First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM


Selections from the Lantern March 1998

First Sunday in Lent - March 1

Holy Communion

Sermon: "Wilderness Survival Skills"

Scriptures: Deuteronomy 26:1-11

Luke 4:1-13

Second Sunday in Lent - March 8

Sermon: "Citizenship Check"

Scripture: Philippians 3:17-4:1


Third Sunday in Lent - March 15

Sermon: "Forget Self-Confidence;

Cultivate God-Confidence"

Scriptures: I Corinthians 10:1-13

Luke 13:1-9

Fourth Sunday in Lent - March 22

Sermon: "The Point of View that

Transforms the World"

Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 5:15-21

Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

Fifth Sunday in Lent - March 29

Sermon: "Precious Trash"

Scripture: Philippians 3:4b-14

Palm Sunday - April 5

Sermon: "At Risk Behavior"

Scriptures: Luke 19:28-40;

Philippians 2:5-11


Focus Groups this month


New members Class

March 1, 8, 15, 22

9:00 - 10:00 A.M.

taught by John Poling 

This class is for those who have recently joined First Presbyterian Church and for those who are considering joining. It covers essentials of the Christian faith, peculiarities of the Presbyterian expression of that faith and particulars of this congregation’s mission. Long-time members are also welcome for a "refresher course" and to contribute to the course from their own experience. (Jones #115)

Reception of New Members

People interested in joining with this congregation are invited to meet with the Session following worship on Sunday, March 22.

 Pancake Breakfast


March 22


Reeves Hall

Cost: Donation

Mid-School Summer Camp Fund

Adult Sunday School

9:00 AM


*New Member Class: Pastor’s Study

*Kerygma: Discovering the Bible

(Jones #110)

*Faith/Now: Christians Respond to

Real Life Issues

(Jones #115)

*Study of Isaiah (Reeves #304)


 Presbyterian Women


*Gathering on March 17 at 10:30

for Morning Coffee

Program: A Potpourri of

*Bible Study

*Readers’ Theatre

*Coordinating Team will meet at 9:30


Mini-Workshop: Rayma Claessen’s class on "Minature Landscape Painting" has been canceled.


Mark your calendars:

PW plans to organize a group of women to attend the "Bring Back the Joy" Conference presented by Women of Faith on July 24-25 in Albuquerque. Watch for more

details next month!

World Day of Prayer

March 6 at 7:00 PM

University United Methodist Church


Fellowship Groups



Vine & Branches is a fellowship group of parents and young couples that meets monthly for a variety of activities - sometimes with children, sometimes without. On Saturday, March 14 we will meet at Jerry and Susan Grandles’ for a family potluck. Call 524-3309 to RSVP by March 11. We will have a real potato head contest, so bring a finished entry!


In-Betweeners is a fellowship group of "empty nesters" (singles and couples) that meets each month for different activities. They also go out to lunch on the third Sunday of each month. Watch the Sunday bulletin for the March activity.


Desert Cruisers is a group of retired people (singles and couples) that meets on the fourth Monday of the month at noon in Reeves Hall. Everyone is welcome to join us for a time of fellowship, potluck lunch and program on March 23. Please bring a dish to share and your own table service. Call Frances and Carl Shuster for more information at 522-2504.


Congregational News

*Connie Ames is engaged to Todd Piccirello and a July wedding is planned.

*Paul Claessen and Gwen Hanley will be married on march 7 in Phoenix.

* Congratulations to John and Maureen Patton on the birth of two new grandchildren! Micah James was born February 3 to Jim and Tracy Patton, our missionaries with Campus Crusade, and Sabrina Katharine Page was born to David and Anna Kristina Patton on February 9.

*Congratulations to Mell and Carol Peterson on the birth of a new grandbaby! Kayleigh Michelle born February 24 to Karen and Mark Sather.


Our Missionaries:

Doing Ministry in Far Places

John Haspels’ colorful account of his work among the Suri of Ethiopia on his recent visit was inspirational. His account of how he and Ron Pontier, another of our missionaries, were captured and escaped from Sudanese rebels some years back was especially interesting. The church has been planted among the Suri and we have photographs and a video of this exciting work. Let’s pray for the growth and health of this people group we have adopted for special attention.


Charlie Diebold thanks us again for our continuing support. He plans to return to Michoacan, Mexico in March to continue the effort to improve the production of high lysine corn and other crops in that area. The work among the Tarahumara in Chihuahua also continues.


