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Holbrook, AZ

Centuries of scouring floodwaters washed out the arroyo, or gully, beneath this 110-foot petrified log to form Agate Bridge. The stone log, harder than the sandstone around it, resisted erosion and remained suspended as the softer rock beneath it washed away.

In 1917 the present concrete span was erected to support the bridge due to the erosion of the sandstone supporting it.

Stories of Climate and Culture Told in Stone

This high, dry tableland was once a vast floodplain crossed by many streams. To the south, tall, stately pine-like trees grew along the headwaters. Crocodile-like reptiles, giant fish-eating amphibians, and small dinosaurs lived among a variety of ferns, cycads, and other plants and animals that are known only as fossils today. The tall trees—Araucarioxylon, Woodworthia, and Schilderia—fell and were washed by swollen streams into the floodplain. Silt, mud, and volcanic ash then covered the logs. This blanket of deposits cut off oxygen and slowed the logs decay. Gradually, silica-bearing ground waters seeped through the logs and, bit by bit, replaced the original wood tissues with silica deposits. As the process continued, the silica crystallized into quartz, and the logs were preserved as petrified wood.

That was about 225 million years ago in the late Triassic Period. After that time, the area sank, flooded, and was covered with freshwater sediments. Later the area was lifted far above sea level and this uplift created stresses that cracked the giant logs. Over time, wind and water have worn away the layers of hardened sediments, exposing the fossilized remains of ancient plants and animals. The hills will continue to expose fossil treasures as ceaseless weather patterns sculpt the soft sediments of the Painted Desert.

Today the ever-present forces of wind and water continue to remove sediments. Erosion continues to break down the exposed logs and unearth the logs and other remaining fossils still buried below the surface. In some places, up to 300 feet of fossil-bearing material remains. The petrified logs, other fossils of plants and creatures that lived in the area, and the rocks locking them in place all testify to changes in the environment through millions of years.

There are many stories here in the Petrified Forest. Evidence of early human occupation is readily visible on the landscape. Sites throughout the park tell of human history in the area for more than 2,000 years. We do not know the entire story, but there were separate occupations, a cultural transition from wandering fainlies to settled agricultural villages—pueblos—and trading ties with surrounding villages. Although evidence of these early people fades about 1400, their story remains through their dwellings, pot sherds, and petroglyphs.