First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

Selections from the Lantern October 1998 


"They will come

from east and west,

and from north

and south, and

sit at table in the

kingdom of God"

Luke 13: 29

On World Communion Sunday, October 4, 1998 the faithful of all races and nations are invited to gather to celebrate the Lord’s Supper.

In the winter of 1935 a group of ministers met to study the spiritual needs and possibilities of our church in depression days. In the Lord’s Supper they saw a great opportunity to unite the membership in dedication to Jesus Christ. This early ecumenical awareness led to the first World Communion Sunday, November 11, 1936. In 1937, the Presbyterian General Assembly changed the date of World Communion to the first Sunday of October.

In this meal many are made one, united with Christ and with the church of every time and place. Thids unity, which God offers in the Sacrament, is a sign of the unity God wills for all creation, all races, all nations, all tongues, all classes. It is a meal which reminds all who eat and drink of the love of God has shown in the past, and the hope of the Kingdom which has come in Jesus Christ, but has not finally arrived. At Christ’s table we are made one, and can offer ourselves in obedient service to God’s reign and rule, as we join God in fulfilling the Kingdom that Christ has proclaimed.

By Lantern Light: All Over the World!

I was very ignorant in terms of how many members there were in my extended family as an eight-year-old moving from Philadelphia, PA to Salem, OR. We visited my mother’s family in Iowa and Dad’s brother in Phoenix enroute. Upon arrival in Oregon, I soon found myself in a family reunion that included strange German food and stranger cousins and aunts and uncles. On the way home from the reunion in Portland, I said to my parents, "I can’t believe there are so many of us!" It was the beginning of a new appreciation of the variety and humor and courage and love that has nurtured me all of my days. I know that you and I remain largely ignorant of our extended family in Christ Jesus and I want to challenge us to expand our appreciation of that family in all its variety and humor and courage and love - and to receive its nourishment.

The "Mission Imperative" of the Church of Jesus Christ, issued by the Risen Christ to his earliest followers, has spurred countless efforts to bring the Gospel to all peoples in all place. There are still some people and language groups being approached for the first time, with the goal being the establishment of the church within those groups and under their direction. The translation of scripture into their language continues at a phenomenal pace, exemplified by the work of Wycliffe Bible Translators. We support people in work that ranges from hospitals to schools; from new farming technology to adult literacy programs; from village level health instruction to inner city production co-operative groups.

We celebrate the sending of persons with the Word along with the receiving of the Word ourselves (as part of the target cultures approached centuries ago) in worship on "World Communion Sunday." Our Lord’s Supper Table is set in every time zone now, far from its initial and sometimes underground locations close to Jerusalem. Whatever our circumstances - whether encouraged, tolerated, ignored or persecuted by the dominant culture in which we live - we continue to listen to the command of Jesus to each of us and to proclaim him as Lord of all!

Plan now to commune with members of this congregation and with the Church worldwide on October 4! Celebrate our unity and diversity in the Procession of Flags from around the world that day! See the Mission Committee quarterly report in this month’s Lantern. Improve your knowledge of the missions we support by reading it, then test your knowledge by the quiz on the back page. Then, please pray for one of the missionaries listed and for the people with whom they are working.

Why do this? As we become both informed and involved with the world-encompassing reach of the Gospel, we become open to its deepening reach into all aspects of our lives right here. We become less preoccupied with ourselves and more aligned with Jesus’ concerns for those he loves and wants to reach, to heal, to save. We also begin to strip away the cultural barnacles that cluster on the hull of the ship of faith in every society and appreciate the truth of Jesus Christ.

For further reading and stimulus to growth as a Christian: order a copy of the Mission Yearbook of Prayer and Study through our church office for use during 1999. Broaden your outlook and strengthen your ties to the family of Jesus Christ all over the world!

Yours in Christ,


John Clark Poling


Annual Deacons’ Hamburger Fry

Sunday, October 18

Following Worship

Doing "MISSIONS" in Las Cruces!

People in our own community encounter stressfulhealth and family problems as well as difficult economic situations everyday. Our Board of Deacons is continually ministering to these people with compassion and generosity through these mission projects:

Their source of income comes from 1/2 of the "loose" offering collected on Communion Sundays; any offering designated "Communion"; and the Annual Hamburger Fry.



