First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

Selections from The Lantern November 1998

Dedication of Pledges - November 22

A Unanimous Congregational Vote on October 25


Susan M. Spencer


Associate Pastor and

Youth Minister


First Presbyterian Church

Susan begins her ministry with us on November 1 when she moves here from Colorado Springs. She will be examined by Sierra Blanca Presbytery on November 7 at a called meeting in Ruidoso. If the way be clear, Susan will be ordained to The Ministry of Word and Sacrament in her home church, Mountain View Presbyterian, Pueblo Presbytery on November 22 and we will have a Service of Installation here on Sunday, December 6 at 6:00 P.M.

Stewardship Campaign 1998

November has been designated for our congregation’s annual Stewardship Campaign. The theme of the campaign, Varieties of Gifts, Varieties of Service: One Spirit, calls the church to celebrate the wonderful and different ministries in which we serve. Each of us is given particular gifts of talent, time, money and opportunities to use wisely, to share with others, and to find personal joy and fulfillment. The circumstances in which we live and the needs of the world help lead us to share what God has given us in ways that are most appropriate and effective according to God’s purpose.

During the coming weeks, stewardship and mission goals will be shared with the congregation in worship services and mailings. A letter containing a 1999 pledge card will arrive in the mail. We will dedicate our own varieties of gifts and talents - and our monetary pledges for the 1999 budget - to God on Commitment Sunday, November 22.

A Christmas Holiday Preview


3rd Annual

Adult All-Church

Christmas Progressive Dinner

December 5

6:00 P.M.

The Congregational Life Committee is already busy preparing for this year’s gala event. The dinner will begin at the church with yummy appetizers, proceed to host homes for the main course, then return to the church for delicious desserts and entertainment - including an old-fashioned carol sing! Watch for upcoming ticket sales after worship.

Needed: HOST HOMES to serve the main course for 8-12 people. The food and free tickets will be provided for all host who will open their homes and cook the meal.

DESSERT HOSTS to prepare and serve desserts back at the church.

Call the church office (526-5559) now if you can host for this gala evening or provide a scrumptious dessert. Details will be provided for what is expected of you as a host.

6th Annual

Christmas Auction

Sunday, November 22

3:00 PM

in Reeves Hall

A great fun-raiser and fund-raiser! Men are invited to make items and spend money, too! Bring any item that can be auctioned (homemade ones sell the best!) Plan to purchase by bidding.

(Popular auctioneers - Matt Holt and Randy Farmer will return!)

Munch on delicious homemade goodies during all the fun.

This is a great occasion for Christmas shopping! Proceeds will go toward continuing kitchen needs, the next Presbyterian Women’s Gathering in 2000, and local mission projects supported by Presbyterian Women.

Deacons’ Community Outreach

For the third year running, the Board of Deacons is planning a Christmas outreach project for our congregation with Mesilla Valley Hospice. They have accepted responsibility for 10 Hospice patients and their families! We’ll provide food, individual gifts, scriptural material and Christmas trees! 

In a time when grieving families of dying persons or those recently bereaved are overwhelmed by the details and financial demands of life, this congregation is able to provide witness to the coming of Christ and the promise of new life. There will be Christmas trees in the Narthexes beginning November 29 with "stars" for specific gift and food items to be purchased. Watch for the details in December and prepare to be a part of this "gift of giving."

Adult Education

Sunday School at 9:00 A.M.

"The Jesus I Never Knew"

Teacher: Marsha Topley

(Jones #110)


"Hebrews: Glimpsing the Glory"

Teacher: Dick Dale

(Reeves Parlor)

Thursday mornings at 10:00

"The Gospel of John"

Teacher: Ozzie Lutz

(Melgaards’ home, 1612 Imperial Ridge)

Thursday afternoons at 3:30

"Kerygma: The Bible in Depth"

Teacher: Al Kissling

(Jones #115)


Presbyterian & Disciples Campus

Ministry at NMSU

2511 Chaparral Street


David Sallee, Campus Minister


Fellowship at the BRIDGE

8:00 PM

Bible study at the BRIDGE

9:00 PM

The LOGOS Festival of Resources.

Ten people from our Salt and Light Co. program will be attending this event to get new ideas and information for use in our program. It will be held in Albuquerque on Saturday, November 7 at the Central Methodist Church.




Gathering on November 17

at 10:30 AM

Coffee and Mission Program

Dedication of the "Thank Offering"

"History of the Mission Field

in New Mexico"

*Coordinating Team will meet at 9:00 AM


All women who attend our congregation are members of Presbyterian Women and are invited to attend!


Looking ahead: A Book Review Group will be meeting on the 4th Tuesdays of January, February, March and April at 10:00 A.M. The book selections are:

"The Best of Catherine Marshall"

"Mothers and Daughters - An Anthology"

"At Home in Mitford"

"I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings"

Call Beverly Briggs (522-1445) to purchase a book so orders can be placed early.

Thank Offering

Since 1888, Presbyterian Women have funded countless projects and medical health missions through the annual Thank Offering. In 1998, the $1,044,965.00 collected in 1997 has been awarded to 58 projects and 40% to international health ministries, hospitals and health projects for the needy.

