First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

selected parts of the 1995 annual report to the congregation


From Pastor John: Thank you for opening the 1995 Annual Report!


The faithful work and prayer of the members and friends of First Presbyterian Church are reflected in the variety and sum of these reports.

1. Please read every one of them.

2. Please read them repeatedly through the year.

3. Please thank God for his work through the efforts reported and pray God’s sustaining power and direction in the continuing work of our congregation and of individuals within it.

4. Please do that repeatedly through the year.


If you are a member, what I am asking you to do is to be faithful to your own vows of membership.

My lifetime experience in the life of the church informs me of a disturbing reality: most members of a congregation (I was once blissfully and ignorantly chief among them - mea culpa!) don’t do any of those four things . Some do #1; fewer do #3; and, almost none do #’s 2 and 4. I know many of the reasons why (so much else to do and read; so little time; some areas are of no interest personally; direct involvement in one or more areas is far more satisfying than reflection and prayer regarding areas of less or no personal involvement). I am also keenly aware of the need for your thoughtful reflection and prayer for our faithful witness to Christ through these ministries.


If you are not yet a member, but an actively involved friend of our congregation - or a new visitor to our congregation - you will find information to help you decide whether to continue your involvement or deepen it in committing yourself to serve Christ as a member of this congregation. The benefits of your informed participation and prayer will be every bit as helpful as that of those who are already members.


The desired results of your participation in all four activities I’ve listed above are:

1. Greater appreciation for all that God is doing among us;

2. God’s sustaining power for you and for those for whom you pray;

3. A broadening understanding of the variety of ways in which we serve Christ together;

4. Establishment of a background of information on which to base your decisions about

how Christ may call you to additional, new or continued service in these ministry areas;

5. Sudden awareness that there is already an activity or group concerned about your needs;

6. Clear realization of something we are missing in terms of additional ministry together,

or of a needed change in existing ministry and a prompting to help us into that ministry;

7. Movement from passivity and discouragement into activity and encouragement in the

company of others in shared service to Christ;

8. A knowledge of available entry points to our congregation’s life that your friends in our community who are among the unchurched or non-Christian population might use;

9. Challenge to narrow assumptions you may have about the wide avenues for serving Christ; and,

10. Replacement of ignorance with appreciative knowledge of the ways in which your tithes and offerings are used to strengthen our fellowship and mission as one part of Christ’s Body..


Everything you read in this 1995 Report is partial and incomplete. Thanks be to God!

Not everything being done within our congregational organizations can possibly be summarized in this brief volume. Nor can it capture the significant and Christ-centered activity of members and friends in their personal relationships, in their vocations and volunteer service, in their personal growth in relation to God, in their struggle with temptation, in their sacrifice for neighbors, in their quest for Christ’s more complete lordship of their lives, in their victories and defeats, in their acceptance of loss, in their determination to shape their wills by God’s will. These manifestations of God’s grace in us are every bit as important in our life together as anything that can be expressed in a report - and, there is still more God will do in and through us!



Members: Elder Jim Parks, Chairman; Elders Richard Gregory and Barney Rawson

Deacon Lyn Ames; Congregation Representative Joel Tomlin, past Chairman.

The continuing function of the Administration Committee is to monitor and manage the daily business operations of the church including the basic church support staff. The Committee provided ongoing administrative support during 1995. Further, within rather tight budget constraints it did provide some support for minor upgrade of office equipment, including the purchase of a new folding machine at the end of 1995.


The Committee has further set the groundwork for upgrades or new computer systems early in 1996 to make the office more efficient, especially for the financial secretary.

The Committee also worked very closely with the First Presbyterian Church of Las Cruces Foundation, Inc. (the "Foundation") to provide for better stewardship of all the funds of the church. Certain operating funds were also moved into the "Foundation" to provide the best possible return on the funds of the church while maintaining safe, strict control. And an education program was undertaken with the "Foundation" to enlighten the congregation in how members can be even more generous with giving while not seeing any greater reduction in their own assets. Members of the congregation should see more of this effort visible in 1996.

