First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM


Annual Report 1997

This page has major excerpts from the annual report to the congregation on February 1, 1998. Complete copies can be obtained from the church off ice.

INDEX (Bookmarks)


Director of Education & Congregational Life











Members who passed away in 1997:


What shall we do with what we have? That is the basic stewardship question. We often consider resources we can quantify, such as land, buildings, equipment, musical instruments, labor and capital. The crucial and broader assessment of available resources expands on the human resources. Who do we have among us and what is their talent and training? It includes the kinds of resources mentioned in the eighth ordination and installation question asked of elders, deacons and ministers: Will you seek to serve the people of the church with energy, imagination, intelligence and love? Those are the vital resources of every Christian’s service to God! They come from God in creation and by the Spirit, given for personal and corporate development. They are not given to lie dormant. Our ability to use them increases as we apply them. The other resources just sit around without our action prompted by the Spirit.

The results of such stewardship are described in the reports you will read in this volume. These reports describe action taken by members of the church in response to God’s call upon their lives in areas of need identified by leadership groups in the church.

In reading the reports, the most appropriate question any of us can ask is "How shall I get in on the action?" It may be through joining an effort already underway or through bringing your gifts into play to participate in a new thing God is doing.

In his introduction to The Acts of the Apostles, Eugene Peterson highlights the ongoing action of God through the earliest followers of Christ and through us:


Because the story of Jesus is so impressive --God among us! God speaking a language we can understand! God acting in ways that heal and help and save us! -- there is a danger that we will be impressed, but only be impressed. As the spectacular dimensions of this story slowly

(or suddenly) dawn upon us, we could easily become enthusiastic spectators, and then let it go at that -- become admirers of Jesus, generous with our oh’s and ah’s, and in our better moments inspired to imitate him.

It is Luke’s task to prevent that, to prevent us from becoming mere spectators to Jesus, fans of the Message. ...

...The story of Jesus doesn’t end with Jesus. It continues in the lives of those who believe in him. The supernatural does not stop with Jesus. Luke makes it clear that these Christians he wrote about were no more spectators of Jesus than Jesus was a spectator of God -- they are in on the action of God, God acting in them, God living in them. Which also means, of course, in us.

Our history as a congregation goes much further back than its founding as a mission in 1883. We are connected to the earliest followers of Jesus.

Our present life is the ongoing action of God now, in this place. It is what God is doing in every one of us, among us all, and through our life of action in the world. If we read these reports and think we know what "they are doing," we are missing the point. It is a matter of what we all are doing because of what God wills to do through us.

To enhance our responsiveness to God’s will, as well as to identify our resources of all sorts, the Session of First Presbyterian Church will become much more involved in getting to know all our members and in eliciting the stories of faith and the desires of the hearts of our members for work in Las Cruces and beyond. We want everyone to know more of our members, to rejoice in what God has given to us all, and to move into positive contributions of themselves as people in on the action!

Yours in Christ,

John Clark Poling, Pastor


Director of Education & Congregational Life


Another year has come and gone in the life of our congregation. As in other years, 1997 had beginnings and endings.

For six months we lived in a construction zone inside and out which meant a constant juggling of space and equipment to keep up with the many activities of the congregation. The remodeling of our church kitchen was a highlight of the year! Its completion has aided many of our educational and congregational life efforts. The building of the new, enlarged playground for our children has been another wonderful addition.

In our adult education classes for Sunday School two new programs were begun in education. Beginning last September, two classes of Kerygma: Discovering the Bible have been flourishing with about 50 adults participating in this intensive, weekly Bible study. Faith/Now: Christians Respond to Real Life Issues is another new adult class dealing with current issues.

In our Sunday School and Salt and Light Co. education classes for elementary children, we began the innovative Workshop/Rotation Model. Several classrooms were physically transformed into the Temple, Cinema, Playhouse, Art Gallery and Bakery. Kids have 3-week units of study while rotating through the new workshops and interactive learning using all the seven intelligences. This has been fun and exciting - and already we see better retention by the kids. They love it!

Last January, our committee began providing "Ideas for Parents" in the monthly Lantern. This newsletter published by Search Institute provides practical suggestions for building assets in children.

The biggest "ending" for all of us was Noelle Castin’s departure in August! For more than two years, Noelle provided direction, energy, imagination, and a witness to the gospel for our youth. There was a wonderful "send off" for her, but she is still missed. Our sponsors, Barry and Tammy Prahl and Linda and Howard Daniels have provided excellent leadership and continuity. They have been aided by Gary Gemoets, Nora Yaryan, Susan Sullivan and Randy Farmer in Bible study classes. The Salt and Light Co. and youth fellowship groups continue to draw new people and plan for future events.

