First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM



First Presbyterian Church, Las Cruces, NM January 1998



Sunday, February 1, 1998

at 12:30 following the Enchilada Lunch

Prepared and served by Sr. High Youth.

Donations will be used for the Mexico ‘98 mission trip.


The Annual Meeting is a celebration of our ministry in the world for Jesus Christ. It is both an annual checkup and a reunion. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the reports of the various Session committees, to review the 1998 budget, to act upon the Pastor’s terms of call, and to anticipate the coming year. Participation by all members and associated friends is encouraged. Come and celebrate! Support our youth group’s involvement in missions.

Dinner Theatre


"The Diaries of Adam & Eve"

presented by

Nora Yaryan & Ray Carter,

Camp Chimney Spring Players


Friday, January 23

6:30 PM

Reeves Hall


This two-person, Readers’ Theatre is an entertaining look at this familiar story. Dinner will be prepared and served by Senior High youth who are going to Montreat-West this summer. Donations will be taken and divided between Camp Chimney Spring and the Montreat trip.

Everyone in the congregation in invited to attend. Please call the church office by January 20 to make a reservation. Childcare will be provided.


In-Betweeners and Vine & Branches

This is the fellowship activity for January and should be lots of fun!


Big News from

Camp Chimney Spring!

Starting this month, the lodge, mini-lodge and bunkhouse are winterized and open for operation! Also, the Camp Chimney Spring Board is making plans to construct a "Ropes Course" during the second men’s work retreat in the spring.

Sidenote: Nora Yaryan and Ray Carter have formed the "Camp Chimney Spring Players" and are prepared to present their play at churches in our presbyteries to raise funds for the Camp Chimney Spring Endowment Fund.


Presbyterian Women


*Gathering on January 26*


An Evening with Quilts

7:00 PM in Reeves Hall


Patricia Tomlin will demonstrate the foundation sheets method in quilting

and there will be a beautiful display of quilts. Come and enjoy!


* Coordinating Team will meet Tuesday, January 20 at 9:30.


Mini-Workshops in January:

Readers’ Theatre

led by Nora Yaryan

Starting on January 13 at 1:30

continuing on January 20 and 27

(possibly February 3)

Remember the fun skit at our September meeting? Join us in exploring this art form. Maybe we’ll even get something ready for worship in Lent.

* * * *


Doing What You Have the Power to Do


18th Annual Women’s Retreat

Saturday, February 21, 1998

9:00 AM - 3:00 PMTickets: $10.00


Guest Speaker: Bonnie DeLong

Author, actress, educator, & storyteller who currently serves

a Presbyterian congregation in Brighton, Colorado and was an inspiring and entertaining presenter at the 1997 Churchwide Gathering.

Surfing the Christian Net

The Internet is full of outstanding Christian web sites! Many of these Christian sites are visually appealing and make good use of the latest computer techniques. What do you want?

Bible study? Visit There you can look up any passage in one of seven languages or in any of six different English translations. You can even search the Bible for any of 22,000 topics.

Devotionals? Take a look at There you can get daily or weekly devotionals, or request that they be e-mailed to you on a regular basis.

News and information about the national church? It’s there at and includes the creeds of the church.

These are just a few topics that can be searched. Next month, the Lantern will report on a few more. Our church’s web site contains a page of links sorted into various groups. Some of these links are accompanied by very short descriptions of their contents. Reach this page by clicking on LINKS at or go directly to


Adult Sunday School

9:00 AM


*Kerygma: Discovering the Bible

(Jones #110)

*Faith/Now: Christians Respond to

Real Life Issues

(Jones #115)

*Study of Isaiah (Reeves #304)


Our Missionaries:

Doing Ministry in Far Places

"What has 50 legs, talks a whole lot, and was in Nairobi, Kenya for two weeks in October?" According to Barbara and Joel Trudell it is the 25 literacy workers in the Summer Institute of Linguistics Africa Literacy Seminar. Such seminars, in Nairobi and other parts of Africa are a large part of the Trudells’ work for Wycliffe Bible Translators and Summer Institute of Linguistics. Keep these people and seminars in your prayers.


Ron and Donna Pontier and family are on furlough now and living in Hazel Park, Michigan. Ron, a pilot, is getting current on instrument flying, and Donna is taking continuing education in computer and nursing. Pray for a resolution to the volatile political climate and that the Pontiers can resume their work in the C.A.R. at the end of the furlough.


Charles Diebold continues to monitor agricultural and Christian development in Michoacan and among the Tarahumara people of Chihuahua under the programs of the C.H. Diebold Mission, the Association of Rural Appropriate Technology, and Presbiterio del Sur. This involves periodic trips into Mexico by Charlie and Betty Diebold. Please pray for their good health as they continue this work.


