Hadrosaur Tales 14

The Hadrosaur Tales Shop

Hadrosaur Tales 14

Hadrosaur Tales 14 Scientists would have you believe that hadrosaurs - the most successful dinosaurs ever - evolved over time. But, what if Jupiter had created hadrosaurs just as he created Venus? Do stories evolve over time or spring fully formed from the heads of their creators? The answer to this may be a little of both and is explored in Hadrosaur Tales 14. Join us as we explore creation, re-creation, and artistic muse in such stories as Bent Lorenzen's "Navajo Sunrise" and Rhys Hughes' "The Muse Ouroboros." These and many other stories of truth, beauty and the spirit await you in this issue of Hadrosaur Tales. This issue features the talents of Matthew Tolbert, Christina Sng, Mark Fewell and many other outstanding writers.

Order issue: $7.00 (shipping included)

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