First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM


First Presbyterian Church, Las Cruces, NM April 1997


When the day of

Pentecost came, they

were all together in

one place. Suddenly a

sound like the blowing

of a violent wind came

from heaven and filled

the whole house where

they were sitting. They

saw what seemed to

be tongues of fire that

separated and came to

rest on each of them.

All of them were filled

with the Holy Spirit and

began to speak in other

tongues as the Spirit

enabled them. -Acts 2:1-4

It’s time for another birthday party! Traditionally, Pentecost is celebrated as the birthday of the Christian church. On Sunday, May 18, there will be a special service of music and praise at 10:30. After worship there will be a "Hamburger Fry" luncheon* prepared and served by the Senior High youth. There will be a birthday cake, games and fellowship in the courtyard. Wear red and don’t miss the fun!

*Cost will be a donation


By Lantern Light: Trustworthiness


Most polls reported in USA TODAY leave me wishing for further explanation or for responses to related questions. Some leave me wishing I hadn’t read the chart in that corner of the page. The poll reported on

July 23, 1997, read:

"Public morals an oxymoron?"

How adults say ethics and morals of the nation’s public officials are today vs. five years ago:

Better - 8%

Worse - 44%

About the same - 48%

The questions which I wished were reported: Do you think you’ve become suspicious? Would you rank yourself in a similar manner? Is "the same" good news or bad news? How much worse? How much better? What influences your opinion most? What standards are most important to you when you consider ethics and morals? What is the basis for them?

The perception of reliability has varying degrees of importance in different areas of our life. Can we trust what we are depending upon to work as expected? Apply the question to the following items in varying situations:

- The brakes on your car. The same brakes as you begin to descend from a mountain pass.

- The bungee cord attached to the luggage on your rooftop carrier. The bungee cord attached to your legs as you prepare to dive from a tall platform.

- The behavior of cheerleaders at a football game. The standards for behavior for leaders in the Presbyterian Church (USA).

To trust others is a human need that faces severe challenge, especially if we perceive that trustworthiness is eroding. The subsequent erosion of our trust then ensues. We find ourselves asking about criteria for acceptance of brake jobs, bungee cord strength and leaders’ character.

Performance over time is the traditional way communities establish trustworthiness...of materials, mechanisms and persons. Religious communities base their expectations of leaders on a very long history of standards and of leaders operating according to those standards. The summation of that history might be: maintain the standards for ourselves and expect them to demonstrable in the lives of our leaders; provide encouragement of leaders (prayer, working alongside them); place absolute trust in God alone. God alone is absolutely trustworthy.

I mention these things as we return to denominational debate of a proposed amendment to the fidelity and chastity portion of our Book of Order. The proposal is far less specific concerning the expectations we have of our ordained leaders in matters of sexual behavior. The criticism of such standards by persons who find them offensive is not a convincing argument for diluting them. I prefer to have brakes and bungee cords and leaders that are tested and that measure up to carefully delineated standards...standards which are clear, fair and distinctive for the church in a society caught in moral draft.

Yours in Christ,

John Clark Poling

Spring Workday Report

The workday was a great day and many of our projects were completed! Thanks to everyone who came to work! Julie Terrell and the Congregational Life Committee provided a delicious lunch. Here is the recipe people wanted for the soup:

Preacher’s Taco Soup

About 10 servings


1 1/2 lbs. Lean ground beef

1 onion, chopped

2 cans stewed tomatoes

1 can pinto beans

1 can kidney beans

1 can hominy

1 can chopped green chile

1 pkg. Taco seasoning mix

1 pkg. Ranch dressing mix

3 T. Salsa

Brown ground beef and onions; drain off fat. Add rest of ingredients; do not drain cans, but rinse with small amount of water and add to pot. Bring to boil, cover with lid, and simmer for 30-60 min., stirring frequently.

May Events -

7 - Graduation Party at the Bridge, 8 pm

14 - Study night at the Bridge, 8pm

15-16 - Work day at the Bridge: come anytime for as long as you like!

17 - Commemcement Ceremonies

19-31 - David on Sabbatical

Weekly Summer Schedule

Wednesdays - Student Fellowship, 8 pm

Sundays - Bible Study/Officers Mtg., 11 am

Weekends - Hikes, campouts, etc.

The Lantern

Publisher: John C. Poling

Editor: Jackie Poling

Production/Distribution: Betsy Holt

The Lantern is a monthly publication of First Presbyterian Church, Las Cruces, NM. Articles, photos and comments are welcome, and will be used at the discretion of the publisher and editor. For further information, call 526-5559.

Staff News

*Jackie Poling, May 8 & 9, to Chicago for a conference on workshop/rotation model for education.

