First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM


By Lantern Light: Sharing Help and Hope


While living in Dallas, one of the favorite talk shows on the radio in that area was "The Handyman" with host Al Carrol. People called in with problems and Al offered solutions from his own experience. Al also had an extensive number of experts whose suggestions were available to him -"I’ll have to check with Mr. _______ and let you know about that one.," Al sometimes said. Then, on occasion, one caller had a solution to a previous caller’s problem and offered it before going on to describe his own difficulties. The show was one of hints, helps, shared knowledge and encouragement.

An important part of church life involves similar responsiveness, expanded into a broader reality and deepened in terms of meaning. The facts of our life as human beings are not simply that things run down, but that there are aspects of our life that start off in bad condition. There is something wrong, in the core of things, that needs attention.

Doctrinally, the church speaks about this situation as original sin. In the Bible, it is clear that there is something wrong with the human race. We are not the innocent, well-meaning creatures we like to think we are. The Christian faith diagnoses this problem very carefully and thoroughly - out of love, not pessimism or blame (just as two handymen will poke and probe and dig and pry to get to the reality of a problem). This is radical, in the sense of getting to the root of things. Just as radical is the Christian Gospel in its proclamation that each of us (and our relationships) can be made right, can grow into the image of Christ both now and hereafter.

Evangelism is a way of announcing this good news! It is persons inviting others with similar problems and needs to receive help and encouragement. It is saying, "That’s beyond my ability, but let me introduce you to the expert in putting human life into correct order". Christians are not people who have everything all fixed up, but they know whose help is sure and are certain of their hope in Jesus Christ.

You are encouraged to join me in taking the time to share that help and hope with another person. Let’s share the Good News with others this year.


Yours in His hope,


John Clark Poling



Focus on Communication

The Session is planning a major program to collect information from the congregation. The goal is to visit with every member to illicit the ideas, attitudes, and desires of each person. We will gather in small groups where trained people will lead discussions on the strengths and weaknesses of the current programs of the church. The Session anticipates building relationships among participants. After all groups have met, a summary of the findings will be presented to the congregation.

How will this be done? A series of one-time meetings of small groups of 5 to 15 people will be scheduled at various times in March. These small group meetings will usually last somewhat over one hour and will be held at the church and in individual homes.

How can you help? We are looking for homes where the meetings can be held. Your offer of a home to host a small group will be appreciated. Please contact the church office to arrange a time.

Further details about this effort will be given in the next Lantern and in a letter to all members.



Thanks from the

Youth Groups

The Mid-School and Senior High youth groups would like to thank you for your continued support of our activities. Thanks to your help, the Sub Sandwich Sale and the Souper Bowl Collection were a huge success! The $600.00 proceeds from the Sandwich Sale will go towards their summer mission trip. The Mid-Schoolers collected $127 and 89 cans for Casa de Peregrinos. Also, the $600.00 made at the Dinner Theater will be split between the Camp Chimney Spring Endowment Fund and Montreat Summer Conference.



Surfing the Christian Net

One truly outstanding site is the First Church of Cyberspace. The title of the site is a bit too "New Age" perhaps, but it has a solid Presbyterian background and is designed by a Presbyterian minister. Here you will find sound theology presented in an interesting and modern manner. The latest web techniques are used to present Christian ideas, music, and contemporary and classical art in a stimulating and thought-provoking manner. The site receives rave reviews from rating organizations and is ranked in the top 5% of all Internet sites. One service said, "The First Church of Cyberspace deftly combines religious teachings, artistic exhibits, salient movie reviews, and community services using excellent Internet technology. You can listen to inspirational music and hymns and read sermons by religious leaders; look at artworks from the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel; and jump to links to other religious sites and reviews of religious books. Though the site is sponsored by a Presbyterian church with an earthly location in New Jersey, the First Church of Cyberspace transcends the parochial." It can be found at

Another good site is maintained by Christianity Today, a respected Christian magazine. You can find Christian news, articles, reviews, information, and even humor. Its address is


Adult Sunday School

9:00 AM


*Kerygma: Discovering the Bible

(Jones #110)

*Faith/Now: Christians Respond to

Real Life Issues

(Jones #115)

*Study of Isaiah (Reeves #304)


Our Missionaries:

Doing Ministry in Far Places



Barbara and Joel Trudell in Nairobi ask for prayer. The rainy season is going on and on and on...... The crops have been destroyed, homes have been washed away, roads are gone. Please pray that the Lord will, in his mercy, halt the rains and give wisdom to those rendering aid to so many thousands of people in misery.

