First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

Selections from The Lantern, November 2002. The Lantern is the monthly newsletter of the First Presbyterian Church.

From Our Interim Pastor

One of the really goofy things that goes around in both the political and religious arenas is the idea that a person’s label is an infallible guarantee of his or her intelligence, insight, grasp of the truth, and even integrity. If a person wears the label “conservative,” then all that person’s friends, at any rate those who wear the same label and agree with that person, will swear that he or she will always be right, always perfectly incisive, wondrously lucid, and a person of incorruptible character.

On the other hand, if a person wears the label “liberal,” then with his or her friends and those agreeing, that person is a prophet of unfailing ability, one who always judges things correctly, and is consistently right on every question.

It is a nonsensical notion. No one is any brighter for wearing a label. No one way of looking at things can guarantee a correct answer on every count. A round of applause from one’s friends and sympathizers does not mean that one has spoken wisdom. This kind of thing is an offence against truth. Truth is not in captivity to labels.

Blaise Pascal put his finger on the heresy involved when he said, “I suppose that men believe in miracles. You corrupt religion either in favor of your friends, or against your enemies. You arrange it at your will.” (Pensees, 854) It’s an illusion, not a miracle, to believe that one’s friends are always right. It would be a miracle if it were true, but it isn’t. People believe it anyway.


November Sermons

Our Interim Pastor’s sermons for the month of November will be as follows:


Saints of Everyday

You are a saint! No, not the New Orleans football team. If you are a Christian, you are a saint! How’s about that? Wouldn’t it be worth coming to church this Sunday to learn more about that? The sermon will be based upon various portions of Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians.



Do you know what that word means? Did you know Jesus invited people to experience serendipity? He did! Read Matthew 7:7-12 and bring someone with you to worship to hear more about this.


The Just and the Unjust

Jesus said, “Your Father in heaven makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good; sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” God does that? Treats all of us alike? Then why be good? Read Matthew 5:38-48 and bring someone to worship with you as Gus preaches on this interesting dilemma.


In as Much—Christ the King

The Rev. Dr. Marcus Burr, Parish Associate, preaching

Welcome New Members

On Sunday, September 29th, thirteen persons united with our Christian fellowship. We were happy to receive Mary Ellen Gregg on profession of her faith and adult baptism. She makes her home at 1986 Crescent Drive.

Michael, Donnalee, and Seville Bartholomew became affiliate members by letter from the Community Congregational Church in Pullman, WA. They reside at 1728 Imperial Ridge. Anne Havens, who makes her home at 4970 Galina Drive came by letter from the First Presbyterian Church of Carmi, IL.

Morris (Moe) and Joyce Hill united with us from Prince of Peace Presbyterian Church of Crofton, MD. They live at 399 No Problem Drive. Cathryn Kittleson who resides at 2189 Frontier Dr. comes to us from Great Bridge Presbyterian Church of Chesapeake, VA. Joe and Patricia Montoya come by letter from Mountain View Presbyterian Church of Colorado Springs, CO. They make their home at 1070 Heather Circle. Tom and Sue Ann Hanning united with us from the First Methodist Church of Deming, NM and Bertha Toney, comes to us from the First Presbyterian Church of Deming, NM The Hannings and Mrs. Tomey make their home at Good Sam.

We welcome them into the life and work of First Presbyterian Church.

Pastor Nominating Report

The PNC is progressing along the path reported last month. We hope to have one candidate visit Las Cruces in the month of November 2002. We should all be mindful that the decision process could dictate that more than one candidate will have to be brought to Las Cruces.

Since we are moving into the busy Advent season, the visitation stage could continue into January 2003 if more visits are required. Then if all goes well, a selection of the pastor could be made in the first quarter of 2003. If more candidates must be evaluated, then the process will continue. We are reasonably confident that we will accomplish our assigned mission in 14-16 months, the typical time needed for calling a pastor. The search began in February of this year.

It goes without saying that the right decision must be made. To do so we will need time to discern the guidance of the Holy Spirit. By God’s grace, we will have the services of the Rev. Gus Schmitt for some time yet.

As always we need your patience and especially your prayers.

