First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

Selections from The Lantern, May and June 2000. The Lantern is the monthly newsletter of the First Presbyterian Church.

By Lantern Light: "Maturing"


If not now, when? Maturing is an often underestimated process. Sometimes we expect "maturity" to develop simultaneously with size: ask any teenager who has experienced a growth spurt and finds (ready or not!) larger responsibilities in his or her life. Sometimes we confuse maturity with age: ask any person married to a perennial

12-year-old. Maturity may come with both the gaining of size and the passage of time, but there is no guarantee. It may develop ahead of either size or age. It may also be resisted. I suspect that many Christians prefer immaturity in the faith and perpetuate it through willful ignorance.

In a time when continuing education is a built-in aspect of many careers, should we be surprised to find that there is a need for continuing education in the Christian faith? Our faith may be simple (for example, a simple childlike trust in God) without being childish or simplistic. Since we are daily required to consider complex issues and make moral choices on a regular basis, Christians can't afford to cherish opinions over knowledge.

We are called by Christ into a relationship which is one of continuing education and maturing: being drawn into a deeper and broader maturity as we stand under (understand) his authority and truth. In his company, we are encouraged to face up to ourselves and our tasks; to accept others and accept his forgiveness of us; to more boldly state our faith in him; to shape our lives to his purpose for them.

Fortunately, there are tremendous resources available to us in the life of the church, in the study of scriptures and in the presence of the Spirit. We have been given each other and we have been given the Gospel.

The words to Timothy (who was mature in faith beyond his years) are to us as well: "Let no one slight you because you are young, but make yourself an example to believers in speech and behavior, in love, fidelity and purity."

Are you ready - in your season of maturity in the faith - to study Christ, to speak helpfully to those who ask about him and to act in ways that show his lordship? Let no one slight you because you are young (or old). Don't slight yourself. You have what it takes to witness to Christ. You can learn more.

Maturing, you find you have what it takes!

Yours in Christ,

John Clark Poling

New Adult Course for Sunday mornings!

May 7 - June 11

9:00 - 10:15 in Jones Hall #110

Leader: Marsha Topley

In this stimulating video series, Martin Marty, an ordained minister and renowned authority on religion and ethics in America, will join theologian and scholar, David Clark, in examining issues that Christians must deal with in their everyday lives. The weekly topics include:

The Mind: Conformed or Transformed? Are we to be conformed to the values and morals of culture? Or are we to be transformed by our faith?

The Body: Idol or Temple? Is the

physical body an idol to be worshipped? Or is the body. . . like a temple. . . meant to reflect our worship of God?

Work: Calling or Curse? Is work. . .

everyday secular work. . .a calling? Or is work. . .menial, mindless, one-thing-after-another work. . . a curse?

Wealth: Blessing or Barrier?

Is wealth a blessing from God? Or

is wealth a barrier. . .like a camel going through the eye of a needle?

The Neighbor: Stranger or Friend?

Are we to treat those who are different than as strangers? Or are we to reach out and befriend them?

Technology: Servant or Master? Is

technology a servant to make us more efficient and effective? Or is technology becoming our master?

These challenging conflicts will be explored with a variety of guests. Each week's study stands on it own, so join the class whenever you are in town or feeling able!


Who Are They?

The church office needs to know now!!

If you are, or you know of, a graduating senior this spring or last December, please call 526-5559 right away. This would include high school and college graduates.

A special recognition and reception is planned for May 21 in worship.

before worship on May 14.)




Vine and Branches

This active fellowship group of parents and young couples are camping with their families at City of Rocks on May 5-7! Watch the Sunday bulletin for their next event in June - you won't want to miss it!



This fellowship group of "empty nesters" (singles and couples) meets each month for different activities. This month, they will meet at the home of Gene and Eileen Hood for a potluck on Friday, May 26 at 6:30.

Desert Cruisers

This group of retired people (singles and couples) will meet on May 22 at noon for a potluck lunch and program. Ann Degler will present the program, "Solo Flight".


Welcoming New Members!

People interested in joining with this congregation are invited to meet with the Session following worship on Sunday,

June 4. Public reception in worship will be on June 21.

An Inquirers' Class will be taught in the fall, but you are encouraged to formally join in our ministry as soon as you feel ready!