Al Reasoner returned to Brazil in September, while Cathy continued her rehabilitation therapy in Spokane, Washington. They ask for prayer for Cathy’s complete recovery from her stroke and for Al’s work in Brazil while they have to be separated from one another.

Bob Waguespack has had to assume pastoral and preaching responsibilities at their church in Mexico City, since their pastor of ten years moved. Bob and Donna’s main efforts continue to be facilitating the planting of new churches in that part of Mexico. Donna reports that they greatly appreciate our prayers.

Philip and Janice Wickeri have left their missionary work in China to take faculty positions at San Francisco Seminary.


 Congregational News

* Congratulations to Jess and Carolyn Waller on the birth of Adam Mundy on January 14.

Thank you from Jean Wertz-

Jean thanks everyone for their prayers and encouragement during her recent eye surgery.

* * * *


Communion in February will be celebrated during worship on February 8, the second Sunday.


The "Great" and "Swell" Organ Tour

Did you know that the manuals of the organ are called the "great" and the "swell"? Have you ever wondered how a pipe organ works? Our organ contains over 1800 pipes in many colors of sound, and in sizes ranging from a few inches to 8 feet in length!

Come and learn how the organist uses all these pipes to create many combinations of sound and get a glimpse of the pipes in the organ chamber. You will even have a chance to play the organ yourself! Janet will demonstrate the organ immediately after the postlude on Sunday, February 22. Jeff Kramer, chairman of the worship committee, will assist.

Sign-up is available in the church office, Space is limited to 20 persons. If there is adequate interest, another tour will be scheduled on March 8.



New Church Directories and Annual Reports...


Pick up an Annual Report and a new Church Directory in the church office. It is a good review of 1997 and a wonderful cause for thanksgiving for this church’s life and ministry!


Hymn of the Month


"You Are Before Me, Lord"

This paraphrase of Psalm 139 is by Ian Pitt-Watson, a Presbyterian minister from Scotalnd. He wrote the text in 1973 and revised it extensively in 1989.

Ian Pitt-Watson is currently Professor of Preaching and Practical Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California.


Reception of New Members

People interested in joining with this congregation are invited to meet with the Session following worship on Sunday, February 22. A membership/inquirer’s class will be held in March.


New Member Class


March 1, 8, 15, 22

9:00 - 10:00 A.M.

taught by John Poling


This class is for those who have recently joined First Presbyterian Church and for those who are considering joining. It covers essentials of the Christian faith, peculiarities of the Presbyterian expression of that faith and particulars of this congregation’s mission. Long-time members are also welcome for a "refresher course" and to contribute to the course from their own experience. (Jones #115)

Fellowship Groups


Vine & Branches is a fellowship group of parents and young couples that meets monthly for a variety of activities. On Saturday, February 21, at 6:30, the group will have a pizza and planning party at the church. Everyone should bring their favorite pizza topping! Plans will be made for this year’s activities. Children are welcome and will watch videos while the adults plan. Call Patricia Tomlin at

523-2163 for more information.


In-Betweeners is a fellowship group of "empty nesters" (singles and couples) that meets each month for different activities. They also go out to lunch on the third Sunday of each month. The group will be going out to dinner on Friday, February 27 at 6:30. Watch the Sunday bulletins for location or call the church office at 526-5559.


Desert Cruisers is a group of retired people (singles and couples) that meets on the fourth Monday of the month at noon in Reeves Hall. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the fellowship, potluck lunch and program on February 23. Please bring a dish to share and your own table service. Call Frances and Carl Shuster for more information at 522-2504.


Memorial Student Aid Fund

The Presbyterian Women are the custodians of the Memorial Student Aid Fund at First Presbyterian Church. This fund was established in 1969 with the $2000 the College Circle received from the sale of the old manse. The fund is now invested in the Presbyterian Foundation which yields a better return on investments. The income from the investment is used to provide scholarships to church members of any age who are college students.

Since this fund was started, fifty-eight (58) grants have been given. Please consider this fund for memorials or donations. Help this fund grow, so the grants can be more substantial to our students. If you have questions, contact any of the committee members - Sue Carter, Lynda Garcia, Sunny Parish or Kathy Tucker.