Of course, there were many other events: conferences, retreats, an Easter play, a Christmas program, mission suppers, a confirmation class, and Vacation Bible School. The life of our congregation has been busy as together we strive to learn more, know Jesus better, and serve more effectively as his disciples in the world. If you haven’t joined any of these efforts yet, come on board now! There’s work and rewards ahead for everyone!

Serving with you,


Jackie Poling

Director of Education & Congregational Life



1997 was another good year for the mid-school and senior high youth groups. There was growth in personal faith, discipleship, fellowship, and numbers. There were 3 girls from mid-school who were confirmed last spring and 2 senior high youth who were baptized. The year began with the winter retreats at Lone Tree Ranch where 15 senior high youth and 12 mid-school youth enjoyed themselves. The kids were challenged to use the year by concentrating efforts on group fellowship and caring for and about one another.


Last June was busy for the senior high. First they were teachers for Vacation Bible School here at home, then 15 kids took the same lessons on the mission trip. Again, they went to the Navajo Indian Reservation in Indian Wells, Arizona where they presented VBS and built a playground for the Presbyterian Church there - the only playground for many miles around! Also, in June, 7 youth went with Howard Daniels and Noelle to the first-ever Montreat-West Youth Conference in Fort Collins, CO. It was an awesome event as 600 Presbyterian youth from across the country gathered to praise God and deepen their faith in Jesus Christ.


The mid-school youth had a new experience when they attended the Junior High Jubilee at Mo-Ranch in the hill country of Texas. This large camp experience was a blast for the 11 kids who went with Noelle and Tammy and Barry Prahl. They also learned more about Christian fellowship and knowing Jesus better.


Our Presbytery’s Camp Chimney Spring had a good summer. We had several mid-school, senior high, and elementary kids attend various camps. Because our church is a covenant member, we are able to provide discounts in fees for our campers, help with capital improvements and help put CCS on a sounder financial footing. It is exciting to have Ray Carter and Charlie Yaryan serve on the CCS Board of Directors and Barry Prahl serve on the CCS Camping Committee. The quality of the programs provided just keeps improving!


The foundation for our active youth programs continues to be our weekly Salt and Light Co.

meetings. In 1997 we had more mid-school and senior high youth registered than ever before. Their attendance is regular and this leads to increased participation in other church and youth activities. We even continued through May last spring because the kids didn’t want Salt and Light to stop!


There were two more Presbytery-wide events for Presbytery Youth Connection (PYC) in 1997. In the spring, kids gathered for fun, study and worship in Carlsbad and in the fall they met in Ruidoso. The Daniels and Prahls took 3-4 car loads of our youth to these events. Nicole Rawson continues to be co-moderator and works hard to plan these events.


Of course, the biggest - and saddest - event for all the youth and sponsors was Noelle’s farewell in August. What a shining light and witness to Jesus’ love she was for all of us! Her leadership and dedication were marvelous! She worked hard on the basics of Christian faith and group fellowship - good ground work was done. Now the Daniels and the Prahls, Randy Farmer, Nora Yaryan, Susan Sullivan, Gary Gemoets, and John Poling continue her excellent work. The youth groups are a strong and vital part of our congregation’s ministry in this community.


Thank you for all the encouragement and prayers you give our kids and sponsors. Your generous support makes their mission work and camps possible where they often take great leaps of faith in their commitment to serving Jesus Christ.

Jackie Poling, Interim Youth Director




Happy New Year from the Presbyterian and Disciples of Christ Campus Ministries meeting at the BRIDGE. We’ve enjoyed our second busiest fall on record in terms of participation and have had more contacts with students than ever before. Our praise band, Pressing On, is busy working towards a recording (hopefully a cassette and CD by May) and will be playing several engagements (by request) this spring, as well as providing our Coffee House with music. Below are just a few highlights worth noting.

Pressing On presented concerts for Presbytery, Synod, Presbyterian Women and the International Conference for Christian Social Workers as well as music for first service at Northminster Presbyterian Church each Sunday.

Our Coffee House ministry of outreach reached 80 new students.

Presbyterian Campus Ministry had 50 participants in our Kick Off BBQ, so I got to keep my hair this year.

It was another year of great intramural teams in soccer and basketball - and also some bowling.

Along with Wesley Center, we received over 500 lbs of food for Casa de Peregrinos from our 2nd Annual "Cans for Christ" program on October 31.

Several of our students are involved in Young Life meetings at the BRIDGE.

We enjoyed the retreat with Northminster at Lone Tree Bible Ranch,

With the help of Raylene and Jeff Wall, we got the student Habitat chapter rechartered,

We enjoyed about 20 in our spelunking adventure and retreat to Slaughter Canyon Cave,

We continued to participate in Northminster’s men’s group.

We had student-led Bible studies in the residence halls.

We communicated with 265 students encouraging church attendance, inviting them to our Wednesday night Coffee House and other activities. 65 participated at the BRIDGE.

