Vietnamese Awards   



 The above photographs are of Chief Warrant Officer David R. Hassall receiving the Vietnamese Technical Service Honor Medal from Di Tah DU First Coastal Zone Commander, in April 1971 at the boat yard facility of Logistics Support Base in DaNang, RVN. The ceremony was held on the decks of the 8022 Mobile Support Vessel that was designed and built by CWO Hassall to be a mobile repair vessel for Riverine Forces by bringing boat repair facilities closer to the operating forces. This was a completely different concept of repair support tactics than had been previously used. The Vietnamese sailors manning the rail were the new crew of the 8022.

Chief Warrant Officer David R. Hassall was awarded from the Country of Vietnam the following awards:

Vietnamese Technical Service Honor Medal First Class, Vietnamese Technical Service Honor Medal Second Class, Gallantry Cross Unit Citation, Civil Actions Unit Citation, and the Vietnam Campaign Medal.

 This Webpage is also dedicated to the Outstanding Vietnamese Naval Officers with whom I worked over the course of the year tour in Da Nang, RVN. I have not been able to determine their fate since the fall of Da Nang into North Vietnamese hands. Their pictures appear below but they will always live in my heart. I am just sorry now that I had not taken more pictures of those with whom I worked so closely with during this time.

 Di We Hep

 Trung We Ho Shum

 I don't have a good photograph of him but I cannot forget the First Coastal Zone Commander Di Tah Du whom I was fortunate enough to work for and with during my tour in South Viet Nam. He was an inspiration to all his men and it was a real honor for me to serve with him during this difficult period of history.

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