First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

Selections from The Lantern, November 2000. The Lantern is the monthly newsletter of the First Presbyterian Church.

By Lantern Light: Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart

They didn’t look like themselves when they rang my doorbell on Halloween. The older ones shouted "Trick or Treat," and engaged in conversation while reaching into our old plastic Jack-0-Lantern for some candy or fruit. We tried to guess who they were if the voices were familiar. Then, moving quickly, most called back "Thank you" as they rush out of the courtyard. Smaller children in costume, with masks slipping sideways and leggings catching their feet, approached more slowly. We heard a parent or older sibling coaching ("go ahead, ring the bell…over there…it’s OK"). They jumped when I opened the door fast enough. "It’s not OK," they now think. Reassured again by their shepherds, they said "Trick or Treat" somewhere inside their masks. I waited until I could really hear them. Peering into the container, which is dark because of high sides and narrow hole, they took their chances in reaching into the unknown. With relief – and goodies transferred to their bag – they made their way toward the gate. One more instruction, and a choral "Thank You" bounced off the walls, punctuated by a wave, a stumble and a sleeve caught by the gate latch.

Saying "Thank you" is a learned behavior. It is taught. Some don’t teach it. Some don’t learn it. Even when learned, along with other mannerly things, it can take on the rattle of prayers said too fast and other automatic behaviors. As with other good habits, it can serve us and others well. But there is more. More to learn, more to teach, about the wellsprings of gratitude that have only partial expression in a voiced "Thank you."

The happiest, least anxious people I know are the most grateful. Gratitude has become foundational in how they greet the day and the neighbor and the Lord. Richard Foster talks about freedom from anxiety in a longer discussion of simplicity. He says that there are three inner attitudes from which this freedom springs:

If what we have we receive as a gift,

and what we have is to be cared for by God,

and if what we have is available to others,

then we will possess freedom from anxiety.


This core "Gratitude Attitude" is not advanced as a simplistic mantra, but offered by him as an encouraging outline for our growth from the joyful people of God who have preceded us. Jesus speaks directly in Matthew 6 about not being anxious, but instead seeking first God’s kingdom. Such wisdom takes awhile to share and learn. Those who have learned it best teach it best. Freedom from anxiety is the best indicator that we are actually seeking God’s kingdom first. Embracing this attitude and activity is difficult because we fear the future. We will cling to that fear out of necessity until we grow stronger in our belief that God is the loving creator that Jesus described.

It takes awhile, just as it will take awhile for the little ones at my door to receive assurance that it’s "OK" after all, to reach timidly into the dark, take hold of what is meant for them, and move along, saying "Thank you" on their own one day. It takes awhile for gratitude to push anxiety out of center stage in our lives. Maturity as Christians is specifically living grateful lives in response to all that God has done for us in Jesus Christ. Approaching Thanksgiving Day from the week of Halloween, it is good to remember that it is "All Hallows Eve;" that Holy Communion is also entitled "The Eucharist" (The Thanksgiving); and, that every child of God is welcomed at the door. It’s all far better than "OK," and we are recognized and called by name by the One who knows and loves us best.

Yours in Christ,

 John Clark Poling


Salt & Light Company

Christmas Musical

with children and youth

Sunday, December 17

Chili Supper at 5:00

Musical at 6:15

Presbyterian Women

Brown Bag Lunch

Guest Speaker: Judy Harvey

PC(USA) Missionary to Singapore

Tuesday, November 14

11:30 AM in Reeves Hall



8th Annual Christmas Auction

Sunday, November 19

3:00 PM in Watkins Hall

Hosted by Grace Circle


Adult Education

Sunday school at 9:00 AM


"Great Men and Women of the Bible"

Leader: Marsha Topley (Jones #110)

This video series with R.C. Sproul continues to be an inspiration as it looks at people in the Bible. During November, the class will study Job, Mary, Paul, and women of the New Testament.

"A Look at the Book of Exodus"

Leader: Dick Dale (Reeves Hall Parlor)

Looking at the story of the Hebrew people and their exodus to the Promised Land can renew our faith as we study God's power and faithfulness to his people.

Desert Cruisers This group of retired people (singles and couples) meets for monthly potluck luncheons and programs - and anyone is invited! Frances and Carl Shuster will host the next meeting on Monday, November 27. The program is "The Small Thief". Please bring a dish to share and your own table service.

For more information call Marcus Burr at 523-7917.

Vines and Branches

This fellowship group (many with children) will be attending the church's Holiday Dessert Gala on December 2. Plans are being made for a progressive dinner before the dessert party. If you are interested in hosting or attending a dinner, please call Patricia Tomlin at 523-2163.


Turkey Cook-off!

Hands of Luke Medical Ministries was founded in 1988 by a Board of Directors and Dr. Marco Samaniego and his family. Its purpose is to minister to the spiritual and physical needs of the people - particularly the children - of Juarez. Besides preaching the Gospel, Hands of Luke ministers through medical clinics, lab and pharmacy services, orphanages, prisons and serving food through its nutrition centers.