We had 5 student interns, one in our Campus Minister Internship program which receives a stipend.

As we continue to grow in our programs, building on the gifts of the students who join in our mission, we are excited and thankful for the continued support in prayers and donations from the extra-commitment churches like First Presbyterian. As our funding from Presbytery has continued to decline ($3,000 in 1998) we have truly been blessed to continue to end each year in the "black" and this year was no exception. This was thanks in part to your donations. We appreciate your support!!!


David K. Sallee, Moderator

Presbyterian Campus Ministry - NMSU at the BRIDGE



1. Members of the Board of Deacons were:

Class of 1997 Class of 1998 Class of 1999

Rex Alford Mary Ferguson Al Johnson

Alice Cooper Jonathan Parks John LaVerne

Ernie Durant Carol Peterson Mel Parish

Dennis Gurnea Rusty Smith Mary Ruoff

Ruth Ford Daniel Topley Janice Sherman

Emma Walker Fred Yanker Cindy Watkins

(Four Deacons resigned during 1997: Rex Alford - replaced by Lyn Ames, Mary Ferguson - replaced by Peggy White, Jonathan Parks - replaced by Harry Topley, and Janice Sherman.)

2. 1997 Officers and Committee Members were:

A. Officers:

Moderator: Carol Peterson

Secretary: Alice Cooper

Treasurer: Mel Parish

B. Deacon Committees:

Benevolence & Concerns - Mel Parish - Chairperson; Ruth Ford

Soup Kitchen - Alice Cooper - Chairperson; Peggy White

Homebound Visitation - Ruth Ford - Chairperson

Hospital Visitation - Emma Walker - Chairperson; Mel Parish

Agape Caregivers - Carol Peterson - Coordinator; Cindy Watkins

Guest Visitation - Mary Ruoff - Chairperson

Ushering - Alice Cooper - Chairperson; Peggy White

Greeting - John LaVerne - Chairperson; Fred Yanker, Lyn Ames

Transportation - Cindy Watkins - Chairperson; Rusty Smith, Harry Topley, Ernie Durant, Dennis Gurnea

Transient Meals - Alice Cooper - Chairperson; Fred Yanker, Peggy White

Tape Duplicating - Daniel Topley - Chairperson; Al Johnson

Special Events - Rusty Smith - Chairperson; Daniel Topley, Lyn Ames

C. Representatives to Session Committees:

Administration - Mel Parish

Building and Grounds - Al Johnson and Ernie Durant

Congregational Life - Rusty Smith and Peggy White

Evangelism - Mary Ruoff

Christian Education - Daniel Topley and Emma Walker

Missions - Al Johnson

Worship - Ruth Ford

Nominating - Ruth Ford

 3. Highlights of Deacons’ activities were:

A. Benevolence & Concerns: Disbursed cash gifts and donations to needy

individuals and local charities as follows:

1.) Emergency Assistance $3,300.00

2.) Sack Lunches $ 321.45

3.) Family Aid $ 545.53

4.) El Caldito (soup kitchen) $ 914.59

5.) Christmas Hospice Outreach $1,232.11*


*(all Hospice bills not received and paid as of 1/15/98

B. Soup Kitchen: Managed 3 teams of congregational members and Deacons in support of the community soup kitchen at St. Andrews Episcopal Church. Several congregational members and church organizations gave generously to support this effort.

C. Shut-In Visitation: Both congregation members and Deacons visited and assisted

approximately 20 different shut-in members during 1998. Also, this committee delivered Easter lilies at Easter and poinsettias at Christmas to each shut-in.

D. Hospital Visitation: Provided 50+ visits, cards, spiritual pamphlets, and 72 flower

arrangements to hospitalized members of our congregation.

E. Agape Caregivers: Provided 45+ family units with spiritual books and pamphlets for grief and loss. Also, provided one-on-one visits with members and non-members requesting further bereavement counseling. Made referrals to local support agencies when requested. Five persons from our congregation attended two local "Loss and Grief" seminars. There were two instructional meetings held for Deacons and the Agape Caregivers. John Poling gave a class at Memorial Medical Center for proper hospital visitation procedures and protocol. Carol Peterson gave a class on "Children Mourning", based on a video from the Hospice Foundation of America. There are 12 congregational members active with the Agape Caregivers.

F. Ushering: Deacon teams served as ushers at all Sunday services, and special worship services, including Christmas Eve. At Rev. Poling’s request, ushers also served at funeral services.

G. Greeting: This committee recruited and scheduled greeters each Sunday for the three Sanctuary doors. Every effort was made to involve as many congregation members as possible.

