First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

Selections from The Lantern, December 1999. The Lantern is the monthly newsletter of the First Presbyterian Church.

 December 5: Second Sunday in Advent

Celebration of Holy Communion

Dedication of Pledges

Sermon: "Turning to Welcome Love"

by John Poling, Pastor

5:00 P.M. An Advent Celebration -

A potluck supper, crafts, and caroling

December 12: Third Sunday in Advent

Sermon: "With Songs of Joy" by John Poling, Pastor

"A Christmas Offering" by our youth and Children

5:00 P.M. An Advent Celebration - A Chili supper and the

Children’s Christmas Program: "A Trip To Christmas Past"

December 19: Fourth Sunday in Advent

Celebration of Baptism

Sermon: "God’s Peace Initiative"

by John Poling, Pastor

"Nowell Nowell Emmanuel"

- A Cantata by the Chancel Choir


7:00 A Traditional Service of Scripture and Carols

Sermon: "Light in Darkness"

by John Poling, Pastor

December 26: 1st Sunday After Christmas

Sermon: "God With Us"

by John Poling, Pastor

January 2: 2nd Sunday After Christmas

Sermon: "God Loves Us,

Just As We Are"

by Dr. Marcus Burr,

Parish Associate

(Childcare will be provided for all worship services.)


Advent Celebrations

for everyone in our church family


Sunday, December 5 at 5:00-7:30 P.M.


Delicious Potluck Supper provided by you!

Entertainment: Craft Centers and Christmas Caroling



Sunday, December 12 at 5:00-7:30 P.M.


Tasty Chili Supper provided by Nurture Committee!

Entertainment: "A Trip to Christmas Past"

Annual Christmas Program by

the children in Salt & Light Company


1999 Christmas Joy Offering


Presbyterians have long celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ by giving generously to the Christmas Joy Offering during Advent. Last year our congregation gave a generous $7,030 to this offering!

The Christmas Joy Offering provides support to church workers who have faithfully served the church for many years and to the eight Presbyterian-related racial ethnic schools and colleges where the gifts of students are being developed. The receipts to the offering are distributed to the Board of Pensions (50%) and to the Committee on Higher Education (50%) and disbursed according to a formula set by the General Assembly. These receipts divided evenly maintain a balance of support for both causes.

You are invited to participate in telling the Good News of Jesus Christ by giving generously to this offering. It will be collected on December 19 and 24 in worship.

A Gift from Heaven

An Advent Study for Adults

Based on the Revised Common Lectionary Texts

Sunday mornings at 9:00 A.M. Teacher: John Poling

December 5 Isaiah 40:1-11; Psalm 85:1-2,8-13; 2 Peter 3:8-15a; Mark 1:1-8

God is coming with love. Is our world view too narrow to welcome God’s advent?
Our advent pilgrimage on the way to the manger must pass through the desert where John the Baptist is preaching repentance.


December 12 Isaiah 61:1-4,8-11; Psalm 126; 1 Thess. 5:16-24; John 1:6-8,19-28

The arrival of the Messiah -- who’s activity is described in political terms -- involves joyful songs in place of tears.
Our faithful celebration of God’s promises of justice in the future plunges us into active participation in it now.


December 19 2 Samuel 7:1-11,16; Psalm 89:1-4,19-26; Rom. 16:25-27; Luke 1:26-38

Wonder and power and grace fill the stories of Christ’s coming. The main actor in all of this is not David, nor Mary, nor the angel: It is God whose grace fills the story because God is sending a gift to the world. Nothing is impossible with God.


The Session, Board of Deacons, staff, and many volunteers have a vision for the mission and ministry of First Presbyterian Church in the year ahead. These dreams can be realized through our generous financial contributions.

Dedication of pledges will be made in worship on December 5. Prayerfully consider what your part will be in the future of our life together and the spreading of the Gospel around the world.


 Presbyterian Women

Christmas Coffee

Tuesday, December 14 10:30 A.M.

Watkins Hall

Special Guests: Clarinet Ensemble

Just-for-fun: A Gift Exchange!

Bring a wrapped gift for $3-$5 value; (i.e. a candle, mug, ornament) and we’ll have fun swapping. Come and enjoy light holiday refreshments and good fellowship! 

Looking ahead . . .


"An Evening of Las Cruces Dramatic History"

at the Presbyterian Women Gathering on January 10, 2000 at 7:00 P.M.


