First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM


First Presbyterian Church, Las Cruces, NM August 1997


By Lantern Light: Trustworthiness


Most polls reported in USA TODAY leave me wishing for further explanation or for responses to related questions. Some leave me wishing I hadn’t read the chart in that corner of the page. The poll reported on

July 23, 1997, read:

"Public morals an oxymoron?"

How adults say ethics and morals of the nation’s public officials are today vs. five years ago:

Better - 8%

Worse - 44%

About the same - 48%

The questions which I wished were reported: Do you think you’ve become suspicious? Would you rank yourself in a similar manner? Is "the same" good news or bad news? How much worse? How much better? What influences your opinion most? What standards are most important to you when you consider ethics and morals? What is the basis for them?

The perception of reliability has varying degrees of importance in different areas of our life. Can we trust what we are depending upon to work as expected? Apply the question to the following items in varying situations:

- The brakes on your car. The same brakes as you begin to descend from a mountain pass.

- The bungee cord attached to the luggage on your rooftop carrier. The bungee cord attached to your legs as you prepare to dive from a tall platform.

- The behavior of cheerleaders at a football game. The standards for behavior for leaders in the Presbyterian Church (USA).

To trust others is a human need that faces severe challenge, especially if we perceive that trustworthiness is eroding. The subsequent erosion of our trust then ensues. We find ourselves asking about criteria for acceptance of brake jobs, bungee cord strength and leaders’ character.

Performance over time is the traditional way communities establish trustworthiness...of materials, mechanisms and persons. Religious communities base their expectations of leaders on a very long history of standards and of leaders operating according to those standards. The summation of that history might be: maintain the standards for ourselves and expect them to demonstrable in the lives of our leaders; provide encouragement of leaders (prayer, working alongside them); place absolute trust in God alone. God alone is absolutely trustworthy.

I mention these things as we return to denominational debate of a proposed amendment to the fidelity and chastity portion of our Book of Order. The proposal is far less specific concerning the expectations we have of our ordained leaders in matters of sexual behavior. The criticism of such standards by persons who find them offensive is not a convincing argument for diluting them. I prefer to have brakes and bungee cords and leaders that are tested and that measure up to carefully delineated standards...standards which are clear, fair and distinctive for the church in a society caught in moral draft.

Yours in Christ,

John Clark Poling

Another great year of educational opportunities for all ages is just beginning!


August 24

9:00 in Watkins Hall

Join the fun as the new fall classes and staff are presented and we have our first look at "Disciples’ Avenue" - the new classrooms for our kids! Learn about Kerygma - the new adult Bible study courses!

Voice Mail:

A New Way to Communicate!

The church office now has voice mail on the two phone lines. If they are both busy (increasingly true with an active staff!) or no one is available to answer, just follow the instructions and leave a message. Someone will return your call as soon as possible or retrieve whatever message you leave.


Help! Volunteers Needed for Campus Ministry and the Christian Counseling Center.

Secretarial and general handyman help is needed at our center on the NMSU campus. Several people - each offering 2-3 hours a week - would solve the problem of phone answering, correspondence, student mailings, some yardwork and general repair/maintenance that waits to be done. If you are able to volunteer, please call David Sallee at 522-6404 or 522-2168.

New Member Reception

People interested in joining this congregation are invited to meet with the Session on Sunday, August 10 in the library following the worship service. Public reception in worship will be on August 24.

Vine and Branches

This group of parents and young couples will be having a swimming party at Joel and Patricia Tomlin’s house, 3025 Mimosa Ln., August 10 from 3:00-7:00 PM. Please RSVP: Patricia Tomlin at 523-2163. Bring a covered dish to go with hamburgers and hotdogs which will be provided by the hostess.

Janet Loman: A Gifted Organist

Janet Loman was chosen by audition to play in a recital at the Presbyterian Association of Musicians National Conference on Worship and Music in Albuquerque in July. She has also been appointed to the Planning Committee for the 1999 conference.

