First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

Selections from The Lantern, November 1999. The Lantern is the monthly newsletter of the First Presbyterian Church.

Something New for the

8th Annual Congregational Mission Dinner


The Promise: A Mission Fair

Wednesday, November 17

6:15 PM

sponsored by Salt & Light Co.

Plan now to attend this fun and informative evening! You will enjoy learning about heifers, pigs, goats, llamas, red worms (ugh!), rabbits, guinea pigs, fish, chicks, sheep, water buffalo (oh, my!) All this will happen through . . .

All this will focus on Heifer Project International and our "Fill the Ark Project". Dinner cost will be a donation to Heifer Project. (The meals are already paid for all kids enrolled in Salt & Light.)


This year’s stewardship theme is Faithfulness Sustains the Generations and focuses on the choices we make as Christians in a very complicated and challenging world. We are called to a stewardship like God’s stewardship, and that is, when all is said and done, an expression of extravagance. The extravagant God of the Bible keeps faith with "a thousand generations" (Deut. 7:9). God is seen as flinging open the doors of his home and he makes a place of honor and joy at the table of his mercy.

Budgets must be formed and responsible decisions made about spending the church’s money, but we need not be a people fearful that there is not enough to go around. We have a God whose love is never exhausted, whose compassion is never ending. Stewardship is ultimately the joyful response of children who have the freedom to invite others to a feast not of their own making, a banquet of mercy and freedom that never ends.

-taken from Stewardship and Extravagance by Thomas G. Long


During the next several weeks our congregation will have the chance to celebrate the diversity of the ministries we offer. We will have many opportunities to learn how our money, time and energies are at work in this church, community and around the world. The abundant circumstances in which we live and the extreme needs of the world must motivate us to share what God has given us in ways that are most appropriate and effective according to God’s purpose.

As mission and other budget goals are shared in mailings and worship services, you are encouraged to prayerfully consider your pledge commitment for the year 2000. God is poised to do great things in his love and grace and we need to be prepared to serve faithfully in the tasks ahead! Once again you will have a chance to dedicate your individual gifts, talents, and monetary pledge on Commitment Sunday, December 5.



An Ark for Today’s World


Today, a storm of hunger and poverty spoils the chance of a good life for many of the world’s people and does great harm to the environment.

 Purchasing a Gift Ark for $5,000.00 is a goal for our congregation. During November you will learn more about the work and witness of Heifer Project. Please plan to attend the class described below and the mission dinner on November 17 (see insert). The Ark banks from the children and youth as well as gifts from all the congregation will be dedicated at our Thanksgiving worship service on November 21.


New Adult Sunday School Class

November 7, 14, 21

 A Simple Gift:

Sustainable Living for a Hungry World

Using beautiful, inspiring videos and study materials provided by Heifer Project International, this class will look at several stewardship issues in light of the scriptures. Dr. Bobby Rankin, Director of Animal and Range Sciences at NMSU, has spent his career working with ranchers and students in developing better feed sources and increased food quality and production that takes care of the land as well. Many of these projects have been involved with Heifer Project around the world.

It promises an interesting, informative, and inspiring class dealing with current issues facing Christians. Plan to attend!


Presbyterian Women


Gathering on November 16

at 10:30 AM

"Miriam’s Story: Mission Memories"

Dedication of the "Thank Offering"

Baked Potato Bar Lunch at noon

Miriam Walstad is an active member of our congregation served on the mission field in the Republic of the Cameroon. For the past 46 years she has been the wife of Presbyterian minister, Joe Walstad and together they served in national mission work in Alaska for 20 years.

All women who attend our congregation are members of Presbyterian Women and

are invited to attend!

*Coordinating Team will meet at 9:00 AM


Presbyterian Women Mission Giving!

The PW Board allocated funds raised at the 1998 Christmas Auction to the following mission areas:

Kitchen: purchased 192 dinner plates, 180 small fruit bowls, 180 glasses. Christian Day Nursery: $300 for their kitchen refurbishing and a donation of our old dinnerware.

Triennium 2000: funds to help scholarship several women.

Wow! What a blessing! This year’s Holiday Fair in October already raised another $1,378.00 for missions next year!

2000 Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women

July 15-19

Louisville, Kentucky

Mark your calendars and plan to join our group of women who are going! More details in January.


Presbytery of Sierra Blanca

Festival 1999


Belonging to God


Eyes Wide Open

Saturday, November 6

8:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.

First Presbyterian Church

Ruidoso, NM

$10 registration fee


Keynote Speaker:

The Rev. Dr. Laura Lewis

Worship Leader:

The Rev. John Poling

There is still time to register this week!

