Hadrosaur Tales 21

The Hadrosaur Tales Shop

Hadrosaur Tales 21

Hadrosaur Tales 21 On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me a hadrosaur in a pear tree! Whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Brigid's Day, or just spend time with friends on New Year's Eve, the Winter Solstice is a time for renewal and reflection. In this last issue called Hadrosaur Tales you will find stories that reflect on life's choices. Sometimes we make career choices as Warren Tuttle does in a story by Tim Myers. Sometimes we must move to a new home as Joe Crestman does in Walt Trizna's "Plumbing Problems." Sometimes we must deal with that pesky soul dealer, the Devil, as does Mr. Bannister in a story by Uncle River. Whatever choices you face, join us as we move from the old to the new!

Alas, all good things come to an end, and this is, in fact, the last issue of Hadrosaur Tales. However, don't despair. Tales of the Talisman is coming later this spring and will pick up where Hadrosaur leaves off.

Hadrosaur Tales 21 features poems and stories by David B. Riley, Larry Petock, Sonya Taaffe, and Julie Shiel.

Order issue: $7.00 (shipping included)

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