First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Attending: Gene Christensen, Mel Parish, Austin Breck, Winnie Quinzi, Don Behnke,

Absent: None

Austin opened with prayer

Status of budget:

-We are spending too much time with overly complex accounting/reporting around our finances. This is another request from Admin to simplify your budgets when you submit them. Remember that the more lines, accounts, designated, non-designated, subaccounts, bank accounts…we have the more work it is for our bookkeeper to keep track of.

-Here is an example of what we would like to see - Admin would like to consolidate the following accounts:

B&G Major Renovations $86,583.64 ($30,216 still due from the foundation)

B&G Major Repairs (Phase 1) $10,574.43

-Budget meeting for first week of December. Moderators need to have these suggestions ready for this meeting so we can consolidate BEFORE we write next year’s budget. Please be prepared with accounting consolidation suggestions as well as have a tentative budget written with 10% less in spending then 2012.

Staff evaluations:

-This is a reminder to all committee moderators that staff evaluations are due to Norm by 12/1/12. Anyone needing forms or direction on what needs to be in these evaluations should direct questions to Norm.


-Pledges as of 11/19/12 are almost $280,000. With this in mind, Admin is still forecasting an operating budget down 10% for next year (CG income). We will reevaluate as more info becomes available, but budgets should be written with this in mind.

Consolidation of Church Records:

-It has come to Admins attention that there is a need to go through our old records that are piled throughout the church and organize and/or dispose of these records. Winnie has agreed to take this project on after the first of the year. Norm will be the resource for church documentation and John Grant has volunteered his expertise for any financial records. Anyone wanting any input or wanting to help on this project is asked to contact Winnie for more information.


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Send comments, suggestions, and requests to Alex. F. Burr or send e-mail to aburr @
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Last update 2012-11-21 21:23:19