Brochures are in the church office.


November 14

CROP WALKS across America each fall have been raising thousands of dollars in the fight to end hunger. Last year’s walk in Las Cruces raised over $10,000!

Again this year members of our Vine and Branches fellowship group will be walking! 75% of monies donated will be sent to Church World Service to provide worldwide relief and 25% stays in Las Cruces to meet local needs. Donations can be given to the "walkers" at the doors after worship on November 7 & 14.

 Fellowship Groups

Vine and Branches

This fellowship group of parents and young couples meets monthly for a variety of activities - sometimes with children, sometimes without. This month our group will be participating in the Annual CROP Walk for Hunger on Sunday, November 14. Call Joel or Patricia Tomlin for details and a sponsor envelope.


This fellowship group of "empty nesters" (singles and couples) meets each month for different activities. They also meet for lunch after worship on the third Sunday of each month. On November 27 at 8:30 AM they will meet at the church for Hanging of the Greens and then go to breakfast. Call Jacque Parks (526-8180) for information.

Desert Cruisers

This group of retired people (singles and couples) will meet at 12:00 PM on November 22 for a potluck and program. The program will be Tunes of the 40’s and 50’s by Max and Betty Dunn. Everyone is welcome to join this group for a time of fellowship, potluck lunch and program. Please bring a dish to share and your own table service. For more information call Marcus Burr at 523-7917.

New Pastors in our Presbytery!


We welcome the following pastors into Sierra Blanca Presbytery and the ministry of their congregations:

The Rev. Jean E. Martin

at Santa Teresa Presbyterian Church


The Rev. Catherine Caudle

at First Presbyterian Church in Ruidoso

Adult Education


Sunday School at 9:00 A.M.

New Class

"A Simple Gift: Sustainable Living for a Hungry World" (see article)

Teacher: Bobby Rankin

(Jones #110)


"Whole People of God: A Lectionary Investigation"

Teacher: John Poling

(Jones #115)


"A Study of Romans"

Teacher: Dick Dale

(Reeves Parlor)


"The Big Picture" a class for young adults

Teacher: David Sallee

(Reeves #317)



Thursday afternoons at 4:00 P.M.

"Kerygma: The Bible in Depth"

Teacher: Al Kissling

(Jones #110)

"The Big picture"

Class for Young Adults

Sundays at 9:00 AM
Teacher: David Sallee



Presbyterian & Disciples Campus

Ministry at NMSU

2511 Chaparral Street



David Sallee, Campus Minister


Bible Study at the BRIDGE

8:00 PM

Looking towards Advent . . .

New this year!

Mark your calendar for December 5 & 12 at 5:00 to join church friends for an evening of singing, crafts, eating and hearing the Christmas story.

Deacons’ Community Outreach

For the fourth year now, our congregation, under the leadership of our Board of Deacons, gets the privilege and fun of directly participating in a Christmas outreach project. Working with Mesilla Valley Hospice, the Board has accepted responsibility for 10 Hospice patients and their families! We’ll be able to provide food, individual gifts, and scriptural material.

In a time when grieving families of dying persons or those recently bereaved are overwhelmed by the details and financial demands of life, we are able to provide witness to the coming of Christ and the promise of new life. There will be Christmas trees in the Narthexes beginning

November 28 with "stars" for specific gift and food items to be purchased. Watch for more details in December and prepare to be a part of this "gift of giving."

 Congregational News


* Byron Slichter died on October 12.

* Marian Fairchild died on October 17.

* Hilda Jones died on October 27.



* Nicolas Keith was born on October 13 to Melissa and Keith Coughlin. Mel and Carol Peterson are the proud new grandparents.

* Claire Elizabeth was born on October 16 to Stacey Smith-Watson and her husband, Bruce. Stan and Sonya Smith are the proud new grandparents.

* Zachery Alan was born on October 19 to Scott and Rene Yoder.


* Marie Sovereign and Dudley Williams were married on October 31.

Staff News

* Jackie Poling will be in Phoenix on November 9-14 for her parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. John and Elisa will join her on November 11.

 As you can see, our cash flow within 1999 is running at a deficit. This was anticipated by our Session and discussed at the February Annual Meeting and is related to the addition of staff and building repairs (lighting, coolers, heaters, etc.). We encourage you to bring your giving up to date (many are) or "giving over and above" to the regular budget.

September Income and Expenses:

Operating Income $ 24,942.41

Operating Expenses 26,178.04

Balance $ -1235.63


Year-to-date through September:

Operating Income $243,902.30

Operating Expenses 267,410.32

Balance $ -23,508.02

Church Office Closed at noon

on November 24-28


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