First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

Selections from the Lantern for August 1998


Sunday School

August 9,16, 23

9:00 A.M.


"Knowing God, Becoming God’s People"

a new video series by Dr. Ken Bailey

Senior High: "Luke: A Quick Study"

Mid-School: "Boosting Self-Esteem"

PreK-Grade 5: Adventures from the Book of Virtues (Meet in the Cinema!)


Compassion: Androcles and the Lion (Aug. 9)

Responsibility: King Alfred and the Cakes (Aug. 16)

Self Discipline: The Magic Thread (Aug. 23)

2 & 3 year olds: "Tell Me About Jesus and His Friends"

with Mrs. Ames


Childcare provided for infants and toddlers in Branigan.



A Mother/Daughter Luncheon!

"Paris (S.D.) Festival of Fashion"

Saturday, August 22 at 1:15 PM

at University Terrace

Good Samaritan Village

3025 Terrace Dr.


Reservations may be made at each door after worship (Aug. 9 & 16) or call the church office. Reservation deadline is August 17. Women and girls of all ages are needed to be models. Call Beverly Briggs (522-1445) or Janet McPherson (524-3831) if you can model or have questions.


Promise Keepers

September 18-19

Tucson, Arizona

Plan to join a group of men from our church traveling to this spiritual event! Let’s fill our two vans!! Reservations need to be made as soon as possible!


Call Jerry Grandle (524-3309), Jim Parks (526-8180) or the church office (526-5559).


Reception of New Members

People interested in joining with this congregation are invited to meet with the Session following worship on Sunday, August 16.

Public reception will be on August 23.



Presbyterian & Disciples Campus

Ministry at NMSU

2511 Chaparral Street


David Sallee, Campus Minister



beginning August 5

Bible Study at the BRIDGE

7:00 PM

Coffee House at Dee Gee’s Deli

8:30 PM


Kick-off Bar-B-Que

at the BRIDGE

August 26th

6:00 PM


* * *




Vine & Branches

This fellowship group of parents and young couples meets monthly for a variety of activities - sometimes with children, sometimes without. Come join the swimming party at Joel and Patricia Tomlin’s home (3025 Mimosa Lane) on August 15 at 5:00. Call Patricia at

523-2163 for more information about what to bring.


Join this fellowship group of "empty nesters" for lunch out on the third Sunday of the month. (Meet at the After-Worship Coffee Hour.)

Doing Ministry in our Community


The Christian Day Nursery, founded in 1957, provides day care for preschool children whose mothers must work because of low family income. After an admissions evaluation, tuition is based on ability to pay. There is always a long waiting list! At least 2/3 of the cost of running the Day Nursery is provided by donations from churches and individuals and from proceeds from the Wonderland Thrift Store.

While there is no religious requirement for acceptance of children into the Nursery, the association is a charitable and religious organization that provides physical care and daily Christian training. Since there is no government support, the Nursery staff is free to tell Bible stories, sing Christian songs, salute the Christian flag, and talk freely about God and Jesus Christ without outside interference.

How you can help . . .

Join the volunteer staff at the Wonderland Thrift Store! Help is urgently needed! Volunteers spend a half day each month working at the cashier’s desk, sorting and pricing donated merchandise, helping customers and sacking purchases. Earl Jacobi is President of the Nursery Board. Give him a call at 522-4635 and offer to help.


Church Voice Mail:

Office Communications

The church office has voice mail on the two phone lines. If they are both busy (increasingly true with our active staff and congregation!) or no one is available to answer, just follow the instructions and leave a message. Someone will retrieve whatever message you leave and return your call as soon as possible.






Are you aware that our local church has established a legal foundation, First Presbyterian Church of Las Cruces Foundation, Inc., that qualifies for tax exempt status under the IRS Code Section 501 (c) (3)? It’s true! Not only that, but it has been in existence since 1994!

Why should you care that there is a foundation? First, it may save you additional taxes in what might be called a double tax credit. Secondly, it can benefit our congregation greatly by providing an additional source of funds for programs and other needs of the church beyond the budgeted giving. The Articles of Incorporation very clearly state the purpose: "the Corporation is organized and shall be operated exclusively to support and benefit

First Presbyterian Church, Las Cruces,

New Mexico . . ."

 Gifts given to the Foundation already have helped activities in Christian education, and in our youth and music programs. So far in 1998, over $41,000 in gifts have been received from members and friends of the congregation as they have become aware of the advantage of the Foundation as a way to assist in their giving. For example, contributions of appreciated property held over one year allow you a tax deduction for the full current market price of the security plus the advantage of not having to pay any capital gains tax on the increase value.