Fall Congregational Meeting

Sunday, November 1

at 12:30 PM


Preceded by an

Enchilada Lunch at 11:45 in Watkins Hall

prepared and served by Senior High Youth



The stated purpose of the meeting is to

elect new church officers.

*Join in some singing!

*Enjoy the fellowship!

Inquirers’ Class

Sundays, October 4, 18, 25

9:00 - 10:00

Pastor’s Study


This class will look at the basics of the Christian faith, the history and structure of the PC(USA), and the ministry of this congregation. Anyone interested in joining with this congregation or simply in exploring these topics is invited to come!


Reception into the church will be at a called Session meeting on Oct. 25 following worship.

A Request from the

Nominating Committee


This Committee is beginning its work to fill expired terms and vacant positions on the Session and Board of Deacons. They are interested in suggestions from the congregation. Information and suggestion forms are available in the church office.


A Gathering of

Presbyterians III

sponsored by

The Presbyterian Coalition

October 8-10 in Dallas

This event is to equip Presbyterians to provide effective leadership in the renewal of our denomination. The emphasis will be on new materials for the education and guidance of Christians in matters of faith and practice. Standards for the coming century, summarized in catechism, study and strategy documents will be discussed and shaped.

Continuing his involvement with Presbyterians for Renewal and Mountain States Wee Kirk, John Poling will be

participating in the Gathering and a planning meeting following.

Stewardship Training Workshop

for Deacons and Elders

Saturday, October 3 8:30-12:00

Leader: The Rev. Al Kissling

Presbyterian Women

Gathering on October 20

at 10:30 A.M.

followed by the

Annual Potato Bar Luncheon

"A Crafty Morning"

Wreath making by Kathy Tucker

Christmas angels by Sue Carter

Miniature Christmas Trees by

Carol Peterson

Together we will assemble Harvest Care Packages for our college students!

All women who attend our congregation are members of Presbyterian Women and are invited at attend! Bring your friends, too!


*Coordinating Team will meet at 9:30.

Mini Workshop in October:

Making a Panel Vest

Teachers: Janet McPherson and

Sue Carter

October 31 9:00 A.M.

Call Sue Carter (522-6898) or

Janet McPherson (524-3831)

for more information.

Sierra Blanca Presbytery

Fall Gathering


Presbyterian Women

Saturday, October 17

First Presbyterian-Alamogordo

9:30 - 3:00

Lunch: $3.50


Panel Discussion

Domestic Abuse:

Violence Against Women and Children


Readers’ Theatre: "Way to Go"

presented by women from our church!

Call Beverly Briggs (522-1445) to make a reservation on the church van.



Vine & Branches

This fellowship group of parents and young couples meets monthly for a variety of activities - sometimes with children,

sometimes without. Vine and Branches will be having a Halloween Costume Party and Potluck on October 30 at 6:00 PM at Art and Lynda Garcia’s home (5260 Mimosa Lane). Please join this group of adults and children for a treat of a time. Call Art or Lynda Garcia at 527-5345 for information.

November Activity: Participating in the Annual CROP Walk on Nov. 15 at 1:00 P.M.

More information later!


Join this fellowship group of "empty nesters" for lunch out on the third Sunday of the month. (Meet at the After-Worship Coffee Hour on October 18.) There will be a fellowship evening on October 23. Watch for details in the Sunday bulletin.

Desert Cruisers

This group of retired people (singles and couples) will meet on October 26 at

12:00 PM. Everyone is welcome to join this time of fellowship, potluck lunch and program. Please bring a dish to share and your own table service. For information call Frances and Carl Shuster at 522-2504.

Adult Education

Sunday School at 9:00 A.M.

"The Jesus I Never Knew"

Teacher: Marsha Topley

(Jones #110)

"Hebrews: Glimpsing the Glory"


Teacher: Dick Dale

(Reeves Parlor)

Sunday evening at 6:30

Oct. 4, 18, 25, Nov. 1

"The Great Ends of the Church"


Teacher: John Poling

(Jones #110)

Thursday mornings at 10:00

"The Gospel of John"


Teacher: Ozzie Lutz

(Melgaards’ home, 1612 Imperial Ridge)

Thursday afternoons at 3:30

"Kerygma: The Bible in Depth"


Teacher: Al Kissling

(Jones #115)

Possible new class: Hot Headlines

This class will look at Jesus’ spin on today’s headlines! It will have timely, up-to-the-minute topics for discussion and provide a link to Bible study. Are you interested? The class also needs a leader or leadership could be shared among class members. Call Jackie if you are interested.