* * *


Church Women United


World Community Day

Friday, November 6 at 10:00 A.M.

El Calvario United Methodist Church

300 N. Campo Street

Program: The World Within

Our Neighborhood

Call 522-4569 by November 4 to make a reservation. Childcare available.

Focus on


Our recent Focus Groups on Evangelism had over 70 people participating! Initial reports are that the meetings produced many new ideas for our church’s evangelism efforts and highlighted a few concerns for us to address. These will be presented to Session with recommendations for implementation. Watch for these ideas in future Lantern articles.

The Evangelism Committee extends a special thanks to many individuals who made this effort possible - particularly Tammy Prahl, Sue Kramer, Don Rubart and Hank Stephenson as well as the hosts, moderators, and recorders.



November 15

CROP WALKS across America each fall have been raising thousands of dollars in the fight to end hunger. This year members of our Vine and Branches fellowship group will be walking! 75% of monies donated will be sent to Church World Service to provide worldwide relief and 25% stays in Las Cruces to meet local needs. Donations can be given to the "walkers" at the doors after worship on November 8 & 15.

Sweatshirts and Jackets needed!

La Casa, the shelter for battered women and their children, needs good, used sweatshirts and jackets for women and children. If you can help, just drop them off in the church office.



Vine & Branches

This fellowship group of parents and young couples meets monthly for a variety of activities - sometimes with children, sometimes without. Vine and Branches will be participating in the Annual CROP Walk on November 15 at 1:00 P.M. Watch the Sunday bulletins for more information.


Join this fellowship group of "empty nesters" for lunch out on the third Sunday of the month. (Meet at the After-Worship Coffee Hour on November 15.) This group will also meet on Saturday, November 28 at the church to decorate the Sanctuary for Advent.

Desert Cruisers

This group of retired people (singles and couples) will meet on November 23 at

12:00 PM. Mrs. Sadler of the Story League will entertain us with a story. Everyone is welcome to join this time of fellowship, a potluck lunch and a program. Please bring a dish to share and your own table service. For information call Frances and Carl Shuster at 522-2504.

Needed: Our new Associate Pastor, Sue Spencer, is purchasing a house! She needs a washing machine, a dinning table, and other furnishings. Call the church office if you can share!

September Income and Expenses

Operating Income $ 27,719.14

Operating Expenses 27,641.50

Balance $ 77.64


Year to Date Summary

Operating Income $252,959.32

Operating Expenses 235,414.61

Balance 17,544.71

Congregational News

* Christine Carter, daughter of Ray and Sue Carter, will be married here at First Presbyterian Church on July 10, 1999 to Joseph Gibbs of Salt Lake City.

Thank You’s

* The McPherson family would like to thank the congregation for their cards, phone calls and concern on the death of Janet’s brother, Jim.

* Al and Harriet Johnson thank the congregation for all the cards, prayers, and offers to help during Al’s hospitalization and nursing home stays.

* The Senior High youth thank everyone for all the generous donations and support of their garage sale. They made $1,050.00!


* Thank You to Paul Rohe for all his handiwork around the church - especially the installation of new safety treads on the Chancel Choir steps!

Staff News

John, Jackie and Elisa Poling:

* in San Francisco November 23 - 29 for the wedding of Jackie’s brother.

Bill McMillan:

* out of town November 25 - 29 celebrating Marilyn’s parents’ 50th wedding anniversary.

Howard Smolleck:

* attending the conference of Frontiers in Education in Tempe AZ, November 4 - 6 and in Washington, DC at the National Science Foundation.

Mission Support for Menaul School

Presbyterian Women would appreciate donations of Campbell Soup Labels. There is a box in the church office for saved labels.


11/02 Doris Silva

11/04 Patricia Tomlin

11/04 Paul Rohe

11/05 Norma Savage

11/06 Al Johnson

11/08 Betsy Holt

11/09 Ray Carter

11/10 John Poling

11/10 John Davis

11/11 Sarah Kramer

11/11 Marjorie Burr

11/12 Ruth McDonald

11/13 Charles Brink

11/14 Judi Ferguson

11/14 Kathryn Melgaard

11/14 Lucile Graham

11/14 Eleanor Dikowski

11/19 Stephanie Miles

11/19 Joyce Gemoets

11/19 Ann Miller

11/20 Steve Newby

11/21 Nancy Cobble

11/21 Justine Gentle

11/22 Tiffany Daniels

11/24 Carolyn Bricker

11/26 Ryan Tomlin

11/28 Carl Shuster

11/29 George Scott

11/29 Jim Horst







Youth News


A new Youth Minister! Sue Spencer is here!!


Senior High

November 11 - Trip to Cuidad Juarez

1:00 - 8:00 to visit our mission family and church.

(No School! In place of Salt & Light)

November 14 - 15 - Fall Retreat at Camp Chimney Spring


November 4 - Fun and fellowship with Sue

(during Salt & Light)

November 14 - Bowling Party

(Watch your mail!)


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