*Noelle Castin, April 26-May 3, Princeton Youth Forum Institute, Princeton Seminary, New Jersey.

*John Poling, April 28-May 2, Wee-Kirk Conference, Glorieta, NM.

May 2-4, Men’s Retreat.

*Staff trip to Juarez, May 20, office closed.


Dollars and Sense

March Income and Expenses:

Operating Income $32,243.93

Budgeted Expenses 28,254.24

Balance 3,989.69

Year-to-Date through March:

Operating Income $82,058.59

Budgeted Expenses 93,923.89

Deficit balance -11,865.30

Operating income through the third Sunday in April is $18,378.69.

Upcoming expenses in May:

Board of Pensions $4841.00

Commercial Insurance

and Workman’s Comp. $2585.00

This would be a good time to get caught up on pledges as we go into the summer months. Watch for a mailing of contribution statements in May. The reports will show contributions through April. Please check the pledge information and let Kathy know of any discrepancies.

Update on the new hymnals:

There are still 34 hymnals to be paid for. Call Kathy if you would like to purchase one in memory or in honor of a special person.

Congregational News


Jerry Parks and Melissa Davis are engaged and plan a late summer wedding.

Erik and Amy Haaland have a new daughter, Hannah Grace, born April 4.

Bob and Sue Liefeld have a new grandson, Matthew John, born April 5. Parents are John & Kolynn Korsak Listi.

Alvin Dikowski died on April 3.

Herb Curry died on April 16.

Frances Stucky died on April 23.

Adult Sunday School

*Peter and Paul -This course chronicling the apostles Peter and Paul is being taught by Mell Peterson (Jones 110).

*Study of Isaiah being led by Dick Dale (Reeves 304).

* * *

Presbyterian Women


At the Spring Luncheon on April 19 at University Terrace, the following ladies were installed as officers for the 1997-1999 term:

Moderator Beverly Briggs

Vice-Moderator Sue Carter

Treasurer Kathy Tucker

Coordinator of

Search Committee Rayma Claussen

Coordinator of Missions Sue Kramer

Coordinator of Program Janet McPherson

Committee for Receptions Evelyn Horst &

Joan Lemon

Coordinator of Studies Caroline Darr

Presbyterian Women thank the outgoing officers and especially, Moderator Caroline Darr, for the great leadership and inspiration during the past two years.


Adult Bible Studies

with a Difference!

We are hosting a

One-Day Kerygma Workshop

Tuesday, May 13

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

There is still time to sign up!

Call Jackie at 526-5559.


Hymn of the Month


"All Things Bright and Beautiful"


The text for this month’s hymn was written by Cecil Frances Humphreys Alexander for the children of her Sunday school class to teach them the various truths of the Apostles’ Creed. It illustrates the first phase of the creed "I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth". The hymn was first published in her Hymns for Little Children (1848).

The tune, Royal Oak, is an English folk melody first published in the Dancing Master (1686). It was adapted as the setting for this text by Martin Shaw in Song Time (1915).


Youth Choir Concert


The following youth from our church will be participating in the New Mexico All-State Choir, May 22-24:

Jessica Borchert, Weslie Garcia, Amy Holt, Sarah Kramer and Sarah Sughroue from the Salt & Light Elementary Choir, and Lisa Farmer, Morgan Rawson, Erin Sullivan and Darla Topley from the Iluminate! Coir. They will be performing with 150 youth from around the state at a concert on Saturday, May 24, at 10:00 am in the NMSU Recital ll.

Taking the Good News

Into the World

The Focus on Mission series in our recent worship services has looked at our congregation as participants in a PCUSA program to speed up efforts to take Christ to the world’s unreached peoples. We were already supporting Presbyterian work in at least two such societies: the Dalit "untouchables" of Uttar Pradesh in India, and the Suri of Ethiopia. The Session approved our adoption of these two groups for special attention and the Mission Committee wants you to know about the evangelistic nature of their work.

PHILLIP AND ELIZABETH PRASAD are leading a remarkably successful effort to establish rural Presbyteries in Uttar Pradesh in India.

JOHN AND GWEN HASPELS, after many years of being excluded from Ethiopia, have been able to return to work among the Suri, who have been very responsive to their ministries.

Up-to-date material has come from our national Presbyterian Center for Mission Studies and will be shared in our Focus On Mission each week. You can begin by locating Uttar Pradesh on a map of India and the Omo and Akobo Rivers in southwestern Ethiopia. Then watch and listen for the inspiring witness by our missionaries in these remote fields.

* * *

Looking for Our Graduates

If you are, or you know of, a graduating senior this spring or last December, please contact the church office and let us know. This would include high school or college graduates.

