First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

Selections from The Lantern, August 2001. The Lantern is the monthly newsletter of the First Presbyterian Church.

Farewell Lunch and Program

In honor of John and Jackie Poling

Sunday, August 19

In Watkins Hall after worship

Join with others from the congregation in saying good-bye to John and Jackie and wishing them well in their new home and church! This will be a wonderful time for fellowship with them and others and to show appreciation for the Poling's many years of service and dedication to this congregation.

A delicious luncheon will be catered by the Smokehouse and will include bar-b-que, salads, beans and other goodies! Donations will be accepted.

Fill out this form, tear it off and put it in the offering plate or call the church office by Tuesday, August 14 to make your reservation.

The church van will be available for two runs after the lunch and program as well as right after church.

*Individuals may wish to make gifts to John and Jackie for their travel expense fund to Kenya, to visit their son, Paul. Please make checks payable to First Presbyterian Church, memo Poling gift.



Number of people:_______________________

Sunday School:

It's Not Just For Kids

Sunday Morning classes for all ages begin August 12, with Super Sunday, our annual Promotion Sunday and celebration to launch the fall semester, planned for August 26. On that day, there will be intergenerational Sunday School activities.

At 9:00 A.M. each Sunday:

Infant and Toddler Care, Branigan Hall

Preschool Class for ages 3-5, "I Learn About God's World," taught by Carol Goss and Judith Ames.

Children in Grades 1-5

Reeves Hall Cinema for Christian videos on August 12 and 19. The children will sing in worship on August 19 as a farewell to the Polings.

Beginning September 2, the children will learn about "The Covenant Community" in their workshops, as we continue to use the Workshop Rotation Model for elementary classes.

Mid-School will explore the Book of Philippians with Dan Yetter in their Reeves Hall room.

High School in their Reeves Hall room, topic TBA.


Study of First Corinthians with Dick Dale, Reeves Hall Parlor

Video Class Jones Hall Library August 12 "Through Gates of Splendor" with John Poling and August 19 "Peace Child" with Bob Taylor

The video series "The Trials and Testimonies of the Early Church, from Christ to Constantine" will begin September 2, with Blaine Goss as leader.

The Salt and Light Company, our Wednesday LOGOS program for children and teens, will kick off the fall semester with registration taking place at a Family Potluck on September 9, at 5:00 P.M. in Fellowship Hall. After dinner there will be a Christian parenting film for the adults, while the kids enjoy planned, supervised recreation.

Our church families with school-age children are invited to come, have a meal together, register their children, and enjoy Christian fellowship. Bring friend and neighbor families

who might be interested in the Salt and Light program for their children, too. Drinks, desserts, and placesettings will be provided; each family should bring a generous dish to share.

Our LOGOS program is not supported from the church budget, but through registration fees ($37/semester per student, $100 family maximum) and by designated donations from First Presbyterian members. Needs currently include people who can help with Bible Study, recreation, meal preparation, or music, as well as donations to enable us to offer a few student scholarships and to provide a Salt and Light  T-shirt for each student.

Regular Wednesday Salt and Light Company will begin on September 12, and the Staff Dinner for table parents, kitchen crew heads, recreation leaders and Bible study teachers will be at 6:00 P.M. on September 5.

If you would like to be involved in helping with this wonderful program of Christian education and fellowship, please call Director Adele LaVerne, 523-1507, or the church office.

Communion will be served August 12 and

September 2

Special Guest Preacher:

John Haspels, missionary from Ethiopia preaching on September 2

Presbyterian Women

Presbyterian Women yearbooks for 2001-2002 will be available at the coffee hour after worship, on August 26. We have a great year planned! Circle and guild coordinators will pick up yearbooks for their members at that time. If you are not in a circle or guild, but you are interested in the organization, please get a yearbook for yourself!

The Synod Gathering of Presbyterian Women meets at Ghost Ranch, September 7-9. At least four women from our church will be there!

Our first church gathering will be:

September 18, at 11 A.M.

"Duds and Spuds"

will feature a style show from

Lillies of the Valley

followed by a potato bar luncheon.


Wednesday, September 19, at 7 P.M.,

Susan Grandle will show us how to use the Bible computer programs in our

church computer lab.


Friday, September 28 and 29

Presbytery meets at our church. Presbyterian Women will be helping in various ways.

Fellowship Groups

Everyone is welcome to join the In-Betweeners for a special evening event at Viva El Paso!

on Friday August 17. Tickets for the dinner and show are $20.00 each and tickets for the show only are $11.00 each. We need a minimum of 15 people to get this discounted rate. Parking is $2.00 per car. Dinner is served from 6:30 to 8:00 and the show starts at 8:30. We will leave from the church at 6:00 PM and car pool or travel in the church van. Reservations can be made by calling Gene or Eileen Hood at 526-9120 or Ralph or Ann Miller at 525-1469. If you have any handicap, wheelchair or other special needs let them know when you make your reservation. Please note the deadline for making reservations and paying is Sunday, August 12. Please come!!

