First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Building and Grounds Minutes

August 13,  2013

             Roger Sellers  opened the meeting at 7:05  p.m. with a prayer.   Members present in addition to Roger were Janet Loman, Ed Green, Bill Haynes, Eddie Armendariz,   Steve Johnson, Dennis Thomas and Bruce Pearson.   Nobody was absent.  


            Old Business

            Due to continuing problems with the irrigation well, the Heil Company completely rewired the motor at a cost of ~$565.00. Western Lightning Electric (Nicky Delgado) replaced wiring from the pump to the garage. The old, jury-rigged network presented an extreme danger of electric shock.   An earth barrier was placed between the water line and the wiring, so our pump and wiring are now up to code.   This repair cost ~$1,300.  We are grateful that Nicky performed the repairs at cost. 

            Janet has been negotiating with R and R Concrete Company to remove and replace the broken sidewalks.   This job will cost an estimated $3,000.   We expect to have the firm dates for this project within the next two or three weeks.

            There is general agreement that our church should have a playground of some sort.   We may be able to fund some renovation from the settlement that we expect from our insurance company, but we have yet to determine exactly how we should renovate the area.   Eddie noted that regardless of what we do, our playground will remain a target for fire and vandalism.   We are trying to come up with plans to make the playground more usable to kids but less attractive to vandals and at a reasonable cost. 

            Janet has continued discussions with Frank Hambrick of Singletree Landscaping to install railroad ties as a boundary around the memorial trees.  The area will then be filled with rose rock.

New Business

            Since our last meeting in June, the freezer in the Reeves Hall kitchen began running too warm (i.e., not cold enough to keep ice cream frozen).   Janet had a cooler maintenance company install a new compressor motor, for ~$350.  

            Shortly before our mid-school and high school youth group traveled to Colorado and San Diego, our church's vans and small trailer were fully serviced. The wheel bearings on the trailer were greased.

            On August 17, B and G volunteers will hold a workday to paint the kitchen and halls in Reeves, beginning at 8 a.m.

            On August 25, B and G is responsible for after-church fellowship.

            The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Bruce Pearson


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Last update 2013-08-22 14:00:17