Darkness Tell Us
1st World Hardcover (UK)
PUBLISHER: Headline 1991
ISBN 0-7472-0417-9

Thanks to Paul Legerski for the scan of the copyright image.

It starts at an end-of-term party. Six college kids and a Ouija board. The board that Professor Coreen Dalton had hidden at the back of a cupboard and sworn never to touch again - not after Jake's death.

And now here are these kids falling for the revelations of a spirit called Butler, swallowing its promise of a fortune hidden in the mountains. Not that Corie believes they would be stupid enough to head off into the wilderness on the say-so of a child's plaything.

To embark on a two-day hike into the unknown where any foul danger may lie in wait to cut and slice and tear them limb from limb.

But then, professor or not,
Corie could be wrong...