Finally, the Administration Committee continued the recent policy of opening the church buildings to more organizations within the community. Examples of the use were greater use by the Bible Study Fellowship (a non-denominational group) and various community support groups such as AA and the Alliance for the Mentally Ill. This is one aspect of the outreach of this church.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Parks



During 1995 the Buildings & Grounds Committee continued the process of maintaining and improving our 30+-year-old facility. The following accomplishment have been realized:

1. Landscaping of the south end of the east parking lot.

2. Refurbishing of the church parlor in Reeves Hall, including new paint, lighting, furniture and decor.

3. Assisting the Music and Worship Committee in "Phase One" of upgrading the sanctuary sound system.

4. Installation of additional security lighting near the children’s playground.

5. Initiation of remodeling plans for the kitchen in Reeves Hall.

6. Initiation of plans to erect a parking garage for the church vans.


The Committee wishes to acknowledge with gratitude the support and efforts of all the volunteers who assisted us in working this year, with special recognition given to the following:

1. Chris Robbins, who accepted the challenge of landscaping the parking area as an Eagle Scout project, and Chris’s family, friends, and fellow scout members who assisted him.

2. Randy Farmer, whose continued generosity and guidance allowed Chris to attain his goal.

3. Yvonne Rawson, Lois Welles, Ruth Ford, and the ladies’ groups, who participated in selecting decor and trim for the parlor.

4. Ted Shelton, who is preparing the plans for the kitchen remodel.

5. Steve Newby and George Rawson, for "leading the charge" in creating a parking garage.

6. Tom Matkin, who provides continuous support throughout the year.


Buildings and Grounds projects are often capital-intensive. The Committee encourages the Session and congregation to consider a Capital Fund Drive to provide moneys necessary for the following scheduled projects:

1. Jones Hall office remodeling.

2. Kitchen remodeling.

3. A large, multi-purpose facility constructed north of the sanctuary.


The commitment of funds to our physical plant will allow for future growth of this congregation into the new century.


Respectfully submitted,

Steve Loman, Chairman

Jerry Grandle

Bobby Rankin



It is certainly exciting and gratifying to work with members of this congregation in the area of Christian education. Much has happened during 1995 - let me mention a few highlights:

*Our Sunday morning classes showed increased attendance - especially in the adult courses. An "Old Testament Survey" class taught by Dr. Floyd Sovereign was a big draw in the spring and fall. "Biblical Economics" taught by Rich and Nancy Gregory inspired the many who attended this fall and brought a broader understanding of being a good steward.

*Joyce Gemoets volunteered to serve two more years as Sunday School Superintendent and her leadership and dedication continue to improve our teaching resources.

*With the help of many youth and adult volunteers, we had a marvelous week of Vacation Bible School in June.

*Our mid-week Salt & Light Company continues to flourish. This fall our enrollment is up 25% over last spring! Our goal is the same 95% attendance rate at Sunday School that we have on Wednesdays. With three new Board members, Sue Carter continuing as Director, and dedicated youth sponsors, there is strong commitment and love in the leadership of this program and the faith development and joy shown by the young people involved is exciting.

*Under the excellent lay leadership of Linda and Howard Daniels, Art and Lynda Garcia, Susan Sullivan, and Charlie and Nora Yaryan, the youth groups were active during the spring and summer. The Senior Highs had a third mission workteam to Ciudad Juarez and built another house. In July, they flew to South Padre Island for "Fun in the Son," a regional youth conference sponsored by Presbyterians for Renewal. The Garcias took the Mid-Schoolers to "The Great Escape," a similar conference for their age group in Gunnison, Colorado. Some of our kids attended camps at Camp Chimney Spring and Christine Carter, a college student from our congregation, served as a counselor.

*But the BIG NEWS in Christian Education was the hiring of NOELLE CASTIN as Interim Director of Youth Ministries! She began her work with us in August and has brought fresh vision, energy and enthusiasm to our programs.

*An appointed Task Force on Curriculum Selection did an excellent job of selecting two new curriculum series for our children and youth published by Augsburg Fortress Press. The new "Good News" series, an active-learning program, is being enjoyed by the teachers and students in Sunday School. The "Rejoice!" series has enriched our Salt & Light Bible study classes.