John and Marnie Pickering are emphasizing prayer, language learning and sharing of the gospel through relationships in their work in Mongolia. Sixteen Mongolians have accepted Christ since September. None are from Christian backgrounds and prayer for their spiritual growth is needed.


The s are looking for a home!

July 1, 1998 - January 1999 on furlough. Also, their daughter, Alison, will be starting NMSU. If you know someone who needs a housesitter or has a home available, please call the church office (526-5559).


You are invited to

a concert presented by the


Austin College A Cappella Choir

from Sherman, Texas

Friday, March 27

7:30 PM

First Presbyterian Church


Our congregation offered to house the 42 members of this touring choir.  Can you help? Please call the church office (526-5559) and offer a room!!


Confirmation Course


Youth in Grades 6-12

taught by John Poling


March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

4:00-6:00 PM


Session Reception, March 29


Easter Lilies

It’s time to order Easter lilies

for the Sanctuary, order through

the church office by Palm Sunday.

The prices this year is $6.00.



Presbyterian & Disciples Campus Ministry at NMSU

2511 Chaparral Street


David Sallee, Campus Minister

Question: How is the BRIDGE Campus Ministry staffed?

Answer: In addition to the full-time campus minister, volunteer office staff (students and other church members) and paid student interns provide for the tracking of 300 students and 600 other alumni and friends of the BRIDGE. They provide our mass mailings, send and receive e-mail, monitor our internet web site, handle the phone calls, help upkeep the facility, handle bookkeeping, and help with special meals, retreats, and projects. Celia Gutierrez has been a RSVP volunteer with us for 6 years as bookkeeper and student Taylor Gardner has been with us for 4 years in many different roles and now is the contractual office manager.

Wednesday Evenings

7-8:30 - Coffee House Ministry at

Dee Gee’s Deli

8:30-9:30 - Bible study at the Bridge



9th Annual


Growing Through Loss Conference

March 12-13

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church

Keynote: "If I Could Just See Hope"

by Darcie Sims, Ph.D.

March 12 at 7:30 PM

(free to public)

A description of the 25 seminars and the registration forms are available in the church office.



In case you missed it....

"The Diaries of Adam and Eve"


will be performed by Nora Yaryan and Ray Carter at Trinity Presbyterian Church in El Paso on March 15, following the 11:00 worship service. 


Staff News

*Jackie Poling - Vacation in Phoenix,

March 23-26.

*Kathy Tucker - Vacation in California March 5-9.


Corrections to the 1998 Church Directory

*Carolyn Bricker

1155 Miranda #A5

Las Cruces, NM 88005


*Blanche Hubbard

2716 Topley Ave.

Las Cruces, NM 88005 523-2559


*Gena (Contreras) Clark

*Ellen (Merrill) Rawson


Saturday, March 28

2:00 PM


Pancake Breakfast

Mid-School Fundraiser for

Summer Camps

Sunday, March 22

8:00 AM

 Senior High


Sunday Fellowship:

March 1 & 15 at 6:30




will be the spring play

presented on May 3!!

Rehearsals have begun!



All-Church Potluck

to honor

Chancel Choir


Sunday, March 8

5:30 PM

Musical Program: The Mirage Duo

Lisa Van Winkle, flute

Melba Halamicek, piano


This is a celebration and thank you for the years of dedicated and faithful service by our Chancel Choir, director Beth Borchert and Janet Loman, organist. Please bring food to share (choir members are guests!) and enjoy the evening’s fellowship.

 ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING has been a response to urgent needs of God’s children since it began in 1949, when church leaders recognized the great needs of people in Europe and Asia after World War II. It has always been a celebration of the fact that God is working in history and we have an opportunity to share God’s gifts and participate in that healing work. Presbyterians have participated since the beginning. For us, it is one of our church’s primary ways to support ministries of compassion, through Presbyterian World Service, Self-Development of People, and the Presbyterian Hunger Program.


The enclosed "Sharing Calendar" can be

used to focus your prayer and giving

during this year’s One Great Hour of Sharing

campaign in our congregation. Coin

boxes will be given to the children and are

available in the Narthex. The offering will

be collected and dedicated on Easter Sunday

this year. You are invited to give generously.


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Last update 2006-01-10 21:18:24