H. Transportation: Transportation was arranged for those who needed it for regular worship services. The church van, driven by Deacons, made regularly scheduled pick- ups for Sunday worship and for special worship services for people at University Terrace who are unable to drive. New aluminum stairs for assisting the elderly and handicapped in and out of the van were made by Deacon/church members.

I. Transient Meals: This committee prepared sack lunches for transient individuals or families who stopped by the church for food assistance.

J. Tape Duplicating: This committee made a minimum of three copies of each regular and special church service throughout the year. These copies were available for hospitalized and shut-in church members as well as other church members who requested.

L. Special Events:

1.) The Annual Family Mountain Retreat was held at Camp Chimney Spring, July 22-24. 22 persons stayed overnight in cabins and individual camping units; trailers and tents. 35 persons attended the Sunday worship service led by

Rev. Joe Walstad. Miriam Walstad provided the music. Other events included repeats of a watermelon seed spitting contest, potluck supper, singing around the campfire led by Kathy Pleasant and Megan Holt, and a Sunday morning pancake breakfast. Saturday Bible study and children’s activities were attended by 28 people.

2.) The Deacons’ Annual Hamburger Fry was held in October. Approximately 150 persons attended. This is the Deacons’ primary annual fund raiser. The

hamburgers were generously donated by a member in the congregation.

The event raised $984.18 for our benevolent activities.

3.) The Deacons provided the traditional luminarias for the Christmas Eve Service. Church youth helped with placing and lighting the luminarias.

4.) The 2nd Annual Christmas Hospice Outreach Program was again sponsored by the Deacons. We adopted 11 families through Mesilla Valley Hospice. With the generosity of church members and friends we were able to provide Christmas dinner, food baskets, and presents to everyone in each family. 7 families were given trees with lights and decorations.

The Board of Deacons would like to take this opportunity to thank the congregation for its continued support. We had a busy and rewarding 1997 because of your generosity, volunteer time, and attendance at our projects.

Submitted by Carol Peterson

1997 Moderator of the Deacons



A. MEMBERSHIP, January 1, 1997 493


Received on Profession of Faith 3

Received by Church Letter 17

Received by Reaffirmation of Faith 8

Restored to Active Roll 2 +30


Transferred by Letter 6

Removed due to Death 5

Transferred to Inactive Roll 45

Removed from Active Roll 0 -56

MEMBERSHIP, December 31, 1997 467



B. Two Stated Congregational Meetings were held during the year and one Called Congregational Meeting. The Session had eleven stated meetings, thirteen called meetings, and one joint meeting with the Board of Deacons.


Class of 1997 Class of 1998 Class of 1998

Garnett Burks Alex Burr Nancy French

Larry Cooper Maureen Patton Jerry Grandle

Steve Loman Evelyn Horst Jeff Kramer

Barney Rawson Norm Lownds John Tomlin

Julie Terrell Tommy Matkin Patricia Tomlin

Robert Watkins Stan Smith Marsha Topley


Administration Missions Worship & Music

Barney Rawson John Tomlin Maureen Patton

Garnett Burks Alex Burr Jeff Kramer

Stan Smith Robert Watkins

Buildings & Grounds Congregational Life Clerk of Session

Jerry Grandle Julie Terrell Larry Cooper

Steve Loman Nancy French

Tommy Matkin

Christian Education Evangelism Personnel

Patricia Tomlin Evelyn Horst Marsha Topley

Norm Lownds Barney Rawson

Marsha Topley


Members: Elder Barney Rawson, Chairman; Elders Stan Smith and Garnett Burks; Deacon Mel Parish; John Poling, ex officio

With the exception of two regular meetings early in the year and meetings connected with staffing decisions, most of the daily business operations were handled by the staff and monitored by John Poling. We handled routine committee decisions - such as building use requests by groups from outside the church - by phone. In looking closely at the requests, we approved many, but turned down some that seemed inappropriate.

We bid farewell to two valued staff members this year. Dutch Matkin retired at the end of April after fifteen years of excellent service as secretary/office manager. The dinner celebration of her work with us was a joy. We we were pleased to present her with a special gift from the congregation for travel together with her husband, Tommy. Noelle Castin completed a bonus second year of service as Youth Director in August (she’d originally agreed to come just for a year) before heading on to a long-anticipated move to Europe to explore secular work experiences. Again, we celebrated her fine work among us and gave presents appropriate for her next adventures.

We’ve welcomed Tammy Prahl to the secretary/office manager post and have been pleased with her function in this vital production and communication area. The Associate Pastor Nominating Committee is underway in its search for a person to combine the Youth Director responsibilities with general pastoral care and worship leadership.

The most significant purchase of office equipment this year was the new copier, using funds saved up in our interest account for such a purpose invested with The Presbyterian Foundation. Our former machine was right at 1,000,000 copies!

We converted two donations of stocks into cash (roughly $9,000) in the fall to assure that we would maintain adequate cash flow at the close of the year. These stocks were originally given in fulfillment of pledges to the general fund.