The Foundation is now equipped to efficiently process received gifts. Those wishing to contribute marketable securities (stocks, bonds, etc.), real estate or other appreciated property may do so by contacting Kathy Tucker in the church office or any member of the Foundation Board: Lyn Ames, Joel Tomlin or Jim Parks. Please, also contact your financial or tax professional.

This fall, this column will give specific examples on ways to qualify for a tax credit with donations of securities and real estate. Ways will also be provided to save on taxes with gifts to the Foundation for your regular pledge to the church.


Search for Music Staff

A committee has been formed to secure a new organist and choir director. The advertisements have been circulated and a few resumes have been received. The committee members are: Warner Hutchison, chairman; Jean O’Neill and Betsy Holt, worship; Marsha Topley, personnel; Harriet Johnson, member-at- large; John Poling, ex-officio.

Please keep these people in your prayers as they search for the person God is preparing for our ministry of music.


May Income and


Operating Income $ 33,211.68

Budgeted Expenses 30,472.70

Balance $ 2,738.98


June Income and Expenses:

Operating Income $ 25,368.93

Budgeted Expenses 22,751.44

Balance $ 2,617.49


Year-to-date through June

Operating Income $171,917.51

Budgeted Expenses 160,016.87

Balance $ 11,900.64


Our Missionaries:


Doing Ministry in Far Places

The Pontiers - Ron, Donna, Amanda, Andrea, Benjamin, and Brianna - were in town! They continue to serve with the African Inland Mission International and have been assigned to Nairobi, Kenya. It is difficult for them not to return to their home in the Central African Republic where they have served for 12 years, but the dangers from warfare prevent that at this time.

The Summer Salad Potluck on July 19 brought out more than 70 people to enjoy good food and fellowship and hear the witness of Ron and Donna! Everything the Pontiers owned was left in Central African Republic when they hurriedly left for their own safety. Please keep this family in your prayers as they journey back to Africa in August and settle into a new life in Nairobi.




The senior high youth are planning a garage sale for early this fall to raise funds needed for their retreats. Items can be dropped off at the church or call for pickup. Thanks!

Our Sanctuary Organ

A history of our sanctuary organ and how it was acquired has been written by Kennett Melgaard. The article can be picked up in the church office or found on the church’s web page at Look it up!

August and September

are Big Visitor Months!


When you see a visitor at church, here are a few practical suggestions of what to say and do:

1. Introduce yourself and say, "I don't believe we’ve met, have we?"

2. If the person is a visitor, ask, "What brings you to our church today?" This may provide some information on how the church may continue to be of service to that person.

3. If it can be done graciously, introduce the visitor to someone else near you or someone you know may share a

common interest.

4. Don’t forget to invite the visitor to return or to attend another event at the church.


Remember: Being interested, loving and caring is not just the job of the evangelism committee or staff. It’s the job of every member of the congregation.


Sunday, August 23

4-6 PM

An Active Youth Program:

Summer Camp Report!

Camp Chimney Spring

7 kids

1 director, 1 nurse, 1 storyteller


Mission Mexico ‘98

12 youth

6-8 Sponsors


Montreat-West in Colorado (Sr. High)

7 youth

2 sponsors, 1 teacher


Great Escape in Gunnison, CO


10 youth

2 sponsors


National Youth Triennium at Purdue

2 youth delegates


Generous giving by our congregation

that made this possible:

Total fundraisers $6,311

Additional mission gifts 445

Scholarship gifts 708

(helped 7 kids)

Budgeted funds 1,594

Special thanks to the Daniels and the Prahls for generously sacrificing vacation time to volunteer for these events!


A POLL OF TEENAGERS shows that the majority of them get along with their parents, believe in God and trust the government. Ninety-four percent of the teens polled in the New York Times/CBS News Poll said they believe in God. Differing from stereotypes, 51 percent said they got along "very well" with their parents and 46 percent said they related "fairly well."

- The Presbyterian Outlook

Congregational News

It was April 5th when Laura Bason was in a serious auto accident on highway 70. Though tragic, God has watched over Laura and her family. From the ICU to her recent rehabilitation she was on many prayer chains. Prayers from our congregation have been greatly appreciated. Laura Bason of the Parks and Recreation Department has resumed her duties as administrative secretary. Thanks to everyone for the caring thoughts and prayers! Ted Novack


Staff News

John & Jackie Poling

* Dallas, TX, August 2-9 for vacation and visiting Elisa’s doctors.


