First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

Selections from The Lantern, April 2003. The Lantern is the monthly newsletter of the First Presbyterian Church.

Holy Week Services

Our Holy Week and Easter observance begins on Sunday, April 13th, Passion or Palm Sunday. The day begins with Sunday School for all age groups beginning at 9:00 A.M.

Palm Sunday Worship begins at 10:30 A.M. with special music by our Chancel Choir and the procession of palms by the children of the church. Gus will preach on the subject, "A Street Scene".


On Maundy Thursday, April 17th, we will gather for worship in the sanctuary at 7:00 P.M. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated and the traditional Tenebrae Service experienced.

The Chancel Choir will be singing. Gus will bring a special communion meditation entitled "A Lesson In Humility." Let us come, entering the spirit of this event, as we remember our Lord’s death for our sakes.


The sanctuary will be open from 7:30 A.M. for those wishing to spend time in personal prayer and meditation.

A special Good Friday Worship of Scripture, prayer and meditation will be held at noon. We invite you to spend this time in community as we mourn our Savior’s death.


Sunday, April 20th, is Easter Sunday. God did it! Jesus lives! Resurrection is not the celebration of "getting out of death" but "getting into new life"!

We will begin the day of celebration at 6:30 A.M. with a SUNRISE SERVICE led by the youth of the church. Last year 125 persons attended. This service will be held in the courtyard. Begin the celebration early with our young people.

Then, at 7:30 A.M. our celebration continues with a delicious breakfast prepared by the men of the church. Come join us for that.

Sunday School Classes for all age groups will be held as usual beginning at 9:00 A.M. If you do not attend a class regularly, what a wonderful time to start.

An exciting Easter Celebration is being planned to be held in the sanctuary beginning at 10:30 A.M. with special music by our Chancel Choir and accompanying musicians. Gus will preach on the subject "Life in the Midst of Death." Come, join the celebration!


The Sunday after Easter has been traditionally known as "Low Sunday" by our more liturgical Christian friends. The reason is obvious to anyone attending worship the Sunday after Easter.

Last year attendance on "Low Sunday" was 278. We can do better than that. Gus will be preaching on "A Nowhere, Anywhere, Everywhere Place" based upon the appearance of Jesus to the two men on the road to Emmaus.

Bring someone with you to worship as we continue our celebration of Easter April 27th.


The initial response to Phase I fundraising shown on the accompanying figure is very encouraging. As of March 20, we had received 26 pledges for $124,340 and we had collected $52,783. An early response is especially helpful, because it saves interest on our loan. Our thanks go to those who have taken the lead. They include one Benefactor and four Sustainers, among the 26 donors. Of course, all donations are appreciated no matter what the amount, but we will have to dig into our savings to reach our goal.

The work in Phase I will restore our facilities to a more functional use than before. It will also modify Branigan Hall for use during the week as a day care center for children, which will provide income to help us meet future needs. The work is well underway. Praise the Lord! We hope to have the funds raised by the time the work is done. Then, the congregation can consider undertaking a more ambitious plan for a large addition to the sanctuary building, without concern for previous debt. We feel the Facilities Renewal Committee has exhibited very good stewardship in their approach to preparing our church for its second century of service to the Lord and to our community. Yes, this year, 2003, is our 120th anniversary. What an appropriate way to celebrate.

We are encouraged in our efforts by the words of Paul in Phil.4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" and in Phil. 2:13, "For it is God who works in you, both to will and to do of his good pleasure." God is at work in our church today, and He will lead us to will and to do of his good pleasure. In II Cor. 9:6-7, Paul says "Whoever sows sparingly, shall reap also sparingly, and whoever sows generously, shall reap also generously. Everyone should give as they believe in their hearts, not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver."

In these troubled times, people worry about many things—terrorism, wars, the national economy. In such times, we feel the need for trust in God’s promise of eternal security and the peace of mind it can bring. Aren’t we praying more now than before? I hear people say, "I don’t know what to do; my investments are down so much I’m afraid to make a pledge." A gift to the church may be very best investment we could possibly make. It pays immediate dividends in peace of mind and contentment. It has great potential for growth in the membership and function of our church. There is no risk involved because God has never defaulted on a promise. If we do our part, there is no way we can lose. The only real security is in our Lord.