Our stewardship campaign this fall was a low-key approach with mailings, a church newsletter article and Focus on Mission commentary during the worship services. The Session had initially chosen a more interactive approach of in-home visitation and a congregational meeting, but decided not to use it this year.

The First Presbyterian Church of Las Cruces Foundation was not emphasized this year, but will be presented more actively in 1998.

Respectfully submitted,

Barney Rawson



1997 was a busy year for Buildings and Grounds. We accomplished three major projects with the help and support of the congregation, both financial and work on site.

We have:

1. Remodeled and enlarged our kitchen, where it can more easily meet our

congregation’s growing needs. Donations to the kitchen fund exceeded $39,000. Thank you!

2. Repainted the exterior trim and doors of all our buildings.

3. Installed a pump in the well at the NW corner of our property to allow us to water our beautiful landscaping at much less cost every month.


Over the year we have also continued to maintain and repair our 30+-year-old facility, in which mechanical needs will continue to grow. Some long-term future plans should include:

1) upgraded lighting in the sanctuary 2) repaving our parking lots 3) replacing the wood shingle roof on the sanctuary.

For the kitchen renovation, Buildings and Grounds wishes to thank the whole congregation for their generous contributions. The Fundraising Committee under the leadership of Kennett Melgaard did a great job. Many, many thanks to all the people who gave hours of labor and construction process. And special thanks goes to Charlie Yaryan and Robert McPherson who carried the kitchen renovation to completion.

Respectfully submitted,

Jerry Grandle, Chairman

Steve Loman

Tommy Matkin

Al Johnson

Ernie Durant



Members: Patricia Tomlin, Chairperson; Norm Lownds, Noelle Castin, Sue Carter, Margie Rankin, Joyce Gemoets, MarshaTopley, Daniel Topley, Jackie Poling, ex officio. Norm and Noelle moved out of town and were not part of the committee after August.

The Christian Education Committee had a wonderful year planning and initiating programs and events that inspired and enriched our lives. The following are some of the highlights of the 1997 year:

* Our Sunday morning classes showed increased attendance in part due to wonderful adult classes including:

Studies of I Samuel & Isaiah by Dick Dale

Temptation (Lent) by John Poling

Peter and Paul by Mell Peterson

Active Parenting by Gary Gemoets

Kerygma: Discovering the Bible by Nancy French, Marcus Burr (also offered by John Poling on Wednesdays)

Faith Now! (current issues) by Mel Parish

Wrestling with Angels by Nancy French & Marsha Topley

God in the Flesh (Advent) by John Poling

* Adapting the Workshop/Rotation Model, the Christian Education Committee has begun an exciting new approach to Christian Education for the children in our Sunday School and Salt & Light Co. This multiple intelligences/multiple sensory approach recognizes that children learn best when all their senses are engaged - seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. Each workshop uses a different medium to enhance each child’s individual learning potential! We thank all the teachers and people who helped create the new classrooms for the children and youth of our church. The Disciples Avenue

consists of a Cinema, Temple, Art Gallery, Playhouse, and Bakery.

* The playground was completed this summer and looks spectacular. The kids have more space and fun with the new equipment. Special thanks to Randy Farmer and The Greenhouse.

* Vacation Bible School (Circle of Friends Ranch) was a wonderful experience for our kids! The senior high youth did a great job of teaching under Margie Rankin’s direction.

* Mid-Schoolers attended Mo-Ranch over the July 4th weekend.

* Seven senior highs attended Montreat-West; 15 participated and conducted a VBS and built a playground in Indian Wells, AZ. The senior highs also put on an Easter production, "Live...from Golgotha" that was outstanding.

* We said "good-bye" to Noelle Castin in August. She is a great teacher and was an inspiration to all of our youth.

We can never mention everything that occurred this past year but we can thank everyone that helped make 1997 memorable. Together, as followers in Christ, we can use our talents and gifts to serve God. Whatever he has given us we must be willing to use, however insignificant it may appear. Please join us as we study, work and worship together.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Tomlin, Chairperson



Our mid-week program, the Salt & Light Co., continues to be a dynamic ministry for Christian nurture and outreach of our children and youth. We are mission members of LOGOS Associates, an interdenominational, international program of youth ministry. Started here in January 1992, in the beginning our enrollment was primarily elementary children. Now we have more kids in mid-school and senior high! We have very regular attendance of the 70+ kids registered. The kids want to be here together! In fact, we continued clear through May this year for the youth to keep meeting each Wednesday.

The elementary and Illuminate! choirs are visible reminders in our worship service of the discipling going on in the program. Many, many adult volunteers in the congregation make this happen - not just parents of the kids. The Board of Directors provides direction and decision making. Sue Carter, the director, and I provide the administration. We miss Noelle Castin since August, but our youth sponsors are doing a tremendous job. Five kitchen crews (about 60 volunteers) under the management of Jacque Parks provide delicious dinners every Wednesday.