Final Doctoral Recital

September 7 at 3:00 PM

in our Sanctuary

Janet’s exam recital for her Ph.D. will be held at Arizona State University earlier in September. This recital is for all of us to hear Janet’s beautiful playing and celebrate this milestone with her!

Financial Update: June and July brought some extraordinary expenses for First Presbyterian Church. A new office copier, a new cooler for Jones, and a new pump (to get water directly from our well, rather than pay city rates) have all been installed. If you are able to help out by paying your pledge ahead, increasing it, or by "second mile giving", it will be greatly appreciated.

Presbyterian Women

Coffee and Reflections

Tuesday, August 19

at 10:30 AM

in Jones Hall

All women in this congregation

are invited!


"Surrounded by a Cloud of Witnesses"

Eight women from our church joined 5000 women at the Churchwide Gathering in Louisville, Kentucky on July 8-13. The days were full of prayer, music, workshops, making new friends, and great speakers. Here are some highlights:

Hazel Fuhrmeister, outgoing PW Moderator, "We are a part of a great cloud of witnesses that extends across the globe and through the ages, and your presence among us is a blessing from God."

Thelma Adair, former GA Moderator, "Being a witness is a dangerous thing. Someone might imitate you."

Diana Lim, incoming PW Moderator, "Sisters and brothers in Christ, let us leave this Churchwide Gathering remembering who we are and whom we serve. Therefore, go and run with perseverance the race that is set before us. Give the gift of change to yourself, the gift of community to the church, and the gift of compassion to the world."

Our Presbyterian sisters at Northminster, Santa Teresa and Alamogordo have been invited to join us. Welcome our guests! Come for music and dance and reflections!

After-Worship Picnic August 17

Buy sub-sandwiches and yummy desserts

from the Mid-School

youth! or Bring your

own picnic lunch!

Drinks will be provided by the Nurture Committee. Join us in the courtyard after worship - we’ll eat, visit, and watch the kids play!

Sunday, August 17

4-6 PM


There must be something we can do!

That sentiment has been expressed often over the months since Fred Davis’ accident on May 8. Indeed, many of us have been praying, helping with insurance details, visiting and performing numerous other thoughful acts. Now an additional avenue is open for us to help Fed and hid family during this time of rehabilitation! We can participate with many others in the Davis Relief Fund. Here’s the e-mail note from Shannon Webster, Executive Presbyter of the Presbytery of Sierra Blanca:

The Presbytery has established the Davis Relief Fund, to help alleviate the financial situation and loss of income for Fred and Judy Davis following the tragic accident Fred suffered in May. We are trying to make up the difference between his disability payments and what his full salary would have been at Northminster (difference between 60% and 100%). Presbytery has a Pastor’s Emergency Fund, and Seattle Presbytery and the Enumclaw, WA church are also going to help out. The Northminster congregation has already leaped into the breach, carrying him at full salary and making do with supply until the disability kicks in. We have a ways to go. So this is an appeal to get the word out for those in the Presbytery - individuals or congregations - to contribute to the Davis Relief Fund.

Send contributions to the church marked "Davis Relief". We are able to use what we have on hand to leverage a shared grant from the Board of Pensions, and thus, effectively double your contributions. Thank you, and God bless your continued ministry.

Yes, there is something we can do!

August & September

are Big Visitor Months!

When you see a visitor here are a few practical suggestions of what to say and do when you see a visitor at church:

1. Introduce yourself and say, "I don’t believe we’ve met, have we?"

2. If the person is a visitor, ask, "What brings you to our church today?" This may provide some information on how the church may continue to be of service to that person.

3. If it can be done graciously, introduce the visitor to someone else, who you may know shares some common interest with the person you just met.

4. Don’t forget to invite the visitor to return or to attend another event at the church.

Remember: Being interested, loving and caring is not just the job of the evangelism committee or staff. It’s the job of every member of the congregation.