Church Master Plan

Approximately 100 members attended the Called Congregational Meeting and potluck dinner in Watkins Hall on Sunday evening, October 20th. After Rev. Gus Schmitt called the meeting to order at about 5 PM and Acting Clerk of Session Ruth Ford declared that a quorum was present, Gus opened with prayer and turned the meeting over to Max Loman, Chairman of the Facilities Renewal Assistance Committee. The purpose of the meeting was to review a Master Architectural Plan for our church campus, which includes:

·New metal roofs for all buildings

·New heating and refrigerated cooling for all buildings except the sanctuary, which has been replaced this year

·Several security enhancements including fencing, lighting, communications and relocation of our nursery at a later date

·Expanded and improved bathrooms that will meet ADA standards

·New space and enhancements to include church administration, fellowship, a small chapel and much more

·A Christian Day Care Program to provide needed services to Las Cruces, to provide a Christian outreach to young families in our community, and to earn income to pay for a significant portion of the cost of the roofs and heating/cooling needed.

After the presentations by members of the Facility Renewal Committee and Steve Newby, our architect, a motion was passed with no dissenting votes to approve the Master Plan. A second resolution was also passed to indicate solid support of a Christian Day Care service at 1st Presbyterian. Gus closed the meeting with prayer.

If you were unable to attend and would like a presentation at your convenience, at your home or at our church, please call Marsha Topley. She will arrange for a member of the Renewal committee to meet with you for that purpose.

Our Women in the News

An article about the contributions of our Presbyterian Women to the national Overseas Hospital Project appeared in the November—December issue of Horizons, the national magazine for Presbyterian Women. The article, written by Sue Carter, featured a picture of Kristin Garcia, granddaughter of Janet McPherson. The picture showed her helping sew a blanket as part of a joint project between our women and the Vacation Bible School last summer.

Letter from George Gray

To the people of First Presbyterian Church:

I would like to express my appreciation to the members for giving my paintings such a wonderful home. The expressions of enjoyment I have received were very gratifying.

Archie Beckett and Clyde Treat spearheaded the project. The committee with whom I worked were helpful in many ways. Ruth Ford, chairman of that committee, deserves special gratitude and Rayma Claesson and Betty Holt were positive supporters always.

The reception by Three Crosses Travelers was great! As you view these pictures, I hope it enhances your faith as it has mine.

Successful Hamburger Fry

The Annual Hamburger Fry sponsored by the Board of Deacons as their one major Fund-raising event of the year was a huge success. According to the deacons, this was the largest turn-out in anyone’s memory and $1,400 was received.

Of particular note was how patient everyone was standing in that long, long, line and how many stayed around visiting around the tables and enjoying fellowship. Thanks to the deacons for all their hard work and for the wonderful ministry to local missions they provide in the name of Christ.

CWU Celebration

On Friday, November 1, our women hosted a Church Women United Celebration. World Community Day, with the theme “Daughters of Abraham, Called to Peace” explored relationships with our Jewish sisters. Muslim women were also invited, but declined to attend. Debbie Levy, President of the Sisterhood at Temple Beth El, and two other women from the Jewish congregation, explained the roles women fulfill in the temple and the home. Plans for sharing future programs were discussed. There were about 20 women from our congregation, several from Northminster, and women and men from other churches in Las Cruces and Mesquite. The worship service focused on the similarities we have in our beliefs.

The local charitable project of CWU is to collect new and “gently used” books for young children. The books are cleaned up and taken to the Southern NM Correctional Facility. When families go to the prison to visit inmates, the books are made available for the fathers to read to their young children, and the children can take the books home with them. If you have books for this project, you may leave them in the big box labeled “local missions” in Jones Hall parlor.

Christmas Outreach

The Deacons have decided to change their Christmas outreach project held in conjunction with Mesilla Valley Hospice. This year we will provide food to more families. We will provide Christmas dinners (either components or frozen prepared) and staple groceries. Instead of individual gifts, each family will be given a small gift certificate for Walmart so that they can purchase gifts of their choosing. Beautiful new trees made by Jon Daniels will be placed in the sanctuary with pull-off stars indicating either “Turkey,” “Ham,” or monetary amounts. Please make your checks out to the church, marked for “Hospice.” Turkeys and Hams should be brought to church by December 16.

Christian Education News

Sunday School has something for everyone.