*There is an increased partnership in college ministry with David Sallee, Presbyterian Campus Ministry, working more directly with college students in our congregation. Mel Parish and John Patton have done an excellent teaching job this fall.

*The Education Committee continued combined efforts with the Missions Committee. Again, One Great Hour of Sharing was a successful endeavor during Lent. The Salt & Light Co. sponsored a fourth annual mission dinner in November, "LOGOS: Mission Russia."


Always there is more than can be mentioned than space allows. Through the efforts of our Committee and working with others in this congregation, we believe that the journey we are on together as followers of Christ becomes clearer and more alluring each day. In 1996, be sure to join us as we study and work and worship together.


Jackie Poling, Director,

Reporting for the Christian Education Committee




1. Members of The Board of Deacons:

Class of 1995 Class of 1996 Class of 1997

Joyce Blechinger Lyn Ames Rex Alford

Mickey Davis Jerry Grandle Alice Cooper

Nancy French Joan Lemon Dennis Gurnea

Dorris Hamilton Becky McPherson Ruth Ford

Doris Morgan Monte Myrick Joe McCormick

Susan Sullivan Bob Yaryan Emma Walker


During 1995, Deacon Mickey Davis passed away in a car accident and Deacons Monte Myrick, Bob Yaryan and Judy Heffelfinger resigned. Two positions were vacant until September. The vacated positions were filled by John LaVerne and Pauline Farmer, Class of 1996; Rex Alford, Alice Cooper and Dennis Gurnea, Class of 1997.


2. 1995 Officers and Chairpersons:

A. Officers:

Moderator: Jerry Grandle

Secretary: Judy Heffelfinger/Alice Cooper

Treasurer: Lyn Ames

B. Deacon Committees:

Benevolence & Concerns: Susan Sullivan

Soup Kitchen: Monte Myrick/Pauline Farmer

Shut-in Visitation: Joan Lemon

Prayer: Vacant

Ushering: Mickey Davis/Alice Cooper

Greeting: Doris Morgan

Transportation: Jerry Grandle

Transient Meals: Lyn Ames & Susan Sullivan

Tape Duplicating: Judy Heffelfinger

Special Events: Mickey Davis/Jerry Grandle

Hospital Visitation: Joyce Blechinger

C. Representatives to Session Committees:

Administration: Lyn Ames

Buildings & Grounds: Jerry Grandle

Nurture: Nancy French

Outreach: Monte Myrick

Christian Education: Susan Sullivan

Missions: Joan Lemon

Worship: Bob Yaryan


During the past year the Deacons lost Mickey Davis to an auto accident, as well as Monte Myrick, Bob Yaryan, and Judy Heffelfinger. The Deacons staffed our Committees to cover the greatest needs.


3. Committees:

Shut-in Visitation worked with the church office to visit all church members not able to attend and who wished a visit. They also delivered Easter lilies and took poinsettias to local nursing homes at Christmas.



Benevolence & Concerns contributed to the Emergency Assistance Fund, American Cancer Society, aid to needy (outside the emergency assistance fund), transient lunches and the Deacons Christmas party. The amounts are reflected in the 1995 treasurer’s report.


Soup Kitchen scheduled 3 teams involving over 30 congregation members to work with El Caldito Soup Kitchen at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church.


Hospital Visitation visited congregation members in the hospital as well as sent flowers to ill congregation members.


Ushering arranged teams of ushers for all services, except for Youth Sundays (4th Sunday of each month).


Greeting recruited/scheduled persons to greet each Sunday at our three Sanctuary doors. Every effort was made to involve as many congregation members as possible in this opportunity.


Transportation arranged transportation to and from worship services and special events from Good Samaritan Village, Aspen House, and members’ homes.


Transient Meals prepared sack lunches to provide balanced meals for needy people calling on the church for assistance.


Tape Duplicating made copies of weekly worship services from recordings made during the services. These copies were made available as requested with assistance from the church office.


Special Events helped sponsor a memorial for Mickey and Betty Davis, a live oak in our new landscaping.


