Las Cruces High School Group 2017
HS Referee Profiles - 39 (not including Alamogordo Refs)
Total Matches - 311 (not including 30 Alamogordo matches)
Total Ref Slots - 933 (a few JV matches were dualed)
Ref - Refs
Team - Active
Refs Player - Most of
Residence Total Conflicts Season
Las Cruces 25 6 22
El Paso 8 2 6
Anthony 2 0 1
Deming 2 1 1
Silver City 2 2 2
Hatch 0 0 0
Match # Refs
0 to 10 4
10 to 15 4
16 to 20 4
21-25 9
25 - 30 7
31 - 35 9
>35 2