First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Building and Grounds Minutes

Building and Grounds Minutes       

            June 11, 2013

Ed Green opened the meeting at 7:05  p.m. with a prayer.  

Members present in addition to Eddie were Janet Loman, Roger Sellers, Bill Haynes,

Eddie Armendariz  and  Bruce Pearson.  

Steve Johnson (excused) and Dennis Thomas were absent.  

Reverend Norm Story and Elder Austin Breck also attended most of the meeting.  


 Old Business

 members of B & G held a successful work day on June 1 to clean out the garage.

             We received a bid of $1,142.67 from the Game Time Company in Scottsdale, Ariz., to replace part of the playground equipment which had been destroyed by arson in April.   Once we have ascertained the relevant building and safety codes with the appropriate city officials, we will decide whether the playground renovation would be feasible.  However, to date, the city officials have not responded to our requests to meet with them. 

             Our final major project for the year will be the removal and replacement of the cracked sidewalks.   We have not yet firmed up the schedule for the contractors.    

            New Business

             Austin went over the budget with us, noting the current deficit of over $18,000.   He explained that our normal maintenance should come out of the general fund and that purchases of new items should come out of designated funds.    He urged us to be as frugal as possible. 

             An anonymous donor has generously provided a new bench for the west garden, behind Branigan.  Janet will talk to Frank Hambrick of Singletree Landscaping to get a bid for a concrete slab and placement of the bench. 

            On August 17, B & G volunteers will hold a work day to paint the kitchen and walls in Watkins and Reeves.   At the end of the meeting, we went and examined the areas to be painted and determined that, contrary to what we had initially believed, it will not be necessary to repair any dry wall prior to painting.

 We approved a job description for the church sexton.

 The next all-church work day will be on October 17.           

Respectfully submitted by Bruce Pearson


Send comments, suggestions, and requests to Alex. F. Burr or send e-mail to aburr @
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Last update 2013-07-01 22:09:03