What's our part?? In 1999, this ministry served more than 10,700 Thanksgiving meals to children and their families in Juarez colonias. Presbyterian Women at Northminister provided 30 cooked turkeys! You are encouraged to join our PW in fellowship with Northminister to donate, cook, and freeze the meat of 100 turkeys!!

Cook days at the church:

November 6, 13, and 17

8 AM - 4 PM


There are many ways to help - just call Nora Yaryan (527-0528) or Beverly Briggs (522-1445) to learn the details. This is a mission project of Presbyterian Women - but men are welcome to help!

Congregational News


Births: Hannah Mariam born to Bill and

Colleen Gould on October 12.

Conner Gerald born to Kristin and

Chad Gau on October 12 in Colorado. Proud grandparents are Bob and Judy Yaryan.

Davis Stephen born to Jerry and

MelissaParks on October 25 in

Chicago. Jim and Jacque Parks are the

proud new grandparents.

Engagement: Elisa Poling and Stephen Hood

are engaged to be married in 2002.


Staff News

John and Jackie Poling

*on planning retreat in Cloudcroft

November 2 - 3 then at the Fall Festival

in Ruidoso on November 4.

Dan Yetter

*in Colorado November 9 - 25.

John Poling

*serving on the planning committee

for a Synod event on "Unity and



Presbyterian and Disciples

Campus Ministry at NMSU

2511 Chaparral St.


David Sallee, Campus Minister


NMSU Campus Ministry is off to a great start for the school year! There were 140 people at the BBQ Kick-off Event!!

Saturday, September 9 at 5:00 - 9:00 PM


Annual Progressive Dinner

(call for details)



Gathering Times at the Bridge this Year

Wednesdays at 5:00-9:00 PM


Game Night and Dinner


Thursdays at 7:37 PM


Praise Worship, Bible Study and Food



News from Christian Education:

Disciples Avenue



We are so thankful that many people who had never seen Disciples' Avenue (our children's workshop classes) took a tour at the Deacons' Hamburger Fry! Many of our "tourists" were quite amazed at what they saw. If you still have not seen the renovations, or would like to see how it all looks with children in it, please walk through during Sunday School or Salt & Light


Great news! A cul-de-sac for the Avenue was added! On October 18, the very first class was held in the new Computer Lab, at the west end of Jones Hall.


Salt & Light



INVITATION: Please join us for dinner at 6:10 on Wednesdays! We always set a visitors' table, and it's rarely full. Everybody pays just $2.00 for a delicious meal, (even the staff and volunteer cooks).

If parishioners really understood what an encouragement it is for the volunteers in these programs - and for the children and youth - to have visitors in our classrooms and/or join us for dinner, you would come several times a year!


November 12

CROP WALKS across America each fall have been raising thousands of dollars in the fight to end hunger. Las Cruces raises about $10,000 each year - 75% goes to Church World Service for international relief and 25% stays at work in Las Cruces.

Look for someone who is walking to support financially or register to walk at St. Albert's Parish (on Solano) at 1:00 PM on November 12 and raise your own sponsorship. Call Faye Gibson (522-4139) for details.



Holiday Dessert Gala

(Adults only, please)

Saturday, December 2

7:00 - 9:00 PM

Watkins Hall


First Presbyterian Church will be hosting the Dona Ana Youth Choir at this joyous holiday event! Enjoy elegant desserts and hot beverages while being entertained by this excellent choir. Tickets will be available for $2.50 in the church office from November 6 - 27, and at the Sanctuary doors after worship on November 19 and 26. Invite your friends, family and neighbors to this evening of fellowship and celebration.


Special note: We need people to help organize, decorate the hall and make the desserts. Organizational meetings for planning will be held in the church office after worship on several Sundays. Watch the bulletin. Any questions, please call Patricia Tomlin

at 523-2163.

Deacons' Community Outreach

For the fifth year now, our congregation, under the leadership of our Board of Deacons, gets the privilege and fun of directly participating in a Christmas outreach project. Working with Mesilla Valley Hospice, the Deacons have accepted responsibility for 10 Hospice patients and their families! In a time when grieving families of dying persons or those recently bereaved are overwhelmed by the details and financial demands of life, we are able to give witness to the coming of Christ and the promise of new life. We will provide food, individual gifts, and scriptural material.


Delivery date is set for December 16, so we have to begin early this year! There will be Christmas trees in each Narthex beginning November 19 with "stars" for specific gift and food items to be purchased. Watch for more details in December and prepare to be a part of this "gift of sharing".


Sunday, December 17

10:30 A.M.

Chancel Choir presents

a Christmas Cantata


"A Festival of

Lessons and Carols"


Stated Congregational Meeting

This meeting will be held immediately following worship November 5 for the purpose of electing persons to the offices of Deacon and Elder. Held the first Sunday of November every year as specified in the by-laws of our church. The slate of officers is presented to the congregation by the elected Nominating Committee.

Welcoming New Members 

You are invited to join in the worship, fellowship, work and mission of First Presbyterian Church. On November 5 there is an opportunity to meet with the Session (after the brief congregational meeting) to be received into membership. Public reception will be in worship on November 12.

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Last update 2002-06-24 12:44:11