New Plans


Women’s Retreat

When: March 20-21, 1999

Where: Camp Chimney Spring

near Cloudcroft

Leaders: Sue Carter and Jackie Poling

What else: Watch for registration details in January!


 As announced in the September Lantern, the Session is planning for the future of our congregation by hosting a series of Focus Group meetings on Evangelism. They want to receive your thoughts, ideas, and feelings on church growth. The hope is that these meetings will help revitalize our church’s commitment to spreading the good news of Jesus Christ with others.

Within the past few days, you should have received a letter from the church inviting you to sign up for a Focus Group meeting on Evangelism. These will be held between October 19-24 at a variety of times and locations described in the letter. There is also a response card - please return this to the church office as soon as possible. We also want to hear from our youth and younger members! You are encouraged to participate! Childcare for small children can be provided at the church if you let the office know by October 16.

Following the meetings, the Session will produce a report summarizing the ideas generated. These will be used to guide our planning for the growth and outreach of our congregation for the next several years.



The First Presbyterian Church

Deming, New Mexico

celebrates 100 years of ministry!

 Each worship service in October will have a guest preacher. The final Sunday of celebration will be on October 25 and Harry Frazier will play the bagpipes. There will be a catered dinner after the service and reservations can be made at

(505)546-2357 by October 18.


Presbyterian & Disciples Campus

Ministry at NMSU

2511 Chaparral Street


David Sallee, Campus Minister



Fellowship at the BRIDGE

8:00 PM

Bible study at the BRIDGE

9:00 PM



* * *


October 24


The Senior High youth are having a fall garage sale and need your junk! Please drop it off at the church or call the church office for pickup. And come check out the treasures that day!


New Mexico State University

presents a

Choral/Organ Concert

on October 30 & 31

8:00 P.M.

in our Sanctuary


Featuring the University Singers

and Janet Loman

performing "Cantos Sagrados"

by James McMillan







This is the third in a series of articles for our Foundation and it is a look at using appreciated stock.

First, let’s assume you hold xzy corporation stock worth $5,000 and you purchased it several years ago for almost nothing (it could be a bond or mutual fund also). Let’s further assume that your pledge for the year to the church is $5,000.


Example 1. You sell your stock for $5,000 (or maybe a little of it each month) and give it to the church for your pledge. In doing so you will receive the normal gift deduction to the church. However, you will be responsible for paying the capital gains tax of 20% on your appreciated stock. That means you will pay approximately $1,000 in taxes and your total outlay will be $6,000 (before the gift tax credit).


Example 2. You "gift" the same $5,000 stock directly to the foundation. You might further direct the foundation to pay out 1/12 of the total each month to the church toward your pledge. This can easily be accomplished. In this example the total gift by you is the same $5,000.00 as in example 1. However, you do not have to pay any capital gains tax. Your out-of-pocket

expense was $5,000, not $6,000, and you still receive the gift tax credit. Of course, it is the hope of the church that you might share some of the savings with the foundation. This is a win/win situation.

You can see how exciting this gets! If you have further questions, call Kathy Tucker, financial secretary at the church office, or talk to one of the foundation directors: Lyn Ames, Joel Tomlin or Jim Parks. All inquiries and gifts will remain confidential. And, please do check with your financial or tax professional.





SPEAKER: The Rev. Douglas Oldenburg

Moderator of the 210th General Assembly


Saturday, November 7

8 A.M. - 4 P.M.

First Presbyterian Church

Ruidoso, NM

$7 per person


Brochures are available in the church office with workshop and registration information.


Congregational News

Reyann Sias was born on September 11 to Carrie and Rey. Kathi Becker is the proud grandmother.


Lorene Townsend and Carl Howard will be married on October 10 at 2:00 in High Rolls.


Staff News

John Poling:

* in Dallas on Oct. 8-10 at the

"Gathering of Presbyterians III"

Jackie Poling:

* joining John in Dallas Oct. 9-13 to take Elisa to Scottish Rite and spend a few days with Paul and Amy.

Brian McPherson:

* on vacation Oct. 11-17 in Albuquerque.

