First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

Selections from The Lantern, May 2001. The Lantern is the monthly newsletter of the First Presbyterian Church.

By Lantern Light: The Surprising Gift of the Discipline of Submission

A number of people asked to know more about the author to whom I referred during the sermon last Sunday. The Apostle Paul surrendered his own will to God’s will in Jesus’ call of him on the Damascus road. Our own circumstances and confrontation by God are unlikely to be so dramatic, but the effects in our life can be every bit as formative.

It is quite natural that we focus our attention on what we want and when we want it. It follows that we experience frustration when things don’t go according to our hopes and plans. Richard J. Foster, author of Celebration of Discipline, identifies the liberating quality of the discipline of submission. Here is some of Foster’s helpful thinking:

I said that every Discipline has its corresponding freedom. What freedom corresponds to submission? It is the ability to lay down the terrible burden of always needing to get our own way. The obsession to demand that things go the way we want them to go is one of the greatest bondages in human society today. People will spend weeks, months, even years in a perpetual stew because some little thing did not go as they wished. They will fuss and fume. They will get mad about it. They will act as if their very life hangs on the issue. They may even get an ulcer over it.

In the Discipline of Submission we are released to drop the matter, to forget it. Frankly, most things in life are not so nearly important as we think they are. Our lives will not come to an end if this or that does not happen.

If you will watch these things you will see, for example, that almost all church fights and splits occur because people do not have the freedom to give in to each other. We insist that a critical issue is at stake; we are fighting for a sacred principle. Perhaps that is true. Usually it is not. Often we cannot stand to give in simply because it would mean that we would not get things our own way. Only in submission are we enabled to bring that spirit to a place where it no longer controls us. Only submission can free us sufficiently to enable us to distinguish between genuine issues and stubborn self-will.

The passage above gets under my skin and may irritate you as well. The Discipline of Submission goes against the human desire to get what we want, yet it strangely offers a graceful way of enjoying what we need. It is an offer I have habitually and too readily turned down. It is easy to confuse "submission to God" with apathy and to see "being subject to the body of believers" as lack of spine. Yet, Foster insists that our exercise of the Discipline of Submission provides us with the ability to distinguish between issues that merit our passionate commitment and lesser issues. He continues:

…Jesus calls us to self-denial without self-hatred. Self-denial is simply a way of coming to understand that we do not have to have our own way. Our happiness is not dependent upon getting what we want.

Self-denial does not mean the loss of our identity as some suppose. Without our identity we could not even be subject to each other. Did Jesus lose His identity when He set His face toward Golgotha? Did Peter lose his identity when he responded to Jesus’ cross-bearing command, "Follow me" (John 21:19)? Did Paul lose his identity when he committed himself to the One who had said, "I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name" (Acts 9:16)? Of course not. We know that the opposite was true. They found their identity in the act of self-denial.

Looking at this encouragement to submit to God’s will brings up a host of other issues. Almost all of them are in areas of our lives where we’d like to get our own way. Looks like we’re not done yet!

Yours in Christ,

John Clark Poling

Pentecost Sunday

June 3

 Celebrate the birthday of the Christian church!


Service of Communion

Celebration of Baptism

Special worship music

Hamburger Fry

Birthday cake and ice cream

Bring your family and friends! Be sure to wear RED and join the fun!

*Cost for lunch: A donation to the senior high youth for their mission workteam and summer camp.

Annual Mountain Retreat

August 3-5

Sponsored by our Deacons, this is always a special time of fellowship in the cool, tall pines at Camp Chimney Spring near Cloudcroft. There will be plenty of space and activities for people of all ages! Mark your calendar now! More details and registration information will be in the next Lantern.

March Income and Expenses

Operating Income $27,790.74

Operating Expenses $25,179.04 Balance $ 2,611.70


Year End Balance $ -1,408.05


May Work Days

The Mesilla Valley Habitat for Humanity is sponsoring a series of work days in the El Pueblitos section of Las Cruces on all of the Saturdays in May. Needed are individual crews of 6 people to work on the 4 houses which are under construction at the site on North Second Street, near the Benavides' Community Center. Volunteers should contact the Mesilla Valley Habitat for Humanity office at 525-0475 to sign-up. All help will be sincerely appreciated!

You Are Invited to Join This Church!

We encourage you to join us in serving Jesus Christ. There will be a called Session meeting on Sunday, May 13 after worship to receive new members. Please meet us in Jones Library.

Call John Poling if you have any questions (526-5559).


