First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

Session Committee:  MISSION Team


Ministry Team Members:

Tommy Matkin, Moderator; Rosemary Maddox, Recording Secretary; Alex Burr; Dutch Matkin; Robert McPherson; Bruce Pearson; Robert Taylor; Clint Woodward.

One of the highlights of the Mission Ministry Team is our visiting missionaries from around the world. In 2008 we had visits from:

1) John Haspels filled the pulpit on January 13, 2008, and made an after-worship presentation about his mission in Ethiopia.

2) Doug Barron, visiting on January 20, gave the minute for mission during worship and presented a program after worship explaining mission work done by him and his wife Sherrie through Campus Crusade for Christ.

3) Ron & Donna Pontier and their daughter Brianna visited on July 20. Ron filled the pulpit and made a presentation explaining their work in Central African Republic with AIM/AIR. Donna arranged a display of African made articles to enhance Ron’s presentation.

4) Don & Kim Lytton were with us in August. Kim shared her musical talents during worship and Don visited with the Mission Ministry Team.

A mission team of adults from St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Albuquerque, working on a water project for Mesquite, NM, were welcomed and housed by members of our congregation during their time in our area.

Ann Blakely, of our congregation, and Judy Kemper, of Sonoma Ranch Presbyterian Church, made an after-worship presentation on September 28 sponsored by the Mission Ministry Team. Their presentation was on a Synod-sponsored mission program “Beyond Our Borders” which is a focus on immigration. Ms Julia Thorn, PCUSA Immigration attorney, did a minute for mission during worship and an after-church presentation in conjunction with the other two ladies.

Each member of the mission team corresponds with three to four of our missionaries in the field to stay informed of their needs and activities. This fulfilled our #1 goal for 2008: to keep the congregation informed of mission activities. Another goal set for 2008 was to update our Missions Directory; articles were gathered in November and the directory will

be published in early 2009. Our other goal was to work with Salt & Light and Vacation Bible School when asked.

The Mission Ministry Team sponsors four special offerings for the General Assembly of the PCUSA. They are: One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost Offering, Peacemaking Offering, Joy Offering. Our portion from the Pentecost Offering ($652) was given to our Spanish congregation; our share of the Peacemaking Offering ($161) was given to La Casa of the Cristo Rey Border Ministry.

The Proposed Mission Budget for 2009 is $50,875, which reflects a 5% increase for our missionaries. The loss of two missionaries during 2008 allowed this increase. We appreciate the generosity of our church family to the mission program.

Tommy Matkin, Moderator

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Last update 2009-08-12 22:55:47