We invite you to visit on Wednesday and see what is happening. If you aren’t involved yet, give it a try!

Jackie Poling

Director of Christian Education

Board Members:

Sue Carter - Director Jacque Parks

Cindy Farmer - Treasurer Joyce Gemoets

Betsy Holt - Secretary Jane Gurnea

Beth Borchert Susan Grandle

Barry Prahl Howard Daniels

Tammy Prahl Linda Daniels

Peggy White Susan Sullivan

Jackie Poling - ex officio




Members: Evelyn Horst, Elder; Mary Ruoff, Deacon; Sunny Parish and Mell Peterson, members from the congregation.

Three welcome dinners for visitors and new church members were held during the year. Our thanks to Bob and Jet Dunbar, Joel and Patricia Tomlin, and Otis and Pauline Farmer for hosting these dinners in their homes.

Attendance statistics for members and visitors were compiled from the friendship sheets which are signed by those attending church each Sunday. The average number of visitors each Sunday during 1997 was 48.

A notice of church services was published each week on the religion page of the Las Cruces Sun News. Occasionally display advertising for special services was published in other sections of the newspaper. In cooperation with Northminster Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Campus Ministry, a schedule of services was published in the yellow pages of the telephone directory.

Evelyn Horst,



Members: John Tomlin, Chair.; Alex Burr, Vice-Chair.; Al Johnson, Charlie Stone, Gordon Hoff, Hank Stephenson, Bruce Griffith.


The new year was started off by the Pastor opening discussion of the proposed outlook and goals for this committee for 1997.


In March the Committee on Evangelism requested that they be given a statement of this committee’s mission. Hank Stephenson drafted the response and forwarded it to Chairperson Evelyn Horst. Part of the statement dealt with the desire of the committee to educate our congregation to the persecution of Christians throughout the world.


In April Vice Chairman Burr proposed that we try to get church members more involved in the committee’s mission by introducing the concept of individual mission projects which could be accomplished by one or two persons working together at their own pace. Several projects were identified as follows:

Local prison inmate and dependents mission needs.

Investigate need for a Hispanic Presbyterian Church in East Las Cruces.

Develop a means of reporting the work of the missionaries supported by our congregation.

Determine the mission needs of the Indians of Mexico through the Charles H. Diebold Mission.

Determine which needs of the homeless in our community we can best address.


In August the plan for offering individual mission projects to the congregation was approved, in concept, by the Session.


In September the Mission Committee was requested, by the Worship Committee, to come up with flags from each of the countries where our church provides mission support. The flags were to be displayed in the sanctuary on World Communion Sunday. Such flags were obtained and elicited much interest when displayed.


In June we were informed of the move of Phillip and Janice Wickeri from their work in Hong Kong and China to the faculty at San Francisco Seminary. The process of picking a replacement for our support has begun. It was planned that November 2 would be the day that Hank Stephenson would present the Individual Mission Project concept to the congregation. He read the plan from the pulpit during the Sunday service. The committee heard from Rev. Poling about an Internet site sponsored by Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship for information about our approach to "Unreached Peoples" of the world.


In November the annual budget was reviewed with the ground rule that Missions would receive no increase in the amount, but should reallocate funds as we saw fit.



Respectfully submitted,

Al Johnson



Members: Marsha Topley- Chairperson, Elder

Elder - Barney Rawson

Deacon - Ruth Ford

Congregation-at-large - JoAnn Thomas, Jet Dunbar, Joyce Gemoets, Harriet Johnson

The committee first met in March to fill vacancies on the Board of Deacons. Harry Topley and Peggy White were nominated to replace Mary Ferguson and Jonathan Parks. They were elected by the congregation on April 6, 1997.

The committee met several times during November to make nominations for replacement of several Elders and Deacons as well as to fill the incoming classes of 2000.

The committee nominated the following for the Class of 2000:

Elders: Deacons:

Donald Rubart Bob Aikin

Matt Holt David Curtiss

Hank Stephenson Emma Walker

Evelyn Horst - continuing into the first year Betty Gallaher

of Class of 2000 Shirley McDowell

Betsy Holt

Nominated for the Class of 1998:


Art Garcia

Fred Lemon

Nominated for the Class of 1999:


Dutch Matkin

All but Hank Stephenson, Dutch Matkin and Betsy Holt were elected at the congregational meeting on November 2, 1997. These people will come up for election on February 1.

The chairperson would like to thank the committee members for their attendance at the meetings, their prayers, dedication, and service to this committee and the church.