The Lantern

Publisher: John C. Poling

Editor: Jackie Poling

Production/Distribution: Tammy Prahl & Betsy Holt


The Lantern is a monthly publication of First Presbyterian Church, Las Cruces, NM. Articles, photos and comments are welcome, and will be used at the discretion of the publisher and editor. For further information, call 526-5559


August 2 - Annual Mountain Retreat at

Camp Chimney Spring

Celebration of Communion at 10:30

The Rev. Albert Kissling, guest preacher


Worship in our Sanctuary

The Rev. Jay Bishop, guest preacher

Kennett Melgaard, soloist

August 9 - Divine Worship

John Poling, preacher

Sermon: "Ready Confidence"

Harriet Johnson and her daughter,

Jean Foster, soloists

August 16 - Celebration of Communion

Monthly Hymn-Sing (10:20)

John Poling, preacher


"God’s Purpose and Our Performance"

Kim , soloist

August 23 - Contemporary Celebration

John Poling, preacher

Sermon: "Kingdom Activity"

Music by "Pressin’ On",

Presbyterian Campus Ministry

Public reception of new members

August 30 - Super Sunday

Celebration of Baptism

Presentation of Bibles to new third graders

John Poling, preacher

Sermon: "In Place of a Deadly Identity Crisis"

Jawn Glass, trumpeter


Mid-Week Youth Ministry

Beginning Wednesday

September 9!


The Salt & Light Co. (a LOGOS program) is our congregation’s way of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with young people! In an often fragmented world for young people, it has provided community, belonging, and a powerful witness to God’s grace and mercy. It is also a lot of fun!!

Each Wednesday evening includes the following activities:

*Elementary Fellowship for grades 1-5 (4:00-7:00) *Family-style dinner

*Mid-School Fellowship (5:15-7:45)* *Occasional adult Bible study,

*Senior High Fellowship (5:15-8:30)* parenting groups, and all-church *Professional childcare dinners.


(*There is a search for a new music director and a choir time has not yet been determined at this time. We hope to begin Worship Skills at 4:30 for mid-schoolers soon!)

We want every young person in our congregation in grades 1-12 (and their friends!) to be enrolled this year! To find out more about the program, call Jackie at 526-5559 or Sue Carter at 522-6898.



August 26 Dessert Social & Mandatory Parent Orientation & Registration

7:00 PM (Childcare will be provided)

Sept. 2 Dinner and Orientation for S&L staff, 6:00 PM


 Can you Help??

To continue the work of the Salt & Light Co., many volunteers are needed! This is the time for each member of the congregation to prayerfully consider joining the staff. There is a need for teachers, class "shepherds", recreation leaders, choir monitors, table parents, and helpers for kitchen crews and preschool childcare. Don’t wait to be called - take the initiative and step out in faith!

Call Jackie Poling at the church office (526-5559) or Sue Carter (522-6898).






August 12 - 6:00 - 8:00 PM Farewell to 8th Graders!

Dinner and Memories

Darla Topley’s house, 1855 Vista Sierra Ct.

Please meet at the church at 5:45 PM with your favorite dessert to share. We will go to Darla’s house for a special dinner and a short program to say good-bye to the

8th graders.

August 19 - 6:00 - 8:00 PM Mid-Schoolers Welcome 6th Graders!

Swimming Party & Hamburger Cookout!

Morgan Rawson’s house - 1736 High Street

Please meet at Morgan’s house and bring your favorite dessert or bag of chips to share. We will eat yummy hamburgers and have fun swimming as we get to know

our 6th graders!!!!


Senior High

August 9 - 6:30 - 8:00 PM Sunday Summer Fellowship

We’ll get together for fellowship and fun!

Meet at the church!

August 18 - 2:00 - 5:00 PM Farewell to our Seniors!

Howard & Linda Daniels’ house - 5800 Thielman Rd.

Bring your swim gear and some munchies and we’ll have a good time of "remembering when" and saying good-bye to our seniors!

August 30 - 1:00 - 4:00 PM Senior Highers Welcome 9th Graders

Howard & Linda Daniels’ house - 5800 Thielman Rd.

After the Super Sunday celebration and church picnic, we’ll travel together to the Daniels’ house for swimming and getting acquainted.




Super Sunday

August 30


Beginning another year of educational opportunities for everyone in our congregation!!

9:00 Intergenerational kick-off event in Watkins Hall.

Presentation of classes and teachers for the fall.

There will be games, music, and refreshments for kids, youth and adults. (Mrs. Ames will have regular class for 2 & 3 year olds.)

10:30 Worship in the Sanctuary

Celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism

Special music by Jawn Glass, trumpeter

Presentation of Bibles to new third graders

11:45 Summer Picnic in our Courtyard

Bring your own lunch or purchase sub-sandwiches and desserts from our Mid-Schoolers. Cold drinks, a place to sit, and good fellowship will be provided.

1:00 Senior High Welcome Party for new ninth graders. Youth will travel together to a swimming party at the home of Howard and Linda Daniels.


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Last update 2006-01-10 21:18:22