First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Administration Ministry Team

Minutes for meeting of June 8, 2010


Present:  Joan Rawson, Mike Bartholomew, Gene Christensen; Carl Connor, Ken Osborne; Absent: Mel Parish.  Pastor Norm Story joined later and was present at the beginning of the meeting.

 Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Carl Connor, who opened the meeting with prayer.

 Minutes of the 5/11/10 meeting approved.

 Old Business


·         Building Use Requests:  Carl distributed a draft of the building use request form with a new fee schedule.  Norm suggested using some of the building use fees to create a fund to purchase replacement equipment (such as chairs, tables, etc.) for the church.  He noted that the church no longer has enough chairs for some functions due to chairs “disappearing” or getting worn out.  The Team thought this was a great recommendation.  The Team voted on implementing the proposed request form and fee schedule.

·         Status of this year’s budget:  As of the close of May, the budget is looking good.  We have recorded $196,235.84 in income and $174,324.68 in expenses for a net budget income of $21,911.16.  This hopefully sets the church in a good position to stay “in the black” over the summer months when expenses tend to be higher (for example utilities) and giving tends to drop as church family and friends go on summer vacations.

·         Discussion of transfer of Wells Fargo stock to the Church Foundation for the benefit of (FBO) the Church:  It was recommended that the Team consider transfer of the Wells Fargo Stock to the Church Foundation to have it managed on behalf of the Church.  Because the Foundation has become more active, the consensus was that this would be a good move.  Since the intent is to manage this stock as an investment rather than cash it out, all felt that is would be better to leave the role of investment management to the Foundation and have church deal with managing cash. Session: A motion was unanimously approved to recommend the Transfer of the Stock to the Church Foundation to be managed for the benefit of the church. Carl will draft a letter of request.

 New Business

·         Adjustments to policy requiring that a Administration Team member be present during the Monday morning money count and for counting money for special events:  After a brief discussion, it was agreed that this function could be shared by other church officers, former or present.  Several of these current and former officers, who are knowledgeable of the money handling process, would be approached to be part of a pool of individuals qualified to perform this duty.  This way money counting duties can be spread around amongst a larger pool of people. Carl offered to draft up a proposal as to how this would be set up.

·         The Team discussed the need to find someone with skills in office networks or file-sharing systems to help the church set up a network for church staff. We are also interested in getting a file backup system in place.  We are looking to persons with office networking skills to help us develop at plan for such a network. If there are any church members or friends that have these skills OR could suggest a contact, please see an Admin Team member.  Team members will continue to look for someone interested in help us with this (for example co-workers, “Geek Squad” etc.)

·         There were no new building requests to discuss.

·         There was no other new business to discuss.

·         Committee moderators will meet next month to evaluate the status of the church budget to date.

 Meeting adjourned 8:15 p.m. following a prayer by Joan.

 --Respectfully submitted by Mike Bartholomew

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Last update 2010-06-11 22:06:31