Our church has made a commitment of $850,000 for Phase I of facilities renewal. It’s a job, which must be done. It’s a great opportunity to serve the Lord and to carry out his commandment. It is a challenge, which many of us need, to motivate us to reach our God given potential. We will do this. Our church will thrive in both membership and service. We need your help. And may God bless you with peace and joy in your hearts.

Construction Update

As of this writing, work will begin on Jones Hall April 1st. The week prior to that the church staff and other volunteers will be busily at work preparing for the moving of all church offices into Reeves Hall. The day construction begins on Jones Hall, no one will be able to enter that facility; so the move must be complete.


The Office Manager’s and Administrative Assistant’s offices will be located in what is now the Sr. High Room. The Interim Pastor’s Office will be located in the parlor in Reeves Hall.

The expectation is that church offices and all functions normally held in Jones Hall will be in Reeves Hall for 35 to 45 days. Your prayers and patience will be needed during this time of physical transition.

Class and Meeting Rooms

The Nursery and 2-5 year-old children will meet in the Gathering Room. Grades 1 – 5 will meet in the Fellowship Hall and Watkins Hall. Sr. High and Middle School youth will meet in the present Middle School Room. The Adult Class presently meeting in the Library will meet in Watkins Hall and the Adult Class presently meeting in the Parlor in Reeves Hall will continue to meet there.

Session, Diaconate, committee meetings and Presbyterian Women meetings will be held in Reeves Fellowship Hall and Watkins Hall in available space.

Outside groups meeting on our campus will be notified of changes in their meeting areas.

During the moving process it is possible the church offices will be closed for a day or two enabling staff and volunteers to prepare for leaving Jones Hall and then get reorganized after the move into Reeves. This means some tasks normally done by the staff might not be done during that period. Again, please be patient.

These are exciting times in the life of First Presbyterian Church.

A Columbarium?

It has been proposed that First Presbyterian Church of Las Cruces establish a Columbarium, possiblely as a part of the last phase of the Facility Renewal Program.

A Columbarium is a facility consisting of niches in which urns containing the ashes from cremation may be stored. Columbaria are analogous to the graveyards that many churches have maintained over the centuries. They can be simple or elaborate ranging from a single cabinet with a few niches in it to large gardens or buildings containing statuary, fountains, meditation areas, and the like.

An ad hoc committee is being formed to make recommendations to the Session concerning this possibility. If you have suggestions, contact Bob Taylor at 522-2867.

Pastor Nominating Report

The PNC has maintained its momentum through a couple of disappointing months. We had one prospective pastor who expressed in prayer that the Spirit steer him and his wife away from the wrong church and that we not choose the wrong pastor. All involved in the process realize that if we don't heed God's calling we will not prosper as a church. The church has made great strides under the guidance of the Rev. Schmitt and we must have a new pastor who will be able to continue that leadership. That is our aim. There is a rumor that that Gus thinks we are not trying very hard as long as he is willing to stay and help. But in fact we are quite anxious to sack him and get him back to his family.

We know that our friends in the congregation are getting impatient, as are we. We plan to stay the course and hope all of our friends will do likewise. Your prayers sustain us.

Local Mission for April

The month’s local missions for Presbyterian Women are the Closet de Mesilla and Hacienda del Sol, two parts of the Community of Hope.

Clothing needed by adults who are trying to reenter the workforce is provided to them by the Closet de Mesilla. Your "gently used" clothes suitable for an office or other workplaces, or for attending training classes, will be gratefully received. Sturdy work clothes are also in demand.

Hacienda del Sol is a transitional living facility for homeless women and families, currently housing 20 children between the ages of two and thirteen, with their parent(s). These people are being helped to make a fresh start in life, and their needs include all kinds of toiletries. When the clients have found work, they are helped to begin housekeeping in their own apartment. Then, linens, cookware, small appliances, utensils, absolutely everything for a family, are needed.

During the "Jones Hall Exodus" the Local Missions box can be found in the Narthex. If you would like to have clothing or household items picked up at your home, please call Maggie Burr at 523-7917.