They Point to Jesus


A compound of Christ and monogram, chrismons were used by early Christians as symbols of their faith. Followers of Jesus often resorted to secret signs and symbols to keep from exposing themselves unnecessarily to the foes of Christianity.

All Chrismons are made in combinations of white and gold. White is the liturgical color for Christmas and refers to our Lord’s purity and perfection. Gold refers to His Majesty and Glory.

Use of these Christian symbols as meaningful ornaments for the traditional Christmas tree was the inspiration of Mrs. Frances Spencer of the Lutheran Church of the Ascension, Danville, VA. Using these symbols of our faith to decorate the tree can bring out distinctly the real reason we celebrate this day of the year.

A Gift from Alice Cooper

The Christmas tree in our south Narthex is adorned with a beautiful set of 24 Chrismons that Deacon Alice Cooper made this summer in counted cross stitch. Grace Circle provided the framing. A brochure will be provided in worship explaining the symbols used in these Chrismons.

Christmas is more than the simple enchantment of a stable. It is the panorama of salvation. As you look at the beautiful tree and study the "sign language of our faith" the hope is that it will deepen your spiritual life.

Christmas Cantata

presented by

the Chancel Choir

December 19

at 10:30 A.M.

"Nowell Nowell Emmanuel"

Composed by

Gilbert Martin and Terry Kirkland


Directed by


Bill McMillan, Director of Music

 Fellowship Groups

Vine and Branches

This fellowship group of parents and young couples meets monthly for a variety of activities - sometimes with children, sometimes without. This month our group will be attending the Living Christmas Tree at First Baptist Church on December 11 at 11:00 A.M. Call Jerry or Susan Grandle (524-3309) for more information and tickets.


This fellowship group of "empty nesters" (singles and couples) meets each month for different activities. They also meet for lunch after worship on the third Sunday of each month. On December 16 at 7:00 PM they will meet at the church for a Christmas party in Watkins Hall! There will be a cookie swap (bring 18 cookies) and a gift swap as well as a Christmas sing-a-long and plenty of goodies to eat!

Mesilla Valley Hospice

The Tree of Lights

Mesilla Valley Hospice invites everyone to share in their holiday tradition - The Tree of Lights. A contribution can be made to Hospice at their office at 299 E. Montana or call them at 523-4700. Your loved one’s name will then be placed on the tree which will be displayed at La Posada, their office and care facility, from November 29 - December 31.

The Lights of Our Lives Service

will be held at Calvary Baptist Church on Sunday, December 5 at 3:00 P.M. This is a time when families and friends gather in worship to remember loved ones who have died.

Holiday Open House

December 19 at 6-8 P.M.

John and Jackie Poling extend an invitation to the staff and the active elders and deacons of First Presbyterian Church and their spouses to a Holiday Open House. Stop by for some warm fellowship and wassail!

 Order Your Poinsettia!

The Christmas poinsettias have been ordered and will adorn the Sanctuary on Christmas Eve. Each plant costs $5.00. You may purchase a plant in memory or in honor of loved ones. Watch for order forms in the Sunday bulletins or call the church office. (526-5559)

Congregational News


* Kory William Johnson was born on October 28 to Donald and Jamie Johnson in Minden, NV. This is grandchild number 18 for Al and Harriet Johnson.

* John Damon was born on November 23 to Bruce and Trina Davis in Eagle’s Nest, NM. Bobby and Margie Rankin are the proud new grandparents.


* Jack Gallaher died on November 2.

* Sara J. Higgins died on November 23.

Staff News

* John and Jackie Poling will be on vacation December 30 - January 8 in Arizona and California.

* Sue Spencer will be on vacation December 25 - January 3 in Dalton, Georgia.

Office Closings

The church office will be closed at noon on December 24 and all day on December 27, 31 and January 3. There will always be someone on call for emergency and pastoral needs. Just call the church office (526-5559) and leave a message on voice mail. It will be checked on a regular basis.

 So that we may properly credit 1999 contributions, please be sure they are received by Kathy Tucker in the office before noon, December 30, or post marked no later than the 31st. Contributions received after this time will be recorded on statements for the year 2000.

 Do you hear bells ringing??

Have you noticed the small bells that our organist, Howard Smolleck, plays on occasion? He found those at a garage sale and "fixed" them up. If you have some like them - or spot some at a garage sale! - he would really like some more. Please give him a call.

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Last update 2002-06-24 12:44:16