First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

Selections from The Lantern, April 2001. The Lantern is the monthly newsletter of the First Presbyterian Church.



Palm Sunday, April 8 10:30 AM


Processional with two choirs: "Blessed Is He Who Comes"

Sermon: "Crowded Streets, Crowded Hearts and Crowded Minds"

Luke 19:28-40; Philippians 2:5-11



Maundy Thursday, April 12 7:00 PM

Holy Communion and Tenebrae Service

Sermon: "The Preparations Jesus Makes"

Mark 14:12-26


Good Friday, April 13


7:00 AM to 6:00 PM Prayer Vigil in the Sanctuary

12:00 noon. Service of Solemn Intercession


Easter Sunday, April 15

Celebration of the Resurrection!

6:30 AM Sunrise Service with contemporary music

Readers' Theatre by Senior High Youth

7:15 AM Breakfast, prepared and served by Men's Fellowship

9:15 AM Sunday School for all ages -

"Celebrating Easter in the Gospel of Mathew"

10:30 AM Traditional Worship Service

Sermon: "See What Love Can Do and Dare"


Luke 24:1-12; Acts 10:34-43

Trumpet Processional with two choirs

Easter Anthem by Chancel Choir:

"The Strife Is O'er" by Warner Hutchison

 By Lantern Light: "I just had to tell someone."

I have often heard "I just had to tell someone," from people in very different circumstances. It may come from an individual who has had the most wonderful news of a lifetime. A person shattered by horrible personal treatment or floored by bad news from a medical test may voice it. In any case, the opportunity to share the information or event serves as a way to make it real, to explore what to do next, to celebrate or to mourn.

Jesus’ disciples first were involved in the sad sharing of the story of their desertion of him and of his death. Then, news from the empty tomb filled them with joy and triumph to announce to others. Peter, the natural, self-confident leader, was the one who had conspicuously denied Christ three times. According to Mark, Peter was specifically included with those to whom the women were to report Jesus’ resurrection. He was established again in faithfulness as one who loved Jesus. Overflowing with the life that was brand-new in the Risen Lord, Peter writes his first letter to invite others to celebrate the resurrection with confidence.


What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you’ll have it all—life healed and whole.

I know how great this makes you feel, even though you have to put up with every kind of aggravation in the meantime. Pure gold put in the fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through this suffering comes out proved genuine. When Jesus wraps this all up, it’s your faith, not your gold, that God will have on display as evidence of his victory. -1Peter1:3-7 from The Message translation by Eugene Peterson

As a Christian, this same good news is yours to tell to someone. The time is right for such communication, since the celebration of Jesus’ death and resurrection during Holy Week offers an invitation to a brand-new life to all people. Please prayerfully consider to whom you might send the invitation to join us in worship on Easter Sunday. The good news of Christian's love is yours to share!

Yours in Christ,

 John Clark Poling

One Great Hour of Sharing


Kids involved in school violence often feel the promises of community have been broken. Healing and hope can come from weaving a new community with others who have had similar experiences. Remember Hofackat Middle School in Deming? This month two schools in California were added to the list. In our town, Onate and Mayfield High Schools recently experienced lock-downs because of student threats. Recall Westside Middle School in Jonesboro, Arkansas - another name in the long litany of schools traumatized by random student violence. Thanks to the vision of a camp director and the support of your One Great Hour of Sharing gifts, the story of Westside doesn't end.

In July 1998, four months after the shootings in Jonesboro, the first students came to camps designed to help with their grief. The only thing the kids had in common was something most were trying to forget. Yet they discovered there were others who knew about the raw places in their souls, and there was solace in sharing the pain. At the end of the week, the participants, their parents and the teachers felt that the camp was a great beginning. But where to go from there? Deciding that "God's love doesn't exit with the media attention, nor will our commitment," the camp staff offered a long-term association with the Westside kids until they finished high school. Since then, four more camps at Ferncliff have involved more students from Westside, encouraging them to assume leadership roles while working on their own healing process.