What’s Cooking in the Kitchen?

The Kitchen Remodeling Project

is cookin’ away on the front

burner here at First Presbyterian!

Plans are being finalized and the

Building and Grounds Committee

hopes to begin in early June! We

are half way to our $40,000 goal!!


You can be a part of the action by pledging and giving financial support now. Earlier a letter was mailed out from Jerry Grandle which included a list of needed items. This is your chance to purchase a stove, convection oven, worktable or any of the many other items.

Mission Workteam

Navajo Reservation

June 8 -14

The Senior High Youth will be going to Indian Wells on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona on their annual mission trip. Leadership will be provided by Noelle Castin, Howard and Linda Daniels and Matt Holt.

This PCUSA mission church will be the site of their work as they provide a Vacation Bible School experience for the kids in this community along with intergenerational activities for the congregation in the evenings. The youth will spend their afternoons building and landscaping their outdoor worship area - and maybe a playground!

In preparation, these capable youth will be planning and teaching our VBS here in early June.

The youth and leaders need your prayers, encouragement, and financial support. Plan to attend their annual spring dinner on May 11 (Western Roundup and Bar-B-Que), save "junk" for the garage sale and watch for other fundraising events in the coming weeks.

Adult Fellowship


This group of parents and young couples meets monthly for fellowship - sometimes with children, sometimes without. May’s activity will be a get-together at White Sands.We’ll meet at the church at 4:00. Bring something to grill and a sidedish or dessert. All kids and play equipment wanted! R.S.V.P. to Joel and Patricia Tomlin, 523-2163.


This group of singles and couples meets monthly usually for a covered dish supper, a program and good fellowship. In May, they will have a potluck and take a tour of the new Farm and Ranch Museum. Meet at the Museum at 6:30. Call Jacque Parks for info (526-8180).

Reception of

New Members

The Session will receive new members at a called meeting on Sunday, June 1 following the worship service. If you desire to join with this congregation in our ministry, please meet in the library in Jones Hall.

New Deacons Elected

The following Deacons were elected at the Congregational Meeting on April 6 to fulfill unexpired terms:

Lyn Ames - class of 1997

Peggy White - class of 1998

Harry Topley - class of 1998


Garage Sale

Sat., May 10

8:00 am - 2:30 pm

Combined youth group effort!

Start cleaning & saving now to help our kids with fundraising for summer activities!


Car Wash

May 24

time: 8 - 12 am

at Jack-in-the-Box

on El Paseo and Idaho

Come to support the Mid-school trip

to Junior High Jubilee at Mo-Ranch

in Texas and summer camp

at Camp Chimney Springs.


Summer Sunday School

There will be no Sunday School classes during July and on August 3. This provides a time for rest, relaxation, and planning for our teachers and participants.

The Christian Education Committee is looking for teachers for our children, youth and adults during June and August. You need only volunteer for one or two Sundays. We’ll give you

all the support, materials and training you’ll need! Please call Joyce Gemoets (524-8504) or Jackie Poling (526-5559).

Thank You From Dutch

Dear Church Family,

Thank you all for a wonderful retirement party! I appreciate you sharing a special time with me. Memories of working in the church office and getting to know many of you will always be cherished. Sincere thanks for your generosity toward the wonderful gifts - a marvelous remembrance book, a lovely piece of art, and a trip to New York City!

Love to all, Dutch


Some New Seeds Planted...

The Annual Women’s Retreat last February was an inspiring event for the women who attended. Vera Seelig did a magnificent presentation as did the musicians, Judy Riffel and Lela Fields.

Seeds of God’s love and care were planted here!

But, seeds scattered and have taken root elsewhere, too! Vera has led a first Women’s Retreat for First Presbyterian Church in Gilbert, Arizona using our theme and Pauline’s banners. New women have begun to attend church there and bring their families as a result. In September, Vera and Judy will take the same retreat to a church in Maryland. Praise God for this outreach ministry from our efforts here and Vera’s and Judy’s work.


Western Round-up and Bar-B-Que

Sunday, May 11

5:00 p.m.


Presented by the

Senior High Youth


The Salt & Light Company



The whole church family is invited! Bring your families and friends! This is the 6th annual end-of-the-year celebration and a major event in the life of our congregation. Come out and support the kids!

Come and enjoy ...home-smoked brisket and fixins’

...line and square dancin’

...intergenerational games and fun!


Cost: A donation. The dinner is the major fund-raiser for the Senior High Mission Workteam to our Presbyterian mission outreach on the Navajo Reservation in Indian Wells, Arizona. Take-out will be available.

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Last update 2002-07-29 09:46:51