1st UK Paperback Original (1st World Release)
PUBLISHER: New English Library 1986
ISBN 0-450-39353-4

1st US Limited Hardcover (1st World HC)
PUBLISHER: Cemetary Dance Publications 1998
ISBN 1-881475-39-5

The waxworks were so realistic. Bodies torn and chewed. Blood blackly-encrusting open wounds. Flaps of skin hanging loose, clawed from the stripped, ripped corpses. Men, women, children, slaughtered, mangled...

The old woman who showed them round was well-practised in her grim, money-spinning take of the mysterious beast that has killed and killed again. Of course it was all in the past and all nonsense. Anyone would agree to that.

Until, trapped, they heard, then smelled and felt the white, night-time creature that had come, grunting and spittle-slicked, for their bodies, their blood.