Hadrosaur Tales 18

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Hadrosaur Tales 18

Hadrosaur Hadrosaurs peer skyward and see something bright in the night sky. Could it be a portent of doom? Perhaps it's an asteroid coming dangerously close to Earth. Could it be a guiding light? Perhaps it's a sign that a new king, a spectacularly crested hadrosaur, has been born. Perhaps it's a natural phenomenon such as Mars at close approach. In all events, it is awesome as are the stories and poems in this issue of Hadrosaur Tales. In this issue you will find such winter stories as David Riley's "Mister North" and Marcia A. Borell's "Gifts." However, winter isn't cold and snowy everywhere, sometimes there are sunny skies as you might find in Frank Andreotti's "The Sea Monster on Vega Three." Sunny skies in winter might even attract the gods as happens in Becky's Ham, New Mexico in Uncle River's "Millenium Fever." Hadrosaur Tales 18 features poems and stories by Rebecca Inch-Partridge, L.B. Sedlacek, Alessio Zanelli and many other outstanding writers.

Order issue: $7.00 (shipping included)

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