Presbyterian Women

All Presbyterian Women are invited to attend a luncheon and program at 11:30, April 22, in the Arts and Crafts Room at University Terrace Good Samaritan Village, 3025 Terrace Dr. The speaker will be Pamela Anzell from the Community of Hope. A shower of items needed by the Community of Hope is planned. Items needed by the Community of Hope include: deodorant, socks, hats, sweat shirts, gloves, sleeping bags, blankets, razors, hand soap, shampoo, lotion, shirts, chap stick, tooth brushes, coats and shoes.

In addition there will be an installation of PW Coordinating Team, Dedication of Birthday and Least Coin Offerings, and a Presentation of Honorary Lifetime Award. The hostesses will be Morning and Ruth-Naomi Circles.

The cost of the luncheon is $6.25. Reservations are not needed, but it would be helpful to call Miriam Walstad at 521-0927. If you have any questions please call Sue Carter 522-6898.

Notes, Announcements


Carl Shuster died March 4, 2003

George B. Scott died March 18, 2003

Church Directory Correction

Bertha Toney

Apt # is 302 not 305

Bill and Wanda Mattiace

2812 Buena Vida Ct. (not cir.)

Janet Lemon

481 Butler St. 88001

Steve and Anna Suggs

6650 Rio Hondo Ct.-67

La Mesa, NM 88044

Bake Sale

Our March bake sale was very successful. We would like to thank the congregation for your support. The mid-school youth will be holding another bake sale after worship on April 6th. Please support our youth in their summer activities, and enjoy delicious, home-baked goodies at the same time.


Communion will be served on April 6th and May 4th.


Mar 2 331

Mar 9 300

Mar 16 293

Mar 23 285

Mar 30 ___

Income and Expenses

Operating Funds: February

Operating Income $29,482.21

Operating Expenses 29,780.88

Total -$298.67

Year to Date Summary:

Operating Income $60,193.61

Operating Expenses 65,381.18

Total -$5,187.57


Linda Ramirez will not be in the office on April 21 and 22.

Lantern Deadline Date

Monday April the 21st is the deadline for the articles going into the May Lantern. Please get your articles into the office on or before this date.

The Bridge

Presbyterian and Disciples

Campus Ministry at NMSU

2511 Chaparral St. 522-6404

David Sallee, Campus Minister

Garage Sale

No Garage Sale this summer due to the construction.


Camp and Retreat Center


Now is the time to begin thinking about summer camp plans. Below is listed this year’s camps and costs.

In June our Mid High youth are making plans with the Garcia’s and Beth Borchert-Thomas to go to Gunnison. However, Chimney Spring is also available. Summer camps for High School are still in the planning stage.

Registration can be made directly by callling Chimney Spring at 505-687-3520, or, or e-mail at, or call the church office.


"Son Harvest County Fair"

Yes, "dust" is in the air! And along with that "dust", we are making necessary adjustments for summer programs. The Session agreed last month to make an inquiry to Northminster about holding a joint VBS program together at their church. It is happening! Northminster will host VBS at the "Son Harvest County Fair" June 2 thru 6. That means we need you the congregation to get involved. We need you to step forward to teach, cook, set-up, clean up, direct, etc., etc., etc.! Call the church or Nora Yaryan, 527-0528 for further details. And, watch the Lantern for timely updates.

Salt & Light Musical

The children and youth of Salt and Light will present two musicals on Sunday, April 27th. The children will be presenting "Oh Jonah!" and the middle schoolers are presenting "Moses and the Freedom Fanatics." Lunch will be served immediately following worship in Watkins Hall and the performances will follow lunch in the Sanctuary. Make your plans to attend now. You will not want to miss this.

Salt and Light Company

April will be the final month of our Wednesday afternoon/evening program for this school year. The Family Of God (dinnertime) themes for the month are:

To all the faithful teachers, music leaders, kitchen crew members, table parents, recreation leaders, planners, group shepherds, pray-ers, financial supporters, other adults who do such things as handle money and prepare snacks, and the parents who lend us their precious children and teens on Wednesdays, thank you for making it all happen.

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Send comments, suggestions, and requests to Alex. F. Burr or send email to aburr @
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Last update 2003-03-28 22:26:49