 in at 0:02 30.10 in at 10:18 30.55 in at 10:13 on 3/4/07
low barometer 29.95 in at 3:07 29.91 in at 18:07 29.53 in at 15:41 on 5/5/07

temperature history - updated 6:05

barometer history - updated 5:55

wind direction history - updated 6:25

wind direction polar histogram - updated 6:20

Weather data provided by the WhiteCaps Windsurfing Club, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM