First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM


First Presbyterian Church, Las Cruces, NM March 1997

Jesus is Lord of all the earth.

He is the King of creation.


Spread the good news o’er all the earth:

Jesus has died and has risen.


We have been crucified with Christ.

Now we shall live for ever.


Come, let us praise the living God,

Joyfully sign to our Savior.


*From "Alleluia, Alleluia! Give Thanks"

our "Hymn of the Month"


Holy Week Services - March 23-30

*Grand Choir Processional and special music by a

Woodwind Quartet on Palm Sunday (10:30).

*Maundy Thursday Communion & Tenebrae Service (7:30).

*Good Friday Prayer Vigil (7am-4pm)

*Easter Sunrise Service with dramatic portrayals (6:30).

*Breakfast following Sunrise Service (7:15).

*Dramatic Easter Production by Sr High Youth at the Sunday

School hour (9:15).

*Celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord!! with choral

music from Handel’s Messiah (10:30).


By Lantern Light:

Telling News Others Won’t Believe - Yet


Carrying materials to prepare Jesus’ broken body for burial, faithful women found an empty tomb and learned that he had risen from the dead, just as he had told them he would. They had the most wonderful story to tell in all of history:

"Then they remembered Jesus’ words.

They left the tomb and broke the news of all this to the Eleven and the rest.

Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women

with them kept telling these things to the apostles, but the apostles didn’t believe

a word of it, thought they were making it all up."

-Mark 24:8-11, from The Message


Over time, Jesus’ immediate followers believed and began to absorb the implications of his resurrection. Disciples who thought they’d seen Jesus for the last time got to see him clearly for the first time. They no longer saw anything the same way again! Everything, themselves included, was new and alive in Christ. Former hopes in the Messiah died, pushed aside by new hopes; old dreams died, replaced by new and greater ones. Not just hopes and dreams, but human reality changed forever with the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Sometimes the Good News of Jesus Christ goes untold, the opportunity for new life in him goes unshared. Sometimes when we do speak, thrilled to tell the story, we are greeted in the same manner in which those close followers responded to the women on the first Easter. As they continued to meet together, Jesus came and stood among them.

Yes, we have a story to tell, a resurrection to celebrate. Bring a friend with you on Easter Sunday as we meet together to tell and hear the story in many ways, to celebrate the reality which shatters fear and pushes despair aside. Bring them to experience the presence of the risen Christ. First, please pray about who that will be and how you will approach her or him. Then take the Invitation Card, included in this Lantern, in person to that person. Offer a ride, too. You may need more cards! Additional cards will be available at each entrance to the sanctuary from now through Palm Sunday.

Yours in Christ,

John Clark Poling


Adult Fellowship



This group of parents and young couples meets monthly for fellowship - sometimes with children, sometimes without. For March we will meet at Jerry & Susan Grandles’ for a family potluck; they will furnish corned beef. Call 524-3309 to RSVP by March 8. We will have a real potato head contest. Bring a finished entry and win prizes.


This group of singles and couples meets monthly. In March we will meet in Reeves Hall for a covered-dish supper, fellowship, and a program by Beverly Briggs on her recent experiences in China. All are welcome. For information, call Jim & Jacque Parks, 526-8180.


This group of singles and couples meets monthly at the church for a covered-dish lunch, program, and fellowship at noon. In March our own Dr. Gerald Thomas will speak on the agricultural history of our area. All are welcome. For information, call Frances & Carl Shuster, 522-2504.


*March 1-9: Spring Break Mission Trip, New Orleans, LA

*March 12, 19, 26: Weekly Wednesday night student fellowship at "The Bridge" (PCM), 2511 Chaparral, at 8 P.M.

Call David at 522-6404 for information.


Staff News

*John & Jackie Poling, March 3-7, vacation.

*Noelle Castin, March 7-8, Ruidoso, Camp Directors’ Training Retreat

(for Camp Chimney Spring).

*Dutch Matkin, March 7-12, vacation.

Growing in

Numbers and Faith


There are exciting new ideas and plans for this year and this committee needs more help! Won’t you consider taking part in the Evangelism-Ourtreach activities of our congregation? One of our activities is hosting dinners for visitors and new members in the congregation. If you would like to host a dinner in your home or volunteer for our committee, call Evelyn Horst, 526-5635, or the church office.

Hymn of the Month


"Alleluia, Alleluia! Give Thanks"

Both the text and tune of this contemporary Easter hymn were composed by Donald Fishel (b.1950) for the Word of God Community in Ann Arbor, Michigan in the summer of 1971. The hymn is a composite of several of Paul’s themes (Rom. 4:24-25; I Cor. 15; Gal. 2:20) as well as the Easter theme of resurrection.