Adult Sunday School classes at First Presbyterian Church offer both Bible study and video lessons from the New Testament. Dick Dale is leading an in-depth study of Second Corinthians. Blaine Goss is leading a video study of the New Testament featuring R.C. Sproul. Each week features major themes and central characters from Scripture. Each lesson stands alone so attendees can come whenever possible.

The high school class, led by Gary Gemoets, is delving into Scripture as it explores relationships-personal, familial, social, and international. Seasons of the Spirit is the name of their curriculum as well as that of the mid-school. Charlie Yaryan is leading the mid-school class. Elementary students are experiencing the benefits of rotation workshop. Margie Rankin, Joyce Gemoets, Jacque Parks, and Nora Yaryan are rotating time, talents and workshops to bring the Scriptures to our elementary youth.

Judith Ames, Carol Goss, Millie Conrad, Jenny Topley, Janet McPherson, Joyce Gemoets, Lynda Garcia, and Darla Topley are bringing lively lessons to our preschoolers. Music, puzzles, and picture help these very young students learn the wonderful Gospel message. Janet Loman, Dina Schroeder, and Jasey Loman help these very young students learn the wonderful Gospel message. Janet Loman, Dina Schroeder, and Jasey Loman help Judi Ferguson in our crib room. We wish to extend a heartfelt invitation to all to come experience God’s love and grace at Sunday School.

Stewardship - 2002

Generous People Live Gracefully

A life of abundance or a life of scarcity, which do you choose? Each one is free to choose. So you say, “Of course I want a life of abundance.” However, with choices also comes decision-making regarding priorities. Jesus said that He came so that we might have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10). Abundance, not scarcity, is consistent with what we know of God. We reap God’s bountiful blessings every day.

Rev. Laura Dunham in her book Graceful Living on faith, values, and money in changing times writes that graceful living grows out of faith in a gracious God. She helps us to realize that being generous with ourselves as well as our money is crucial to our growth in faith. This is hard to do when our lives are crammed with “getting and spending”. To know how to live gracefully and abundantly we must change our attitudes and behavior. This isn’t always easy; however the rewards are great. Generous people live gracefully.

Graceful people view their glass as half full, not half empty. Those who tend to view the world as a place of scarcity tend to hoard, not share what they have. They are selfish people. Those who view the world as one of abundance respond generously to everyone. In turn abundance creates more abundance. Abundance and graceful living come about when we are a generous people with our time, talents and money. Being generous is crucial to our spiritual growth. Let us live gracefully and generously.

Salt and Light Company

Our mid-week Logos program, Salt and Light, is in full swing now. Young people in grades 1-12 are participating in recreation, Bible study, worship skills, and Family of God dinner and prayer every week.

The high school group, led by Matt Holt, Betsy Holt, and Martha Mitchell, has completed a food drive to aid the Gospel Rescue Mission. The high schoolers worked with the Deacons to fulfill this Mission project. The mid-school youth have produced a skit/play and presented it the congregation on October 27th. The play’s theme was stewardship and sacrifice to emphasize our church’s season of stewardship.

The elementary class is divided into two sections. The first, second, and third grade class is led by Donna Farmer. They are immersed in discovery — how we can love each other because God loves us! Ruth Ann Hurab leads the fourth, fifth, and sixth grade class. Both classes are using Logos curriculum emphasizing love and compassion for all people everywhere.

Dinner at Salt and Light is a joyous time of food, fellowship, and fun. The emphasis is on including everyone in laughter, singing, and eating. After dinner, the mood becomes quiet and reflective as we begin our time of community prayer. Prayers are offered for healing, and thanks.

Salt and Light invites everyone to dinner and prayer time. Please join us at 6:15 next Wednesday.

Notes, Announcements

Christ the King Sunday - Nov 24

The Sermon: “In As Much” based on Matthew 25:31-46. The service will be led by The Rev. Dr. Marcus L. Burr, Jr, our Parish Associate. The “Childrens Choir” will be singing.

Community Thanksgiving Service

A Thanksgiving Celebration Worship will be held at St. Paul’s Methodist Church on Wednesday, November 27 at 7:00 PM. Watch the church bulletin for more information.

Contract Renewed

At the Stated Meeting of the Session held October 15th the contract between the Session and our Interim Pastor was renewed. The new contract will be for six months. It is anticipated that an installed pastor will be found within that time period. The Committee on Ministry of Presbytery has also given its approval.


