"Down, But Not Out is different from many of the current works on divorce and remarriage. It is not a rehash of traditional teaching, but a fresh new look at the entirety of biblical doctrine on this vital subject. Although scholarly, it is easy to read and understand. Biblical truths are illustrated with actual case histories, thereby allowing the reader to easily see how the principles are applied to daily living. This is not a book of theology designed to titillate the mind, but a book of hope designed to facilitate healing for those who are down, but not yet out. Another book on divorce and remarriage? Yes! And this one we all need to read and study. The research is extensive and excellent. It is a rich source of information and should be a prominent part of every Christian's library." --- Olan Hicks, author/lecturer
A minister from California, after reading this book, wrote the following review and placed it on the Publisher's web site: "This is THE BEST book available on the very controversial and very divisive issue of divorce and remarriage. Mr. Maxey is a very intelligent, highly intellectual Christian; at the same time he is very humble. One of the many things that I really like about this book is that Mr. Maxey approaches the subject matter and presents it in a very scholarly, detailed, exhaustive manner. A most admirable aspect of this book's biblically exhaustive presentation is that it is completely without personal slant or bias. As a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I whole-heartedly recommend this book to anyone and everyone that encounters this very controversial and, many times, hotly debated issue."
A Few of the Reviews found on AMAZON.COM: #1 - "Down, But Not Out is the most comprehensive study of the Bible's teaching on Divorce and Remarriage that I have yet encountered in 30+ years of ministry. Unique among all the many works on this critical issue, it takes into account EVERYTHING that the Scriptures have to say on the topic, from Genesis through Revelation. Furthermore, it does so in a manner that is Christian, coherent, and consistent. Al Maxey's book is one that should be well-studied by every Christian leader and counselor. Its message could well be a 'spiritual life-saver' in the hands of those who struggle with the aftermath of failed marriages, and particularly with the especially destructive misguidance of the far too many ill-informed, would-be 'marriage counselors' in churches today. In summary, Down, But Not Out is a bountiful channel of God's wisdom and grace; I can't seem to keep my personal copy, as I keep giving it away to those who need its wisdom!" ... #2 - "Excellent, and very educational, book written by Al Maxey, a Bible scholar who has done much study on this subject and isn’t afraid to reveal truth rather than just go along with what’s been taught years ago. This book is a blessing and a tool to understanding God's truth on the divorce and remarriage subject. I wish so many more churches would find the real truth on this subject matter." ... #3 - "If you are a Christian this book is a must have. If you are a minister or Christian marriage counselor this book is a must have. If you are a divorced Christian wanting to remarry and unsure of what is biblically correct this book is a must have. Al Maxey uses the Scriptures, as only a true Bible scholar can, to explain all the issues surrounding marriage, divorce, and remarriage." ... #4 - "A much needed discussion on a very divisive issue. This book dispels the lies that have left so many with a feeling of confusion and hopelessness." ... #5 - "A message of hope, mercy, and grace. A wonderful spirit of love conveyed by the author concerning God's message to those who often have been shunned or shamed." ... #6 - "Excellent study that goes deeper than the traditional 'proof texting' that so many use to reinforce their doctrine."
It is my hope you will be edified and encouraged by this study, and that you will widely recommend it to those you know who may need to experience the loving, healing touch of God's grace due to the trauma of marital difficulties. It is also good "preventive medicine" for those who seek to understand our Creator's divine design -- His IDEAL -- for marriage, and who desire to strengthen their own covenant relationships with their spouses. Please keep this book in your prayers that it may touch many people's hearts and lives!
Al Maxey
P.O. Box 135
Alamogordo, NM 88311