Also organized by the Deacons was the Camp Chimney Spring retreat: a weekend mountain retreat attended by congregation members.


The Annual Deacons Hamburger Fry was held in October. This was attended by approximately 200 congregation members. The hamburgers were generously donated by a family in the congregation. The event raised $953 for the Deacons’ Fund.


The year ended with the Deacons Christmas Party for under-privileged children. Gifts were given to needy children of the community with strong support from the congregation. Many members also volunteered to help with the party. Thanks also go out to Christian Education for the Christmas play presented at the party.

The Board of Deacons would like to thank all of the congregation members who through financial assistance, volunteer time, and attendance in our projects have made 1995 a rewarding year for the Deacons. Additional thanks go out to the Lomans and Bonestroos.




Members: Charlie Stone (Chairman), John Tomlin

Joan Lemon, Deacon

Howard Daniels, Gordon Hoff, Cheri McMillan, Congregation-at-large

Our congregation helps to support 15 missionaries in foreign lands and one in the U.S. through designated giving by our Mission budget as well as eight local projects and a sizable contribution to the Southwest area through the Synod of the Southwest (see 1995 Missions Directory).

Because two of our designated couples from the General Assembly, Rev. & Mrs. Stock in Pakistan and the Medley family also in Pakistan, who retired, we were able to add two new projects: 1) Doug Barron, son of Helen Barron of our congregation who grew up in our midst, has been named Latin American Supervisor of the Jesus Film Project from Mexico to Argentina by Campus Crusade for Christ. 2) Witnessing Ministries of Christ, an extra commitment opportunities project of the General Assembly that is successfully planting churches among the untouchable caste in India. We are excited about these two projects for they are reaching out to some of the groups determined to be "unreached peoples" in the A.D. 2000 Mission Movement. In connection with that, the Session has voted to allow the Committee to apply, through Presbyterian Frontier Missions, to "adopt" two of these unreached groups. Our responsibility as a congregation will be to pray that these groups might soon be reached with the Good News of the Gospel. Actually, we are already involved with the two we applied for, the Suri tribe in Ethiopia (where the Haspels are working) and the untouchables mentioned above. We will develop strategies to direct more congregational attention to these peoples as we learn more about them and put them on our prayer calendars.


Through special offerings in 1995, our congregation has contributed $7955.35 to One Great Hour of Sharing and $2729.00 divided between the Gospel Rescue Mission and Bosnia refugee relief, and an offering of $1663.00 for victim relief in the Oklahoma Bombing. The Christmas Joy Offering, the last special offering of the year, amounted to $5798.75.


Other groups add greatly to the work. Some are the Deacons’ Christmas Party, Presbyterian Women, Presbyterians for Renewal, Salt & Light, youth building mission in Juarez, Mexico, Christian Education Committee and others. Your Committee is grateful for a generous congregation that willingly responds to our every request.


Charlie Stone,





Committee Members: Elders Julie Terrell and Jean Wertz, Co-chairmen

Deacon Representatives: Nancy French and Judy Heffelfinger

PW Representative: Janet McPherson (Kitchen/Pantry Coordinator/Photographer)

Agape Caregivers Chairperson: Carol Peterson (separate report)

Congregation-at-large: Helen Barron, Archie & Mary Beckett, Maureen Green Patton,

Bill & Wanda McNeil, Margie Meerbott, Johanna Miller, Jack Scarlett, Bill & Chris Stein.


The Nurture Committee with the help of many faithful friends furnished supplies and with joyful dedication, some confusion and surprisingly little grumbling facilitated in some way the following.

-52 after-church fellowships, 3 of which were picnics.

-Distributed (with other Session members) the 1995 Pictorial Church Directories.

-Prepared directory inserts introducing new members

One each: congregational meeting supplies for mid-schoolers; congregational meeting potluck;

Easter Sunday breakfast supplies for men of the church; lunch for 1995-96-97 class of elders/deacons; lunch for all church workday helpers; lunch for worship enhancement seminar (Committee was assisted in preparation by Holly Tucker, serving by Holly, Megan Magirl, Daniel Topley & Cathy Pleasant); potluck hosting a program with the  Mission; potluck hosting a program with the Trudell Mission; staff recognition program and potluck; potluck in conjunction with the Christian Education Committee; refreshment break for sanctuary decorators.

