First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

Selections from The Lantern, January 2001. The Lantern is the monthly newsletter of the First Presbyterian Church.


JANUARY 14,2001







Communion dates in 2001

Session took action to change the dates of Holy Communion to the second Sunday each month because of so many "first weekend" holidays.

Reminder: On Communion Sundays, half of the loose offering goes to the Deacons' fund. There is also a Communion envelope each month in the offering envelopes which were provided this year.

Salt & Light Company Begins January 17!

Join the fun for Board Game Night!

Presbyterian Women

Winter Gathering

Tuesday, January 16

10:30 AM in Watkins Hall


"Pictures & Questions"

by Pastor John Poling

Our annual yummy Potato Bar Luncheon will be hosted by Mary-Martha Circle. All women are invited. Bring a friend and join us!

Coordinating Team will meet at 9:00 AM in Jones library.

Meeting of Sierra Blanca Presbytery

on January 26-27 at

the presbytery office in Roswell.

Fellowship Groups


Vine and Branches

This fellowship group of parents and couples meets monthly for a variety of activities - sometimes with children, sometimes without. Watch the Sunday bulletins for upcoming events.


This fellowship group of "empty nesters" (singles and couples) is hosting a Bobbie Burns Birthday Dinner on Friday, January 26 at 6 PM in Watkins. In honor of Scotland's greatest poet, the haggis will be piped into the hall by a piper in full regalia and "Address to the Haggis" will be read. Renditions of Robert Burns' poetry and songs are being prepared as well as a roast beef dinner in Scottish style. Cost: $5 per person. Reservations must be made by Monday, Jan. 22 by calling the church office (526-5559) or Alex and Marjorie Burr (522-2528).

Desert Cruisers

This fellowship group of retired people (singles and couples) enjoys a delicious potluck lunch together each month - and anyone is invited! Frances and Carl Shuster will host this month's meeting on Monday, January 22 at noon. They will present an interesting program called "The Small Thief". Reservations are not necessary! Just bring a dish to share, your own table service, and join the fun!


Adult Education

Sunday School at 9:00 AM

A New Class!

"Face to Face with Jesus: A Teaching on the Character of Christ"

Teacher: Marsha Topley (Jones #115)

Whether you're a man or a woman, rich or poor, sick or healthy, leader or follower, saint or sinner, Jesus talked to someone like you. Perhaps it was Nathaniel or the woman at the well; Joshua or Jairus' daughter; the adulterous woman or Pontius Pilate; the two on the road to Emmaus or the apostle Paul. In this video series, R.C. Sproul looks at Jesus' conversations and how people responded to him. In these models is a chance to learn how we, too, should respond to Jesus and relate to others.

An Ongoing Bible Study!

"A Look at the Book of Exodus"

Teacher: Dick Dale (Reeves Parlor)

Twelfth Annual Growing Through Loss Conference


Keynote speakers:

Janice Harris Lord

Jan Wheeler

February 8-9, 2001

First Presbyterian Church

200 E. Boutz

We are privileged to be hosting this event at our church this year! The purpose of the conference is to provide both lay people and professionals with experiential and educational models for understanding the process of mourning and the potential for growth through loss. Many of our members have attended in the past and benefited both personally and in abilities to help others in our congregation.

"No Time for Goodbyes:

Coping with Sorrow, Anger and Injustice after a Tragic Death"

Keynote address by Janice Harris Lord.

Friday, February 8 at 7:00-8:30 PM

This address is free and open to the public.


A brochure with a full description of the many course offerings as well as information on the speakers is available in the church office. Registration is required.


Annual Congregational Meeting

Sunday, February 4, 2001

at 12:30 PM

Following an Enchilada Lunch

Served by the Mid-School Youth.

Many Thanks!

Deacons' Christmas Outreach

The Deacons and the staff at Mesilla Valley Hospice wish to extend a big thank you to our congregation for the outpouring of gifts and care recently given to grieving families! It made the holiday season brighter for many people.

Christmas Joy Offering

Your generosity towards our racial / ethnic schools and for financial assistance for retired church workers continues. Our congregation gave $5,051.27 to the Joy Offering.

Thank you! Thank you!

December Income and Expenses

Operating Income $52,582.75

Operating Expenses $34,106.89

Balance $18,475.83

Year-to-Date through December

Operating Income $365,044.84

Operating Expenses $371,127.07

Balance $-6082.23

Per Capita Apportionment

Every church in the Presbyterian Church (USA) is apportioned a share of the expenses of the presbytery, the synod, and the General Assembly for ecclesiastical purposes. The apportionment is based on church membership. The amount varies with the needs of these entities and is a regular annual expense payable by our church. The amount to be paid in 2001 per communicant member is $18.21. If each member were to pay their apportionment separate from their pledge, it would save $7,900.00 from the church expenses.



Education Program

Family-to-Family is a free 12 week education course for the families of individuals who have been diagnosed with bipolar (manic-depressive) disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, clinical depression, panic disorder, or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Research indicates that 40 to 65% of adults with severe and persistent brain disorders (mental illnesses) either reside or receive primary-care management from their families. The ability of family members to provide an understanding and predictable environment for their ill relative is a key factor in the capacity of the ill family member to stabilize and remain in the community. Family-to-Family provides basic education and skill training for families who must cope with the difficulties of their ill relative, as well as the practical and emotional support needed to sustain them in the role as primary caretakers in the community mental health system.

For further information on the Spring 2001 classes, call one of the following people:

Becky Beckett 525-1742 Paul Berver 523-1521

Sandra BarMcQ 382-9526



The Dona Ana County Detention Center is seeking donations to establish an inmate library. They need paperback books, magazines, educational books and encyclopedias. These can be dropped off at 1850 Copper Loop. There is also a need for volunteers to help teach classes, set up and maintain the library, and assist with clerical duties. For further information, contact Margarita Miller at 647-7648.

Congregational News



* Marquez Jose Sanchez on December 19.

Proud parents are Judi Ferguson

(our faithful nursery caregiver!) and

Jose Sanchez.

* Elizabeth Grace Ikard on December 28.

Proud parents are Robert and Susanne

Ikard and grandparents are Eleanor and

Newton Cox.


* Earl Jacobi died on January 2, 2001. Please keep Ann and their family in your prayers.



Staff News

* John Poling will be in Midland, TX for a discussion regarding Presbytery boundaries on January 22. Then he will be in Roswell for a Committee on Ministry meeting the next day.

The Lantern

A new editor is still needed! The Lantern is an important communication link in our church life. Jackie is working too many hours and wearing too many hats. Call her at 526-5559 if you can help in this task.




During Souper Bowl Sunday 2000, $3.1 million was raised by 11,200 congregations representing forty different denominations to fight hunger in America. And we were a part of that effort! Wow! We are asking each person to participate by giving $1.00 and/or a can of soup to this project as they leave worship on Sunday, January 28. Mid-School youth will be at each door with soup pots!

 The offerings collected are given, in their entirety, to missions chosen by the congregation. Ours will be given to Casa de Peregrinos and Gospel Rescue Mission.

Sub-Sandwich Sale

to support the

Youth Camps & Retreats

Sandwiches will be made by the Senior High Youth. Place your order for turkey, ham, beef or a combination of all three. Each sandwich will include lettuce and cheese. Orders will be taken on January 21 or by calling the church office (526-5559). Donations will be collected at delivery after worship on January 28.








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Last update 2002-06-24 12:44:19