February 25

6:05 Agape Meal

7:00 Worship Service


Join us for a simple meal of chicken soup and bread in Reeves Hall ($2.00).

Call the church office at 526-5559 to make a reservation.

The worship service will be a simple one of scriptures, music and prayers. Ashes will be used to mark the worshipper’s forehead with a cross as a reminder of human mortality and our salvation in Jesus Christ.

(Childcare will be provided)


The Lantern

Publisher: John C. Poling

Editor: Jackie Poling

Production/Distribution: Tammy Prahl


The Lantern is a monthly publication of First Presbyterian Church, Las Cruces, NM. Articles, photos and comments are welcome, and will be used at the discretion of the publisher and editor. For further information, call 526-5559



Presbyterian & Disciples Campus Ministry at NMSU

2511 Chaparral Street


David Sallee, Campus Minister


Question: How does the BRIDGE campus ministry fulfill its mission at NMSU?

Answer: The BRIDGE Campus Ministry reaches out to NMSU and the Dana Ana Branch Community College through a core group of student leaders. As with churches where over 80% of the new members are invited by church members, students invite their friends and acquaintances. Led by the Evangelism and Outreach Task Force, volunteers, interns and the campus minister also call, write and visit students referred by their churches, parents, or the university’s "religious preference" question on the student activity form. Many students come from a Presbyterian or Disciples church background, but many others come from other denominations or aren "unchurched".

Wednesday Evenings


7-8:30 - Coffee House Ministry at

Dee Gee’s Deli

8:30-9:30 - Bible study at the Bridge


A Generous Christmas Spirit

The Board of Deacons would like to thank the members and friends of First Presbyterian Church for making the Christmas Outreach to Hospice Families a hugh success! The light, joy, and hope of Christmas was taken into the homes of 11 families who suffered the loss of a loved one last year. The delighted look in the children’s eyes of one family when they saw the overflowing food basket proved the value of this project. Over $1700 in cash was given to the Deacons and used to purchase groceries to add to the bountiful food donations and then used to fill food baskets. Wrapped, individually-chosen Christmas gifts - 110 total and costing an average of $35 each - made another $4000+ in donations. Seven Christmas trees and stands were purchased and decorated with the lights and ornaments donated. It was an exciting and gratifying outpouring of love and care by the congregation!

Thank you!

 Christmas Joy Offering


Besides all the generous giving to the Deacons’ project, there was over $5100 collected for the Joy Offering. The spirit of giving in our congregation is wonderful to behold! Thanks, again!



Confirmation Course


Youth in Grades 6-12

taught by John Poling

March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

4:00-6:00 PM

Session Reception, March 29

Service of Confirmation, April 12 or 19


As a young person, you are facing some important choices about your life. Join other kids learning about baptism, church membership, and developing a personal relationship with Jesus. For those who decide to make a personal commitment of church membership, a public confirmation will be on April 12 or 19. This course, being taught by John Poling, is designed for you! Plan to come!

1998 Summer Events


*Vacation Bible School - June 1-5

*Senior High Mission Mexico ‘98 - June 8-12

*General Assembly in Charlotte, NC June 13-20

*Senior High to Montreat-West in Ft. Collins, CO - June 20-27

*Mid-School Great Escape in Gunnison, CO - June 27-July 3

*Senior High Youth Triennium at Purdue University - July 21-26

1998 Camp Chimney Summer Schedule

Men’s Spiritual and Work Retreat - May 15-17

Family Camp - May 23-25

Senior High Camp - grades 9-12 - June 7-13

Elementary Camp - grade 3 - June 18-20

Junior I Camp - grades 4 & 5 - June 28-July 3

Intermediate - grade 6 & 7 - July 5-10

"Created to be Me", Human Sexuality Camp-grade 8- July 12-18

Junior II - grade 4 & 5 - July 19-24

International Camp - July 24-26

(Senior Highs from Juarez and Sierra Blanca and Tres Rios Presbyteries.)

*All kids must have completed the grade that each camp starts with.

*Registration forms available in the office. Costs vary according to camp - there are "Early Bird" specials, too!

For more information about the summer trips or camping schedule, please call the church office, 526-5559.

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Last update 2002-06-24 12:44:16