Respectfully submitted,

Marsha Topley, Chairperson



Members: Elders: Julie Terrell, Nancy French

Deacon: Rusty Smith

Congregation-at-large: Nancy Cobble, Arnold & Cheri McMillan, Bill

and Wanda McNeil, JoAnn Miller, Ted & Mariann Novack, John & Maureen Patton, Lorene Townsend, Marianne Day Watson

The committee furnished supplies and with the help of many church members, served beverages (coffee, tea and lemonade) and cookies for the fellowship hour after worship for 50 Sundays. The committee sponsored three summer picnics on June 15, July 20 and August 24 and prepared directory inserts introducing new members and communicants.

Other activities included support, supplies and assistance as needed for:

Fund-raisers presented by the youth groups, Deacons’ Hamburger Fry;

Easter Sunday breakfast presented by the Men’s Fellowship group;

Pentecost Celebration in May; congregational potluck dinners; farewell dinners for Dutch Matkin and Noelle Castin; reception for Keith and Vera Seelig.

The Nurture Committee sponsored the second annual All-Church Holiday Progressive Dinner in December. A large group, 72, attended and it was enjoyed by all.

The Committee wishes to thank the following people for their hospitality to our worshipping congregation in 1997 by providing the After-Worship Fellowships:

Bobby & Margie Rankin Lyn & Judith Ames

Joel & Patricia Tomlin Jim & Jacque Parks

Alex & Marjorie Burr John & Melanie Grant

Nancy & Milan Cobble Howard & Linda Daniels

Don & Jean Rhodes Steve & Pam Newby

Stan & Sonya Smith Gene & Eileen Hood

Bruce & Peggy White Mell & Carol Peterson

Jean & Skip Wertz Emily Short

Art & Lynda Garcia Caroline Darr

Beverly & Pam Briggs Juanita & Clyde Treat

Rayma Claessen Johanna Miller

Lois Peterson Nancy French

Bill & Colleen Gould Marsha Topley

Otis & Pauline Farmer Archie & Mary Beckett

Julie Terrell Arnold & Cheri McMillan

JoAnn Thomas Steve, Doris, Roslynn, Jason & Eric Silva

Robert & Janet McPherson Presbyterian Women

John & Maureen Patton Christian Education Committee

Ray & Sue Carter Vine & Branches

Bill & Wanda McNeil

These After-Worship Fellowship times are vital to our evangelism efforts. Please consider signing up to host one Sunday in 1998!

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy French, Chairperson






Desert Cruisers met at noon in Reeves Hall for potluck luncheons on the 4th Monday of January, February, March, April, September, October and November. Officers were as follows: Skippers Carl and Frances Shuster; First Mates Earl and Ann Jacobi; Pursers Maurice and Jean Hiers; Loggers Al and Harriet Johnson. Officers for 1998 will remain the same as for 1997. Dues are $2.00 per person per year and membership is open to all singles and couples. A variety of interesting programs were presented throughout the year. Donations from the treasury were made as follows: $50 to the John Hyson School at Chimayo and $25 to the Las Cruces Hospice Program.

Harriet Johnson, Logger


This past year our activities included attending community theater productions, a pregame picnic for an NMSU football game, game nights, potlucks, a Christmas party and a trip to Branson, MO. We met at the church, restaurants, homes and had lots of fun, food and good Christian fellowship. Please join us in 1998 for our regular meetings, the 4th Friday of each month and going out-to-lunch after worship on the 3rd Sunday of each month.

Jim and Jacque Parks


We enjoyed a variety of activities throughout the year. We had a tailgate party before an Aggie game, attended Mayfield High School’s production of "The Madrigal Mirage", enjoyed a swimming party, and saw a Diablo baseball game. On St. Patrick’s Day, we got together for a "dress a potato" contest.

Childcare is provided for events that kids do not attend. Parents and young couples are encouraged to join the fun and fellowship every month.

Patricia Tomlin



Members: Jeff Kramer, Chairman; Beth Borchert & Janet Loman, staff; Ruth Ford, Robert Watkins, Arnold McMillan, Maureen Patton, Lorene Townsend, Donna Mathis, Mariann Novack and John Poling, ex officio.

On Pentecost Sunday, the Worship and Music Committee along with Nurture and Christian Education, the music staff, the choir, and youth of our church led our congregation in celebrating the birthday of the Church. The Senior High youth provided delicious food for a noon picnic.

Communion was served each month. Following the communion service, in the Sanctuary, prayers for wholeness and healing were offered for friends and members. A significant change in dates of communion was proposed by the committee and approved by Session for 1998.

October 4th was World Communion Sunday. We celebrated with a special flag processional recognizing the various locations throughout the world where our congregation supports missionaries. The special communion service featured different breads from throughout the world to emphasize the international community of Christianity.

