Hadrosaur Tales 12

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Hadrosaur Tales 12

On the cover of Hadrosaur Tales 12 is an idyllic scene. A graceful, unicorn-like hadrosaur has timidly come to a lovely woman. Why has she brought the hadrosaur here? Do hunters lurk in the shadows? Perhaps it's the other way around. Perhaps the hadrosaur has lured the lady. Allow your imagination to roam free. Inside Hadrosaur Tales 12 you will find stories and poetry of the imagination, some tragic, some comic, all thought-provoking. In this issue, there's a story of French missionaries encountering the powerful Native American Manitou. Prarie Dogs threaten the President and a witch gets even with an unfaithful spouse. Perhaps you'll even find a unicorn or two. Robert D. Rowntree, Jessica Gates, Lisa Negus, Robert Collins and many other excellent writers are featured in this issue.

Note: In Hadrosaur Tales 12, we accidentally ommitted a portion of Mark Fewell's story, "Strangers on a Timeline." The story was reprinted in its entirety in issue 14, but for those who only have issue 12, we omitted three paragraphs at the top of page 106. We're not quite sure where the paragraphs went to … perhaps they were abducted by aliens. However, we do send our sincerest apologies to author Mark Fewell and to the readers. Here are the missing paragraphs. These should have been the first paragraphs on page 106 before the line, "Yes, let's do that."

"It's not a time machine."

"Don't explain the technical details to me again. You'll only bore me."

"Let's go finish our drinks. Maybe by the time I have to go back, I'll have convinced you that getting rid of my world's Maggie is a good thing."

Order issue: $7.00 (shipping included)

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