August 4-6

Sponsored by our Deacons, this is always a special time of fellowship in the cool, tall pines near Cloudcroft. There is plenty of space and activities for people of all ages! Mark your calendar now! More details and registration information will be in the next Lantern




9:00 A.M.

June 4, 11, 18, 25 and August 13, 20, 27

(no Sunday School in July or August 6)


Adults: "Between Two Altars" (new class!)

Jones #110


Senior High: Senior High Room

(Reeves #301)


Mid-School: Mid-School Room

(Reeves #316)


Pre-K through Grade 5: "Journey with

Joshua: Building Up God's Kingdom" (Gather in Watkins Hall)

Classes for children 4 years through adult! Childcare provided for infants and toddlers.





212th General Assembly

Long Beach, CA

June 24 - July 1

Please keep our denominational leaders and commissioners from Sierra Blanca Presbytery and across the country in your prayers.

 Presbyterian Women

Coordinating Team will meet on Tuesday, May 16 at 9:30 A.M. in the library.


Staff Changes

The Rev. Sue Spencer, our Associate Pastor and Youth Director, announced to the congregation in worship on April 9 that she is seeking a new call as solo pastor of a small congregation. She joined our pastoral staff in November, 1998 and feels that all her experience and learning with us has prepared and encouraged her for this new direction in her ministry. Please keep her in your prayers as she seeks God's will for her future.

At this time, the Session has decided to pursue hiring a full time youth director and not an ordained associate pastor for the immediate future. The Session authorized the Personnel Committee to search for a new youth director. They, in turn, appointed the following people to serve on that search committee: Matt Holt, Chairman, Barry Prahl, Margie Rankin, Naomi Gemoets, Lisa Farmer, and Joel Tomlin.

Working diligently and carefully as a committee and with Pastor John Poling, they have written a job description and circulated advertisements in various church publications and at several Presbyterian colleges as well as on the internet. Because this will not be a person with an ordained office, the congregation will only need to take action for hiring through its Session. The committee will keep the congregation informed.



Tammy Prahl, our church secretary, has accepted a new position with the investment company, Edward Jones, as a Branch Office Administrator. She has given notice effective May 17. Active leaders in our faith community and sponsors of our mid-school fellowship, Tammy and Barry Prahl will still be with us each week. However, we will all miss Tammy's cheerful greeting and bright smile as well as her efficient, professional skills in our office. We all wish her well in her new career!

The Session will appoint a new Personnel Committee at its next called meeting that will begin a search for a new church secretary.


New Staff Member


Laurie Norman recently joined our music staff as the pianist for the youth and children's choirs. She is a professional and very accomplished musician and a music teacher at Tombaugh Elementary School. Already she has used her talents and skill with our choir program in leading some exciting worship services since Palm Sunday! Laurie also played piano when our "band" provided music for the worship services of Sierra Blanca Presbytery meeting at Camp Chimney Spring on April 28-29.



Your generosity put us over the top of our goal again!! The offering collected for One Great Hour of Sharing was $10,072!!!

In the years ahead, once again the monies we collected this year will offer survival and hope to thousands of people around the world. Many, many thanks for helping spread the good news of Jesus' love and care!


Congregational News

Prayer concerns:

* Sara VanWart had her left foot amputated due to complications of her diabetes.

* Don Rubart is still in CCU and lonely! He can receive mail at:

Lovelace Medical Center

5400 Gibson Blvd. S.E.

Albuquerque, NM 87108

* John Hansaker and Mell Peterson are receiving chemotherapy treatment.


* Sallie Atha, Don Powell, and George Raitt, members and friends from our congregation, died during recent weeks. Please keep these families in your prayers.


Staff News

* John Poling and Sue Spencer at the Wee Kirk Conference in Glorietta May 2-5.

* John and Jackie Poling at Austin College in Texas for Amy's graduation

May 11-15.

* Kathy Tucker on vacation in Texas

May 24-31.

* Tammy Prahl's last day as church secretary will be May 17.

* John Poling and Sue Spencer leading mission trip to Juarez May 29-June 2.

* John and Jackie Poling on vacation in Arizona June 15-21.

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Last update 2002-06-24 12:44:12