Unlike many of the ministries of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) we support with our gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing, the Connection 2000 Ministry at Ferncliff Camp doesn't help rebuild destroyed homes or dig people's lives out of the rubble left by earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes. Like all of PDA's ministries, however, it rebuilds community at the most basic level: within a single household, within an individual human heart. Remembering that the place where this healing most often occurs is the point of connection with other hearts, let us open our own hearts to the healing God can work through us. Please give generously to this year's offering which will be dedicated on Easter Sunday.


April and May Work Days

The Mesilla Valley Habitat for Humanity is sponsoring a series of work days in the El Pueblitos section of Las Cruces on the following Saturdays from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon: April 7, 22, and 28, and all of the Saturdays in May. Needed are individual crews of 6 people to work on the 4 houses which are under construction at the site on North Second Street, near the Benavides' Community Center. Volunteers should contact the Mesilla Valley Habitat for Humanity office at 525-0475 to sign-up. All help will be sincerely appreciated.


The Mission Committee is looking for two people from the congregation to serve on the committee. For various reasons, not all previous members are able to continue to serve. Contact Tommy Matkin chairman, at 521-1013.

Worship Attendance

For March 2001

March 4 240

March 11 244

March 18 279

March 25 237

Holy Communion - April 1

Reminder: On Communion Sundays, half of the loose offering goes to the Deacons' fund. There is also a Communion envelope each month in the packet of offering envelopes which were provided to members this year.



Presbyterian and Disciples

Campus Ministry at NMSU

2511 Chaparral St. 522-6404

David Sallee, Campus Minister


Food, Fun and Faith at the Sallees

4430 Winchester Rd.

Every Wednesday 7:00 - 9:30 PM

Call 522-2168 if you need a ride



Bible Study at the Bridge

Thursdays 7:37 PM

February Income and Expenses

Operating Income $30,969.67

Operating Expenses $34,516.42

Balance -$3,54675



Will be meeting on April 8 and April 22. Mother/Daughter Tea Party changed to May.

Adult Education


Sunday School at 9:00 AM

"Face to Face with Jesus: A Teaching on the Character of Christ" (finishes April 8)


Teacher: Marsha Topley (Jones #115)


"A Look at the Book of Exodus"

Teacher: Dick Dale (Reeves Parlor)


New Class Beginning April 22


What's So Amazing About Grace?

by Philip Yancey

Grace is the church's great distinctive. It's the one thing the world cannot duplicate - and the one thing it craves above all else. Only grace can bring hope and transformation to a jaded world. In this award-winning book and video series, Philip Yancey explores grace at street level. If grace is God's love for the undeserving, then what does it look like in action? Our treasured teacher, Marsha Topley, will lead this class through the spring. The book and participant guide cost $20.50 and are available in the church office.

You Are Invited to Join This Church!

We encourage you to join us in serving Jesus Christ. There will be a called Session meeting on Sunday,

April 22 after worship to receive new members.

Public reception is scheduled for the following Sunday morning during worship.

Call John Poling if you have any questions (526-5559).

 Coffee Hour Sign-up

Our after-worship coffee hour is a wonderful opportunity for fellowship with other members, and we are in need of hosts for the rest of the year. We encourage you to sign up now for a Sunday this spring or summer. Call Ralph Miller (525-1469) or sign the board in the Jones Hall kitchen. Thanks so much!


April will be a time for training for some of our CE leaders. Martha Mitchell, who teaches the high school classes at Sunday School and Salt & Light Company, is scheduled to attend a Youth Specialties Workshop in El Paso on April 22. April 26-28 will find Adele LaVerne, Judith Ames, and Dan Yetter in Albuquerque at a LOGOS training session.

The Inter-Generational Sunday School Event that has become a tradition is planned for Easter Sunday morning at 9:15 AM.