At the request of the Worship Committee, the Session approved changes to the 1998 Communion calendar. Communion for February falls on the second sunday, February 8.

1998 Mission Yearbook

for Prayer and Study

"Rejoice in Hope"


No other denomination provides a resource for its members quite like the Presbyterian Church (USA)’s Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study. Just as it’s name indicates, the 384 pages in the Yearbook are chockfull of inspiration and information. It is the only resource that explores PC (USA)’s commitments overseas and in the United States and, at the very same time, serves as a daily prayer book. Copies are available in the church office for $4.00.

Congregational News

* Mackayla Sally was born on December 8, to Royce and Carolyn Brodie of Carlsbad. The grandparents are John and Maureen Patton of El Paso and Vicki Brodie of T or C.

* Congratulations to Jessica Borchert! Out of 400 children who auditioned, Jessica was one of 150 selected to be in the Southwest Division American Choral Directors Association Children’s Honor Children’s Honor Choir.

* * * *

Per Capita Apportionment

Every church is apportioned a share of the expenses of the presbytery, the synod, and the General Assembly for ecclesiastical purposes. The apportionment is based on church membership. The amount varies with the needs of the presbytery, synod and General Assembly, and is a regular annual expense payable by our church. The amount to be paid this year per communicant member is $18.00. Offering envelopes for this purpose are in the sanctuary pews.

* * * *

Lost and Found

Several articles have been turned in to the church office during recent weeks: black leather gloves, a rhinestone necklace, a beautiful scarf, 2 pairs of reading glasses, etc. If you’ve lost something, take a look!


Sierra Blanca Presbytery Meeting

First Presbyterian - Hobbs


Youth News

January Events


Salt & Light Company

begins January 14!

It’s "Board Game Night" so

don’t miss the fun!


Senior High


Winter Retreat

January 16-18

Lonetree Bible Ranch - Capitan

Registrations due now!



Jan. 23 Dinner Theatre

(Montreat campers)

Jan. 25 Sub-sandwich Sale

(Mexico ‘98 Mission)

Feb. 1 Enchilada Lunch

(Mexico ‘98 Mission


The Lantern

Publisher: John C. Poling

Editor: Jackie Poling

Production/Distribution: Tammy Prahl


The Lantern is a monthly publication of First Presbyterian Church, Las Cruces, NM. Articles, photos and comments are welcome, and will be used at the discretion of the publisher and editor. For further information, call 526-5559



Presbyterian & Disciples Campus Ministry at NMSU

2511 Chaparral Street


David Sallee, Campus Minister


Last fall, with a strong core of student leadership, Presbyterian Campus Ministry restructured its weekly ministry into the BRIDGE. The natural outreach for this ministry has been their musical gifts. Press On, their band, has appealed to many people regardless of religious beliefs.


Thus, the Coffee House Ministry began! Every Wednesday evening, the BRIDGE hosts a Christian coffee house at Dee Gee’s Deli, gracious sponsors of this effort. The turnout of students and the enthusiastic participation have grown steadily. And the "bridging" effort is working as new students visiting the coffee house are "bridged" to Bible study and fellowship. This spring the effort will be made to increase the "bridging" of students into our local congregations.

 Fall Stats

Total Student Contacts

Participants in the BRIDGE 65

New Student Contacts 80

(from Coffee House)

Student Follow-up 94

(personal, phone, or email)

Habitat for Humanity 15

Student Interns 05

Alumni Follow-up 06


TOTAL through October 265


Question: How is the BRIDGE governed? Who oversees the campus ministry at NMSU?

Answer: The BRIDGE Campus Ministry serves the churches of the Presbytery of Sierra Blanca and the Tres Rios Area of the Christian (Disciples of Christ) Church under a yoked ministry agreement signed by these two denominations. The BRIDGE also serves all the churches of these two denominations sending students. We have alumni from Indonesia, Cambodia, Canada, Germany, and Texas. The twenty-member Board of the BRIDGE consists of people from the three local churches, the campus minister (serving as moderator) and a representative from the presbytery. To ensure student input, all of the BRIDGE student officers serve on the Board by virtue of their office. Students head all of the taskforces (evangelism and outreach, program, finance and fundraising, and physical property) which meet monthly during the school year. The Board meets at least three times each year and an executive committee meets when needed.


Wednesday evenings

6-7 PM Bible study at the BRIDGE

7-9 PM Coffee House at Dee Gee’s

9-10 PM Fellowship at the BRIDGE


Annual Ski Trip to Apache

January 23-25

Still time to sign up by calling the BRIDGE!


Spring Break: Mission Trip

to Ghost Ranch

Call David at the BRIDGE for details.


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Last update 2002-06-23 18:17:32