Presbyterian and Disciples

Campus Ministry at NMSU

2511 Chaparral St. 522-6404

David Sallee, Campus Minister


Food, Fun and Faith at the Sallees

4430 Winchester Rd.

Every Wednesday 7:00 - 9:30 PM

Call 522-2168 if you need a ride



May event: Mother/Daughter Tea Party

Worship Attendance

For April 2001


April 1 301

April 8 320

April 15 349

April 22 180

April 29 243

Adult Education


Sunday School at 9:00 AM


"What's So Amazing About Grace?"

by Philip Yancey

Teacher: Marsha Topley (Jones # 115)


"A Look at the Book of Exodus"

Teacher: Dick Dale (Reeves Parlor)

Good Samaritan "Village Views"


Many thanks: To those who shared used bed sheets for bandages for African Hospitals in the Republic of the Congo: Ruth Barksdale, Mabel Burris and Erwin Eggleston. The Ecumenical Rollers from "A" building stripped and rolled them into 202, 3" x 108" bandages. Frances Kelly stitched pieces together. Estel Ackley, Neva Bertagnolli, Pauline Black, Gertrude Gill, Jennetta Murphy, Hazel Sandell, Miriam Walstad, and Jean Zendler did the rolling as they gathered to chat in Building "A", Second North Lobby during many afternoons. Jean Zendler is teaching Mariam Walstad to knit and they will knit bandages for this same project. Mariam and Presbyterian Women of First Presbyterian Church are so grateful for all of this help to complete their mission assignment to the Presbyterian Hospitals in Africa.

Many, many thanks!

Coffee Hour Sign-up

Our after-worship coffee hour is a wonderful opportunity for fellowship with other members, and we are in need of hosts for the rest of the year. We encourage you to sign up now for a Sunday this spring or summer. Call Ralph Miller (525-1469) or sign the board in the Jones Hall kitchen. Thanks so much!

Congregational News


New Babies!

* Julian Joseph born on April 18 to James and Erica Rivera.

* Hunter Ryan born on March 27 to Rick and Mitzi Keffer.


Thank you

On behalf of our family, we wish to sincerely thank all our friends in Christ for the outpouring of compassion to us since our son David's death. In Christ's love,

Tommy and Dutch Matkin

Staff News


* Dan's New Address and Phone number:

251 N. Roadrunner Pkwy, #1207

LC, NM 88011 532-9459

* John Poling at a Synod meeting in Phoenix, May 3-4.

* Dan Yetter on vacation in Colorado, May 3-6.

*John and Jackie Poling in Dallas for Amy's graduation, May 16-23.


Presbyterian Women


Graduate reception Sunday, May 6, after worship in the courtyard. This event will recognize high school and college graduates. We will need two batches of cookies from each circle.


May Fellowship and Coffee

Tuesday, May 15

10:30 AM in Watkins Hall


Program: Installation of Coordinating Team

Dedication of Birthday Offering

Presentation of Honorary

Lifetime Membership

Hostesses - Morning Circle


Coordinating Team will meet at 9:00 in Jones Library.

Sierra Blanca Presbytery

Spring Gathering

Saturday, May 19

10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

First Presbyterian Church in Roswell.

The day will include mission, worship, study, election of officers for 2001-2003, and a catered lunch. Childcare provided. Let Sue Carter know if you want to go to this event.

Agape Caregivers

The Agape Caregivers are looking for individuals who would be interested in ministering to congregational members who are going through a crisis. If you would be willing to come alongside a person in need, to support them and walk with them during their crisis, please call Kate Puckett at 522-7540. Tell her in which type of situation you would feel comfortable ministering (i.e. death of a spouse, divorce). The Agape Caregivers will compile a list from which we will be able to work when a need arises.

Spring Garage Sale

June 2

The Senior High Youth will be having a Garage Sale to help support our youth mission trip and summer camp. We need your help! Please bring anything you can donate for sale! Dan Yetter or the youth can even pick up stuff - just call the church office (526-5559).

Do You Wonder Where Those Children Go?

Steve McKinney did. He asked. He got to know them. God told him to do something. He began finding help for them. He is now in the midst of constructing an orphanage in Juarez!

Perhaps you saw the major story on this work on Channel 9 recently. If you want to know more and God bids you to help, call Steve or his mother, Charlotte, at 526-1247

Fellowship Groups


On Friday May 4 at 6:00PM, our meeting will be a potluck dinner in Watkins Hall. Bring your favorite dish and your own place setting. Enjoy an evening with artist, Marie Dwyer and the "Carl Shultz Peanuts Characters." For reservations, contact Quentin or Ruth Ford at 524-1814.

On Saturday, May 19, The group will be attending the Barbershop Concert in El Paso. We will go to a German buffet dinner at the German Club first and then on to the 7:30 PM concert at the Chamizal National Memorial. Reservations and payment must be made at our meeting on May 4.

Vine and Branches

We are planning a bowling party this month. Please contact Jon and Brandi Gorzeman at 233-2294 for more information.


Talent Show and Bar-B-Que Dinner

Wednesday, May 9, 2001

6:00 PM

Presenting a star-studded show by children

and youth in the Salt & Light Company

Our midweek program of Christian nurture, the Salt & Light Company has completed another great year!

We are celebrating on Wednesday evening!!

This is an important time

for everyone - people from all generations

to support our kids.

Please plan to come -

and bring your family and friends!

*Cost: $3.00 for people who are not enrolled in Salt & Light.

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Last update 2002-06-24 12:44:11