First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

Selections from The Lantern, December 2000. The Lantern is the monthly newsletter of the First Presbyterian Church.

Special Advent Sunday School Class

Sundays at 9:00 AM

Teacher: John Poling

Nativity Celebrations in Luke

The announcement and birth of John and Jesus stir spirited and joyous responses from Mary, Zechariah and Simeon. We'll be looking together at these canticles from the first two chapters of Luke's Gospel account during the first three weeks of Advent - December 3, 10 and 17.

An Invitation to Become "One of Us"

If you are not already a communicant member of this congregation, you are invited to join in the worship, fellowship, work and mission of our life together. On December 3 following worship, there is an opportunity to meet with the Session to be received into membership. Public reception will be in worship on December 10.

 Holiday Dinner & Party For Young Adults

Saturday, December 9

6:00 - 8:00 PM

at the Polings' home

Let's have a party! Dan Yetter and John and Jackie Poling extend an invitation to all college-age young adults and their friends to come for dinner on December 9. Bring the cheapest, most worthless gag gift you can find and we'll have fun exchanging! Please call Dan Yetter at 526-5559 or 522-4086 if you can come - preferably by December 7.



Christmas Coffee

Tuesday, December 12

10:30 AM in Watkins Hall


Shower of Gifts for Community of Hope

Karaoke Singing of Christmas Carols

Dedication of the Thank Offering

Shower items needed: towels, sweatshirts, cleansing & hygiene products, empty medicine bottles, band-aids, back packs, new socks and underwear for men and women.

Thank You

The first "Turkey Cook- off" and Christmas Auction sponsored by Presbyterian Women were huge successes!! About 136 turkeys were prepared and given to Hands of Luke Medical Ministries in Juarez! There was also a monetary gift to help with other food. The generous donations of gifts and 'bidding" at the auction netted $1,650 for mission projects and the next Gathering!

 Order Your Poinsettia!

Christmas poinsettias have been ordered and will adorn the Sanctuary on December 17 and 24. Each plant costs $5.00. You may purchase a plant in memory or in honor of a loved one. Order forms are in the Sunday bulletins or call the church office before December 12.

Holiday Breaks

Sunday School classes will not meet on December 24 and 31. This gives more freedom to our teachers to be with their families. Childcare will be provided at all worship services.

Salt & Light Co. will have their last Wednesday together in 2000 on December 13. The program will begin again on Wednesday, January 17, 2001.

The church office will be closed:

December 24-26 and December 30-January 2.

Marcus Burr will be on call for pastoral emergencies and will check the church voice mail (526-5559) on a regular basis.


A note of thanks:

"Your church has continued to be so wonderfully generous letting NAMI-DAC use the church for its meetings and educational programs. It has been great having this kind of support to keep our programs going. It continues to be very healing and gratifying to see family members come to an understanding and receive skills to cope with the devastating brain disorders of their family members."

For many years now, our church has been privileged to host the meetings, educational programs, and support groups of NAMI-DAC (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Dona Ana County). "Family-To-Family" is a 12 week course designed to help families of individuals who are diagnosed with a variety of mental illnesses. This has been an excellent support service for several of the families in our church. The next two courses will begin in January and will be offered at two different times. For more information, please call Becky Beckett at 525-1742 or 522-8171.



Presbyterian and Disciples

Campus Ministry at NMSU

2511 Chaparral St. 522-6404

David Sallee, Campus Minister


Game Night at the Bridge

Monday, Dec. 4 7:00 - 9:00 PM


Bible Study at the Sallees' house

Wednesday Dec. 6 & 13 7:00 PM

Monday, Dec.11 7:00 PM


End-of-Semester Party

Friday, Dec. 8 at The Hacienda

Call the Sallees (522-2168) for reservations


Bible Study at the Bridge

Saturday, Dec. 9 7:37 PM

Thursday, Dec. 14 7:37

(Singing on the 9th)


The Bridge office closed Dec. 18 - 31

Tax Information: IRS rules

"Donors must deliver or mail (and postmark) checks on or by December 31

in order to claim a charitable contribution deduction for 2000. Checks that are placed in the church offering during the first worship service in 2001 will not qualify for a charitable contribution deduction in 2000, even if the check is predated to 2000 or was actually written in 2000. However, checks that are written, mailed, and postmarked in 2000 will be deductible in 2000 though they are not received by a church until 2001".

FOR US: To properly credit contributions for 2000, please be sure they are received by Kathy Tucker in the office before noon on December 29th or postmarked by the 31st. Contributions received after this time will be recorded on statements for the year 2001.


The Tree

of Lights


Mesilla Valley Hospice invites everyone to share in their holiday tradition - The Tree of Lights. A contribution can be made to Hospice at their office at 299 E. Montana or call them at 523-4700. Your loved one's name will be placed on the tree to be displayed at La Posada, their office and care facility.

The Lights of Our Lives Memorial Service will be held at University United Methodist Church on Sunday, December 3 at 3:00 PM.

Holiday Dinner

For Vine and Branches

Doug and Lyn Boberg will host a Posole Potluck at their home, 141 Mimosa Lane, on Saturday, December 9 at 6:30. If you can come, please call Lyn at 647-3900 so she can let you know what to bring. Young children can be dropped off at Art & Lynda Garcia's, 5260 Mimosa, for a fun evening of pizza, movies and games.

Are You the One???

A new editor is needed for The Lantern beginning in 2001! This can be a fun and rewarding way to serve your church. It is vital to our congregational life. There is good support and assistance available. If interested, please call Jackie Poling at 526-5559.

Deacons Christmas Outreach


The congregation responded swiftly and generously! The first "stars" for gifts and needed money were taken from the trees in the first two weeks! There will be a few more stars on the trees this Sunday. Many, many thanks! For a fun and heart-warming experience, you are invited to join the Deacons in making deliveries to the families on Saturday, December 16 at 9:30 AM.


Sanctuary Artwork

A new banner! The beautiful new quilted banner of the Nativity was created to enhance our worship space by Janet and Robert McPherson.

Chrismons! A compound of Christ and monogram, Chrismons were used by early Christians as symbols of their faith. The 24 Chrismon ornaments on the tree in the south Narthex were cross-stitched in white and gold by Alice Cooper. A brochure explaining each symbol is available in the Narthex.

A stable roof . . . and more!

Over the years, the stable roof, nativity wall hangings, wreathes and other decorations have been made by various member. The In-Betweeners and several of our men have decorated the Sanctuary.

December Birthdays

12/01 Margaret Stevenson

12/03 Nora Yaryan

12/06 Ryan Becker

12/10 Joel Tomlin

12/13 Rondla Hardin

12/14 Darla Topley

12/15 Ted Novack

            12/22 Peggy White

12/25 Caroline Darr

12/25 Nancy Davis

12/28 Johanna Miller

12/29 Nora Hurab

12/30 Jason Silva

12/30 Pam Briggs

12/30 Sue Carter

12/31 Marti Whaley

Congregational News

Baptisms on November 26:

Hannah Mariam Gould,

daughter of Bill and Colleen Gould


Angelo Guillermo Ray,

son on Kym Walker and grandson of Wayne and Kathy Walker

Staff News


*Kathy Tucker - December 11 - 17.

*John and Jackie Poling - December 26 - January 4

        *Brian McPherson - December 24 - January 4.


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Last update 2002-06-24 12:44:14