It is approaching choir time again. We will sing on Sunday, August 12 and start rehearsals on Wednesday, August 15. I hope all of you will plan on being in town on August 19 for John's last Sunday. We welcome anyone from the congregation who would like to sing with us.

Bill McMillan

Choir Director



Olan Mills has sent word that the directories are in print and will be sent the first week in August. At that time you will be notified where to pick up your copy.

Many thanks to each one of you for making the directory a success.

N. Ann Miller

Special Event

Las Cruces Community Theatre

The first play of the 2001 - 2002 season at Las Cruces Community Theatre will be "God's Favorite", a Neil Simon comedy based on the book of Job. Our own Gary Gemoets has the lead part. I have read this play, and I can assure you it is good, clean fun. I think that all of you would enjoy the show. If you would like to attend with 60 or 70 of your friends (and save a couple of dollars at the same time), call Ray or Sue Carter at 522-6898, or send e-mail to or The admission price for groups of ten or more is $5.00 per seat. We will be planning to attend the Gala Opening on August 17th (free refreshments and a chance to visit with the cast after the show). The performance will start promptly at 8:00 P.M., so plan to arrive about 7:40. The theatre guidelines require payment for groups to be paid in one lump sum, so we'll make the reservations, and pick up the tickets. You can pay us any time before or after. Let's try for a group of at least 60 happy Presbyterians!!

The deadline is Tuesday August 14.

July Income and Expenses

Operating Income $32,184.38

Operating Expenses $23,806.84 Balance $ 8,377.54

Year to Date Summary

Operating Income $218,338.45

Operating Expenses $211,367.78

Balance $6,970.67

Still Looking!

We are still in need of someone to help with the editing and lay-out of our monthly newsletter. If you are interested, please call Linda at the church office (526-5559).


Presbyterian and Disciples

Campus Ministry at NMSU

2511 Chaparral St. 522-6404

David Sallee, Campus Minister

Pizza Party at The Bridge!

There will be free pizza, prizes and

magician Jamie O'Hara to entertain!

Wednesday, August 22

6:00 - 9:00 P.M.


Thanks to your patience and the bountiful generosity of one of our church families, the Sanctuary lighting project is now completed, after eight month's of work! This project required the expertise of a lighting engineer, a group of electricians, the welding and improvision skills of Fred Tucker, and the tenacity of those involved

to continue to change and improve the balance of the lighting until the level of lighting was within nationally accepted standards. All of this was a gift to the congregation from one of our church families.

Praise be to God!

Charlie Yaryan

Building & Grounds



will meet

August 9 at 5:30

August 19 at 3:30

Have You Seen It?

The reception area in the east end of Jones Hall has been extended and renovated through the hard work of volunteers and our sexton, Brian McPherson. It has been painted, the carpet has been replaced and extended, and changes made in the cabinetry and kitchenettes. This area will now better accommodate small to medium-sized receptions and the Sunday after-church fellowship.

A generous gift from a member and undesignated memorials have funded this project. There is also a memorial gift specifically for additional furniture for this area. The carpet removed has been reinstalled in the Senior High Room. That room has also been repainted by volunteers with donated supplies. Together, we can do great things!

Congregational News

New Church Members

Alan Ables and Carol Rees

208 Rossford Ave.

WSMR, NM 88002 678-4167


Ruth Brown

2975 Terrace Drive #322

LC, NM 88001 532-9444


Richard Claybourne Paul

2007 Crescent Dr.

LC, NM 88005 324-1515


Bill and Jean Zendler

3011 Buena Vida #201A

LC, NM 88011



* Richard Claybourne Paul on June 3, 2001

* Julian Joseph Rivera (son on James and Erica Rivera) on June 3, 2001

* Danielle Eileen and Ashley Rose Gurnea on July 29, 2001



* Elizabeth Bennett died on May 23, 2001

* Helen Cogar died on June 5, 2001

* Dorothy Mae Sloan died on June 16, 2001

* Geraldine Cherye died on July 28, 2001

New Baby

Mary Ferguson has a new granddaughter, Hannah Wu Ferguson, adopted by her son Andrew and his wife Kay Wu. Hannah was born September 18, 2000 in Taiwan and will be coming to her new home in San Francisco on August 6.

The Lantern

Interim Editor: Betsy Holt

Production: Linda Ramirez

Distribution: Alice and Larry Cooper and other volunteers

The Lantern is a monthly publication of First Presbyterian Church, Las Cruces, N.M.

Articles, photos and comments are welcome, and will be used at the discretion of the publisher and production staff. For further information, call 526-5559

Worship Attendance

June 2001

June 3 252

June 10 244

June 17 220

June 24 213


July 2001

July 1 203

July 8 222

July 15 246

July 22 216

July 29 222

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Last update 2002-06-24 12:44:20