Publicity Stills  

In 1943, Lee and Lyn toured Army Camps entertaining the troups. In this picture, they are with Mickey Rooney at Reno Army Air Base in Reno, Nevada on July 22, 1943 (Lee on left, Lyn on right).
courtesy Lee Wilde Cathcart
Lee says, "...We traveled the West Coast with Mick entertaining at various bases ... I'm the one flirting with Mickey, so you can only see my back. It was fun. Lyn and I also entertained at the Hollywood Canteen. One night Bette Davis came to meet us while we were singing. She wanted to see if two people could look so much alike. Actually, the technique for splitting the screen was just invented, and she was considering playing twins in A Stolen Life [1946]. MGM had bought that story and also The Dark Mirror which they had planned to star Lyn and me in, but with the new split screen technology, Bette Davis and Olivia De Haviland got to do them. Big names won out. It was the split screen that ended our 'twin' careers. Lyn and I also entertained without Mickey on USO tours."

Courtesy of Lee Wilde Cathcart

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