The Worship and Music Committee would like to send a special thanks to all the persons who served as liturgists, those that helped prepare and serve communion, the persons that operated our sound system during the year, our organist, our music directors, Chancel Choir, the children’s choir and Illuminate! youth choir, and all others that participated in bringing us special music and helped in our worship services during the year.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeff Kramer, Chairman


Membership in Presbyterian Women is open to all women. Presbyterian Women in the congregation, Presbytery, Synod and across the church support the mission of the church at home and worldwide through participation in local circles and guilds, as well as in local, regional and churchwide Gatherings and as leaders on PW Coordinating Teams.

Circles and guilds meet monthly to nurture faith through prayer, Bible study and discussions. Monthly Gatherings for all Presbyterian women are planned by an elected Coordinating Team. The Gathering programs are diverse in nature to represent the many needs and interests of Presbyterian women in our congregation. PW "mini-courses" were introduced this fall.

PW Activities:

PW funds allocated to local and churchwide missions.

PW sewing program for mission projects.

Memorial Student Aid Fund for our congregation’s college students.

PW Reception Committee coordinates church receptions.

PW Programs:

February 8, 1997 - PW Annual Retreat, "Coming Home" Vera Seelig, speaker.

February 18, 1997 - Gathering: Sewing project and potato bar luncheon.

March 18, 1997 - Gathering: coffee & program, "China, Another World" by Beverly Briggs.

April 12, 1997 - PW Cluster meeting & program - Northminster Presbyterian Church.

April 19, 1997 - PW Spring Luncheon - Birthday Offering dedication, officer installation. Lifetime honorarium presented to Joyce Blechinger.

July 9-13, 1997 - Presbyterian Women Churchwide Gathering in Louisville, KY; Janet McPherson was our nominee as "Honored Witness" in the "Cloud of Witnesses". Eight women attended from First Presbyterian.

August 19, 1997 - Gathering: coffee & program, "Highlights from the Churchwide Gathering" done with song, dance, drama and reports by women who attended."

September 19, 1997 - Gathering: luncheon & program, Horizon’s drama and introduction to 1997-98 PW Mini-Courses. Lifetime honorarium presented to Jacque Parks.

October 1997 - PW Mini-Course, "Making a Quillow" with Janet McPherson

October 21, 1997 - Gathering: potato bar and Apostles’ Spoons program.

November, 1997 - PW Mini Course, "Women’s Health Issues" with Jean Wertz.

November 18, 1997 - Gathering: PW coffee and mission program, Thank Offering dedicated.

November 23, 1997 - PW Annual Auction, fundraiser for mission and program.

December 16, 1997 - Gathering: PW Christmas Coffee.

PW Coordinating Team Officers:

Moderator - Beverly Briggs Treasurer - Kathy Tucker

Vice Moderator - Sue Carter Ex Officio - Caroline Darr

Secretary - Alice Cooper Jackie Poling

 Committee Coordinators:

Search - Rayma Claessen Student Aid - Sunny Parish

Mission - Sue Kramer Kitchen - Lois Welles

Fellowship - Sunny Parish Studies - Caroline Darr

Finance - Kathy Tucker Flowers - Frances Shuster

Program - Janet McPherson Historian - Joan Lemon

Receptions - Joan Lemon Scrapbook - Jean Wertz

Evelyn Horst

Retreat - Sue Carter

Circle and Guild Coordinators:

Grace Circle - Alice Cooper Circles I & II - Miriam Walstad &

Circle II - Joan Lemon Evelyn Horst

Mary Martha Circle - Morning Circle - Ruth Ford

Beverly Briggs & Wanda McNeil Westminster Guild II - Lois Peterson

Respectfully submitted,

Beverly Briggs




In 1997, the Annual Women’s Retreat became a winter retreat and took place on February 8, 1997. Vera Seelig, founder of these annual retreats and wife of the previous pastor, Keith Seelig, was the inspiring speaker. Her theme was "Coming Home." Beautiful music was provided by Judy Riffel, Vera’s daughter, and Leila Fields, concert pianist. Under the direction of Jean Wertz and Mary Beckett and with help from many women as well as monetary gifts from individuals and Presbyterian Women, the retreat was a grand success! Everyone is looking forward to the second winter retreat on February 21, 1998.



The Presbyterian Women are the custodians of the Memorial Student Aid Fund which was established in 1969 with the $2,000 the College Circle received from the sale of the "old" manse. This fund has now been invested in The Presbyterian Foundation which yields a better return on investments than a Certificate of Deposit in a local financial institution. The income from the investment is used to provide scholarships to church members who are college students. Memorials or donations are welcome to help this fund grow.

Respectfully submitted,

Sunny Parish


Members who passed away in 1997:


Bessie Christopher

Ula Mae Garrett

Beryl Eulalel "Peggy" Haas

Roderick Shannon

Frances Wilson Stucky


"For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39


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