October Birthdays

10/02 Linda Fredrickson

10/02 Lisa Boberg

10/03 Charlie Stone

10/03 Naomi Cramer

10/03 Lynn Boberg

10/06 Lee Daniels

10/06 Margaret Swaim

10/07 Claude Welles

10/07 Greg Cummings

10/09 Katie Grandle

10/11 Allan Savage

10/11 Sue Liefeld

10/12 Ashley McDowell

10/15 Robert Taylor

10/17 Mitzi Keffer

10/17 Lauren Mattiace

10/18 Aaron Gemoets

10/19 Bobbi Cash

10/20 Helen McQuiston

10/21 Thomas Todsen

10/22 Roma Hepburn

10/24 Justin Newby

10/27 Paul Poling

10/28 Bill DeBoy

10/28 Amy Poling

10/30 Jennie Garland

10/30 Trevor Enoch

Please turn in your blue survey forms so we can complete our congregational data base and know everybody’s birthday!

Sunday School at 9:00 A.M.



"The Jesus I Never Knew"

Video study series in Jones 110.

Based on the new classic book by Philip Yancey, this course offers a perspective on the life of Christ and his work - ultimately, a chance to discover who he was and why he came.


Leader: Marsha Topley


Book (optional): $13.00


Participant book (required): $7.00


"Hebrews: Glimpsing the Glory"

The theme of Hebrews is the absolute supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ as revealer and as mediator of God’s grace. Come and explore these themes in this class.


Leader: Dick Dale



"Fighting the Good Fight"

Teacher: Laurie Blackmer (September)


"Core Belief: Why Jesus Christ Matters"


Teacher: Gary Gemoets (October)



"Connecting: A Study of Relationships"

Mid-schoolers are encouraged to join their friends in learning to build stronger relationships with family and peers.



The journey of faith on Disciples’ Avenue, our multiple sensory approach to learning, continues! This fall children will explore God’s covenant with his

people through Noah and Abraham in the Temple, Cinema, Drama Theatre,

Art Gallery and Marketplace. Meet in Watkins Hall at 9:00 for music and

opening worship together!


Kerygma: The Bible in Depth

Thursday evenings; 7:00-9:00 P.M. in Jones Hall

Introductory class: September 17;

Fall Session: Sept. 24-Nov. 19;

Winter Session: Jan. 14-Mar. 25; Spring Session: April 8-May 27

Book cost: $34.00 (entire year)

This unique course takes basic themes of the Old and New Testaments and follows them from Genesis through Revelation. With this thematic approach, a person can learn the people, events and books of the Bible in perspective and appreciate in a deeper way how God has worked with his people throughout the centuries. This is an excellent beginning for new Bible students as well as a great follow-up to last year’s Kerygma classes.


The teacher, The Rev. Al Kissling, is an ordained minister in the PC(USA) and is semi-retired after serving 18 years at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Hendersonville, N.C. A scholar in biblical studies who studied at Union Seminary in Virginia, Princeton Theological Seminary and at Union in New York City,

Al has taught Kerygma Bible classes for 12 years - and still brings a refreshing excitement to the course! He and his wife, Beth, have recently moved to Las Cruces and have been worshipping with our congregation.


The Great Ends of the Church

Sunday evenings; Sept. 27, Oct. 4, 18, 25, Nov. 1

6:30-8:00 PM in Jones Hall

Book cost: $5.50

The Book of Order begins with the firm acknowledgment that Christ alone is the Head of the Church. Embedded in the preliminary principles of the PC(USA) is a brief section entitled "The Great Ends of the Church." Nearly a century old, this basic "mission statement" of the General Assembly, its governing bodies, and its congregations, has the capacity to shape faith and action in every expression of our church life. The six Great Ends provides guides for thinking about church life that moves beyond expediency or mere catering to fleeting fads. Pastor John Poling will be the teacher. Everyone is encouraged to attend!


"The Gospel of John"

Thursday mornings; 10:00-11:00 A.M.

at Melgaards’ home, 1612 Imperial Ridge

Each week’s session begins with a brief time of singing and praise.

The Rev. Ozzie Lutz leads an exciting study of this important gospel account of the life of Jesus. Ozzie is a retired minister in the PC(USA) who has served parishes for many years. He and his wife, Deede, reside at University Terrace and are active in our congregation.

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