First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Building and Grounds Minutes

January 14, 2014


Janet Loman opened the meeting at about 7 PM. She was acting for our new moderator, Dennis Thomas, who was ill. Additional members present were Eddie Armendariz, Bill Haynes, Ed Green, Steve Johnson and Roger Sellers.

We reviewed the Columbarium Committee Report with Carl Conner. The Committee agreed that a pergola structure made sense and recommends that the session approve the project. Cost of the project is estimated to be under $4000 which is to be covered by a concerned church member. Orientation of the structure to provide maximum comfort in hot weather will be critical. Some are concerned that the fencing near the Columbarium will cause problems.

The playground modifications were discussed with some water pipe damage caused by the work. Members provided repairs but they had not been tested. We learned later that some electrical lines may have been damaged also. Ed and Dennis were to check on system status.

Many of the chairs used by committee members and others are missing caps in several different spots. Steve Johnson has found a source for replacements and they have been ordered.

Ballasts for sanctuary lights are needed but status was not defined at this time.

Dennis asked me to become the committee secretary well after the meeting so my notes may not be complete.




Roger L. Sellers



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Last update 2014-03-09 23:34:07