New Member Class

April 6,13,10

3:00-5:00 P.M.


This class is for those who have recently joined First Presbyterian Church and those who are considering joining. It covers essentials of the Christian faith, peculiarities of the Presbyterian expression of that faith, and particulars of this congregation’s mission. Long-time members are also welcome for a "refresher course" and also to contribute to the course from their own experience.


Reception of New Members


People interested in joining with this congregation are invited to meet with the Session following worship on Sunday, March 16. Public reception will be on Easter.

Deacons Provide

Home Visitation

Do you know someone confined to their home who misses our church services and activities?

The Deacons’ Homebound Visitation Committee visits members of our church family who can no longer get out of their homes to worship and fellowship with us. Please call Janice Sherman at 522-9076 or Ruth Ford at 524-1814 or the church office at 526-5559 if you know someone who would like to be visited.

Easter Lilies


It’s time to order Easter lilies

for the Sanctuary, order through

the church office by Palm Sunday.

Price this year is $5.50.

New Playground

Coming this Spring!


Our faithful, old playground equipment is giving out! With the increased number of kids, more frequent use and very old materials, we have worn out much of the playground. Under the direction of the Christian Education Committee, the Buildings & Grounds Committee, and Randy Farmer and The Greenhouse will be enlarging the fenced area soon before new playground equipment arrives. Watch for a construction date when you can come help make this project a reality for our kids!



March 18: Coffee 10:30 a.m.

Speaker: Beverly Briggs on her recent trip

to China!

*Board Meeting at 9:30 a.m.

Mark your calendar: Annual Spring Luncheon, April 19 at University Terrace.


Retirement Party for

Dutch Matkin

A celebration of her gifts

and 14 years of ministry

to our Congregation.


Sunday, April 13

Dinner at 5:30 P.M.

Watkins Hall


Cost: Donation (any leftover monies

will go toward the Kitchen Fund.)




The plans are being fine-

tuned and much of the new

equipment has been selected.


Campaign Goal: $35,000

Funds in Hand: $11,500.


Everybody can be a part of making

this need and dream a reality!

Check out the display in Jones Hall

and make your contribution.

Every small and large donation

will be gratefully received.

An informed heart

encourages a giving

heart. Search the pages

of this Lantern for facts

about the plight of people

around the world and the

solutions and promise

provided by funds from

One Great Hour of Sharing.


Inform your heart. Then give generously to OGHS when our offering is collected and dedicated on Easter Sunday.


*Lenten Course: Temptation by Diogenes Allen with John Poling leading in

Jones #110.

*Study of I Samuel with Dick Dale

in Reeves #304.

*Active Christian Parenting with Gary Gemoets in Jones #109.

Coming in April:

Peter and Paul - a video course that chronicles the saga of the two apostles through three epochal decades and their far-ranging journeys in which they endure incredible tortures along the way.


Pancake Breakfast


March 16


Reeves Hall


Cost: Donation

Mid-School Summer Camp Fund.

Provided by Men’s Fellowship




Thank you for the many cards and for the prayers for recovery when I was hospitalized recently. The outpouring of concern was very heartwarming and greatly appreciated. -Mary Ferguson


From Golgotha

Easter Sunday, 9:15 a.m.

Starring: Senior High Youth

This is an inspiring one-act play about the resurrection. All ages are invited! (There will be classroom activities for children

2 yrs. Through grade 2.)


All-Church Workday

Saturday, April 5; 8:30-2:00


It’s time to spruce up and do long-needed repairs to our buildings! Plan to come help for all or part of the day - big and small tasks and everything in between!


Move your clocks

one hour ahead

on Sunday, April 6!

The Lantern

Publisher: John C. Poling

Editor: Jackie Poling

Production/Distribution: Dutch Matkin

The Lantern is a monthly publication of First Presbyterian Church, Las Cruces, NM. Articles, photos and comments are welcome, and will be used at the discretion of the publisher and editor. For further information, call 526-5559.


March 16

Celebrate the gifts of women

at worship

*Commissioning of women to

attend the Presbyterian Women

Churchwide Gathering in

Louisville, Kentucky.

*Honoring Janet McPherson as

our congregation’s Honored

Witness for the Gathering.

*Illuminate!, The youth girls’

choir will join the women of

the Chancel Choir in singing

special music.

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Last update 2002-06-24 12:44:20