A conservative estimate of time donated by Committee members: 280 hours. Members also donated food and supplies for some special occasions.

Big ticket expenses (as of November) included:

Paper & plastic goods $258.16 (all fellowship times)

Coffee, lemonade, sugars 189.38 (after-church fellowship)

Fellowship suppers 45.93 (coffee/paper/plastic/etc.)

3 lunches 99.00 (Deacon/Elders, Workday, Worship Seminar)


An increase in the budget request reflects increased costs and member growth.


Respectfully submitted,

Jean Wertz



Members: Elders Ann Carlson and Bruce Griffith; Deacon Jerry Grandle.

Activities for the year; included:

*Bibles were purchased for the Mesilla Valley Pregnancy Resource Center. The MVPRC which provides alternatives to abortion for crisis pregnancies, various forms of tangible assistance (including Bibles), counseling, medical referrals and pregnancy testing currently receives support from a number of churches in Las Cruces.

*In cooperation with Northminster Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Campus Ministry sponsored a yellow pages ad in the telephone directory.

*Sponsorship of the radio program Focus on the Family by Dr. James Dobson was continued. This program is a positive source of publicity for the church.

*Four welcome dinners for newcomers were held. These dinners, held in homes, allow newcomers to ask any questions they might have about our church and our denomination and to meet church members. The Committee would like to thank Mell & Carol Peterson, Art & Lynda Garcia, Jerry & Susan Grandle, and William & Marti Whaley for the use of their homes for the dinners. The Committee also gives thanks for and to the many church members who supplied food for the dinners.

In partnership with the Worship Committee a prayer seminar was sponsored. It is hoped that this will be a yearly event.

Ann Carlson,





Members: Elders: Gary Gemoets, JoAnn Thomas, Robert Watkins; Deacon: Ruth Ford; Member-at-large: Arnold McMillan

Music: Beth Borchert, Janet Loman

For where two or three have gathered together in My name,

there I am in their midst. -Matthew 18:20

Indeed, God was with us and directed some mighty exciting events and we just give God the praise for letting us be a part of it.

Each Committee member took on a particular portion of the Committee’s responsibilities insuring that the routine (and not so routine) was carried out properly and not allowed to fall through the cracks. Robert Watkins took on the communion service preparations and this year we have enjoyed an overall increase of communion participants. A special thanks to Ann Carlson for faithfully providing us with home-baked communion loafs. Ruth Ford coordinated the liturgist for each service. Arnold McMillan insured that Healing & Wholeness was available with trained members of the congregation assisting each first Sunday of the month. Beth Borchert and Janet Loman blessed us with providing outstanding music via our exceptionally fine choir and guest performers. Gary Gemoets worked diligently to get the sound system improvement upgrade installed. John Poling provided the guidance and direction that only a loving pastor could possibly do.

Notable accomplishments during the year include: 1) The establishment of the Healing and Wholeness Service including a training session for interested members. 2) The organ was completely overhauled and tours of the organ’s mechanisms were conducted - a real eye opener for many. 3) Standard policies for the conduct of weddings and funerals were developed and provide guidance to those who seek these services. 4) Phase one of the sound system upgrade has been installed. This has significantly improved its capabilities and quality particularly in the area of hearing assistance and service recording. 5) There has been numerous recitals, concerts and special events performed in our sanctuary that has added a wonderful dimension to our worship life. 6) A Prayer Enhancement Seminar was planned and conducted in joint cooperation with the Nurture and Outreach Committees. This blessing will be expanded and repeated next year. 7) We have enjoyed an increased participation by the youth in the worship services including as liturgists, deacon assistants, greeters, performers of songs and skits. Our youth is the future of our church and their participation is gratefully encouraged.

There is so much more that we could include and reflect upon. But the best way to find out about them and share the extra blessings they confer is by being a part of it. We welcome anyone who is interested in joining our Committee. It will bless you and our church both.

Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude,

by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe. -Hebrews 12:28


Gary V. Gemoets, Chairman

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