Aug 3 10:30 AM Communion Worship

Ozzie Lutz, Preacher


Aug 10 9:00 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM Worship Service

11:45 AM Deacons’ Meeting

11:45 AM Called Session mtg. to receive new members

6:00 PM Senior High Fellowship


Aug 11 6:00 PM Mid-School Fellowship


Aug 12 7:00 PM Advisory Cmte.

7:30 PM Session Cmtes.


Aug 14 7:00 PM S & L Board Mtg.


Aug 17 9:00 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM Worship Service

11:45 AM After-Worship Picnic

4:00 PM Teacher Training Workshop


Aug 19 9:30 AM PW Coord. Team

10:30 AM PW Coffee & Gathering

7:15 PM Session Meeting


Aug 20 7:00 PM S & L Parent mtg.

Fall Registration!


Aug24 9:00 AM Super Sunday:

Celebration of Sunday School.

10:30 AM Worship Service

Public reception of new members

6:00 PM Noelle’s Farewell

All-Church Potluck

Aug 25 9:30 AM Grace Circle


Aug 31 9:00 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM Worship Service


Las Cruces

Public Schools


August 13


A BIG THANK YOU to Barney and Joan Rawson for hiring professional painters to paint the exterior of our church facilities! It looks marvelous!

Congregational News

Jack Merrill, husband of Ellen Merrill and stepfather of Barney Rawson died in June.

Norm, Laura, Michael, and Evan Lownds have moved to Michigan.

Tomi, Sarah and Erin Sughroue have moved to Dodge City, KS.


These people will be missed in our church family.

Staff News


John & Jackie Poling:

*Vacation in Colorado July 28- Aug. 5

Noelle Castin: *On staff at Montreat Youth Conference (North Carolina) Aug. 1-9

Kathy Tucker: *Vacation in Oregon, July 26- Aug. 10

Brain McPherson:

*Vacation, Aug. 1-4

Mid-week Youth Ministry

Beginning Wednesday,

September 10!

The Salt & Light Co. (a LOGOS program) is our congregation’s way of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with young people! In an often fragmented world for young people, it has provided community, belonging, and a powerful witness to God’s grace and mercy.

Each Wednesday evening includes the following activities:

*Elementary Fellowship for grades 1-5 (4:00-7:00) *Family-style dinner

*Mid-School Fellowship (5:15-7:45) *Occasional adult Bible study &

*Senior High Fellowship (5:15-8:30) parenting groups

*Illuminate! - (Youth Choir) *Professional childcare

We hope every young person in our congregation in grades 1-12 (and their friends!) will be enrolled this year! To find out more about the program, call Jackie or Noelle at 526-5559.


August 20 Dessert Social & Mandatory Parent Orientation & Registration

7:00 PM (Childcare will be provided.)

Sept. 3 Dinner and Orientation for S&L staff, 6:00 PM


Sept. 4 Catch-up Parents’ Meeting & Registration, 7:00 PM

Whether you are a parent or grandparent, single or married, young or old, or any combination of the above, your help is needed. Looking forward to another year in our Salt & Light Co., we are reminded that God calls women and men to be involved - to bridge the gap between generations. We ask that you join us in prayer and preparation for the school year ahead. And as you pray - for yourself and others - please consider the following list of ministry positions that need to be filled for our Salt & Light Company. What gifts and talents do you have that you would enjoy sharing with our young people? Call Jackie or Noelle at the church office (526-5559) to volunteer soon

Bible study teachers (Gr. 1-8) (in our all-new learning workshops!)

Class Shepherds

Recreation leaders

Kitchen crew helpers

Choir monitors

Table parents

Preschool child care helpers

You Can Bridge the Gap

through our

Salt & Light Co.

The Lantern

Publisher: John C. Poling

Editor: Jackie Poling

Production/Distribution: Tammy Prahl

The Lantern is a monthly publication of First Presbyterian Church, Las Cruces, NM. Articles, photos and comments are welcome, and will be used at the discretion of the publisher and editor. For further information, call 526-5559

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Last update 2002-06-24 12:44:11