Our Interim Pastor will be on vacation November 21 through December 1. He, Lisa, and Elizabeth will be taking a long-planned trip in celebration of Gus and Lisa’s 25th wedding anniversary. The Rev. Dr. Marcus Burr will, as always, be available for pastoral services during Gus’s absence.

Desert Cruisers News

Desert Cruisers will be meeting on November 25th at 12 noon for their covered dish lunch. The program will be the original presentation of “The Cup Bearer” by the author Carl Shuster. Come dressed in Pilgrim or Puritan costumes.


Communion will be served on November 3 and December 1.


Sept 29 254

Oct 6 279

Oct 13 226

Oct 20 297

Oct 27 264


This year members and friends received boxes of offering envelopes either with a weekly or monthly envelopes, depending on their giving pattern. If you would like to change the type of envelopes that you receive or do not want envelopes at all, please contact Kathy in the office, 526-5559, as soon as possible.

The Bridge

Presbyterian and Disciples

Campus Ministry at NMSU

2511 Chaparral St. 522-6404

David Sallee, Campus Minister

Sunday, 8:03 am Bible Study at Milagro Coffee Shop

Wednesday, 7:30 pm College Student Fellowship and Discipleship at the Bridge

Friday, 7:00 pm Movies and Fun Night at the Bridge

Monday, 8:00 pm Habitat for Humanity-Student Chapter at Corbett Center

Tuesday, 5:15 pm Christians in social work Student Chapter at Social Work building

Lantern Deadline Date

The Lantern deadline for the month of November will be Monday the 18th. Please get your articles into the office by this date.

Office Closed

The church office will be closed on November 11th, Veterans Day, and November 28th and 29th for Thanksgiving.


11/02 Doris Silva

11/03 Bill Brown

11/04 Patricia Tomlin

11/04 Paul Rohe

11/05 Norma Savage

11/02 Doris Silva

11/03 Bill Brown

11/04 Patricia Tomlin

11/04 Paul Rohe

11/05 Norma Savage

11/06 Ruth Hoff

11/06 Molly Schroeder

11/08 Betsy Holt

11/09 Ray Carter

11/10 John Davis

11/10 Otis Farmer

11/11 Marjorie Burr

11/11 Elsie Kowalski

11/14 Judi Ferguson

11/14 Eleanor Dikowski

11/14 Lucile Graham

11/15 Adna Assel

11/19 Stephanie Miles

11/19 Joyce Gemoets

11/19 Ann Miller

11/19 Ava Russell

11/20 Steve Newby

11/21 Nancy Cobble

11/22 Tiffany Daniels

11/23 Ken Shannon

11/24 Carolyn Bricker

11/26 Ryan Tomlin

11/28 Carl Shuster

11/29 George Scott

11/29 Jim Horst


PW Holiday Bazaar

November 17

Holiday Bazaar

Presbyterian Women will be hosting a Holiday Bazaar this year instead of the Christmas Auction. There will be various homemade baked goodies, handmade items, “Ten Thousand Villages” items from Africa, and previously owned costume jewelry at great prices. Come shop and admire the creative talents of our church members. The bazaar will be Sunday, November 17th at 3:00 PM in Watkins Hall. Proceeds will go toward Presbyterian Women’s Missions. Please bring your items to the church office by Friday Nov. 15th, Please have the price of each item attached. Plan now to come for a fun afternoon of food, fellowship and great shopping.



11/02 Doris Silva

11/03 Bill Brown

11/04 Patricia Tomlin

11/04 Paul Rohe

11/05 Norma Savage

11/06 Ruth Hoff

11/06 Molly Schroeder

11/08 Betsy Holt

11/09 Ray Carter

11/10 John Davis

11/10 Otis Farmer

11/11 Marjorie Burr

11/11 Elsie Kowalski

11/14 Judi Ferguson

11/14 Eleanor Dikowski

11/14 Lucile Graham

11/15 Adna Assel

11/19 Stephanie Miles

11/19 Joyce Gemoets

11/19 Ann Miller

11/19 Ava Russell

11/20 Steve Newby

11/21 Nancy Cobble

11/22 Tiffany Daniels

11/23 Ken Shannon

11/24 Carolyn Bricker

11/26 Ryan Tomlin

11/28 Carl Shuster

11/29 George Scott

11/29 Jim Horst

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