First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Attending: Gene Christensen, Mel Parish, Austin Breck, Winnie Quinzi, Don Behnke,

Absent: None

Austin opened with prayer

Status of budget:

-Admin budgets look good. We will look to see where we are with the rest of the committees when we get all reporting next week.

Staff evaluations:

-All of the staff evals need to be turned in to Norm by the end of October.

Las Cruces Charity fundraiser:

-Deacons are going to use the yearly hamburger fry as a platform to expand the Las Cruces Charity fundraiser.


-Reviewed the process of the following:

1) Session approves a preliminary budget

2) Admin presents this to the congregation

3) Budget is adjusted depending on how our congregation responds to our initial budget through their pledges

-Winnie will start putting this info out for the congregation in September.


-All signatures cards have been updated.

Securing of our properties:

-Admin would like to remind the congregation that if you unlock a door, you are responsible for relocking it. Winne is going to send out this communication to the congregation.

Linda V. Ramirez


First Presbyterian Church

Las Cruces, NM 88005







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Last update 2012-08-22 11:21:17