The dates for our annual Summer Vacation Bible School are June 4-8. A director is still needed, or perhaps co-directors. Please consider volunteering if this is something you could work on. So many times, people keep their interests and abilities a secret, waiting to be asked; you may not be asked because we may not know of your interests. Please speak to Jackie Poling, CE Director, or Judith Ames, CE Committee Chair, or leave a message in the church office.

Flash! New Church Picture Directory

Sittings for family pictures are now being scheduled for April 26, 27, and 28 with Olan Mills photographers at the church.

Sign-Up schedule after worship

April 1 - west door of the Sanctuary

April 8 - east door of the Sanctuary

April 15 - south door of the Sanctuary


If necessary, special arrangements are available prior to April 26 for picture taking. Contact Ann Miller immediately at 525-1469 or 526-5559 or

Congregational News


New Church Members:

Aaron Dinwiddie

850 Holly Dr. #A6

LC, NM 88005



Bill and Martha Brown

6150 Shadow Hills Rd

LC, NM 88012 382-3923


Carl and Helen Cogar

1935 La Jolla

LC, NM 88005



Robert and Ardell Paul

2007 Crecent Dr.




Blaine and Carol Goss

5383 Redman Rd

LC, NM 88011



* * * 

Thank you so much for the visits, flowers, support and prayers that helped me through my recent hospital stay and my recovery. Your caring and concerns were truly appreciated.

Anne Watkins

* * *

Directory Addition:

Edwina Smith

10009 Rushing Rd #49

El Paso, TX 79924 (915) 751-7474

Staff News

* Office will be closed on April 16

* April 7 - Stated meeting of Sierra Blanca Presbytery Council in Roswell, (John is a division chair)

* Stated meeting of Sierra Blanca Presbytery at Camp Chimney Spring, April 27-28.

Presbyterian Women




"David: A Man of Passion and

Destiny" by Charles Swindoll.


Thursday, April 5

9:30 AM in Reeves Parlor




Coordinating Team will meet at 9:00 AM in Jones library on Tuesday April 17


Gathering on April 21

12:00 noon Spring Luncheon

in Watkins Hall Diningroom

Program: Installation of Officers

Dedication of Birthday Offering

Presentation of Honoraria

"The Women of the Tomb Tell Their Story"

Presented by three Presbyterian Women.

Hostesses: Morning Circle

We will have a catered lunch

cost is not determined yet

RSVP by April 19

Janet - 524-3831 Sue - 522-6898

* * *

Presbyterian Women are fulfilling their mission assignment by making bandages for hospitals in Africa during March, April and May. More bed sheets are needed to make these bandages. If you have any sheets that you would like to donate, please place them in the blue box in Jones Parlor. Contact Jean O'Neill at 524-1139 if you have any questions.


Teacher Recognition Sunday

April 29, 2001



Graduate Recognition Sunday

May 6, 2001

Spring Garage Sale

 In early June we will be having a Garage Sale to help support our youth mission trip and summer camp. We need your help! So please bring anything you can donate for sale! Dan Yetter or the youth can even pick up stuff - just call the church office (526-5559).


Fellowship Groups


On Friday May 4 at 6:00PM, a potluck dinner is being held in Watkins Hall. Bring your favorite dish and your own place setting. Enjoy an evening with Marie Dwyer and the "Carl Shultz Peanuts characters" For reservations contact Quentin or Ruth Ford at 524-1814.


Desert Cruisers

They will have their monthly meeting on April 23. With a covered-dish lunch at noon. Joyce Blechinger and Bernice Wright are the hostesses. Ann Carlson will have a very interesting presentation on Habitat For Humanity. All are welcome to attend and take part.

Submitted by Marcus L. Burr, Jr. Skipper



Vine and Branches

Contact Patricia Tomlin at 523-2163

All-Church Work Day Saturday, April 7 at 8:00 AM

till noon. Your help is needed!

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Last update 2002-06-24 12:44:18