First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Congregational Life and Outreach Committee Minutes

Tuesday, May 11, 2010  7:00 p.m.




Present:  Carissa Brealey-Rood, Larry Felhauer, Pat Felhauer, Kathy Story, Bea Connor, Collette Waltz


Meeting opened and closed in prayer.


I.                   Bingo Night

a.       Took place on May 1st.

b.      Had a nice turn out, lots of positive feedback.

II.                Hymn Sing

a.       Will take place after church on 5/16.

b.      Some people suggested we move the picnic indoors if the weather is too warm, windy, rainy, etc.  It tends to get very hot on the black top where we’re planning to hold the event.  We will make the decision on Sunday morning.

c.       Logistics

                                                              i.      Howard Smolleck has agreed to play the keyboard.

                                                            ii.      Brian Griffith volunteered to round up some high school kids to help with tables and chairs.

                                                          iii.      Still need someone to lead singing – Arnold McMillan? Greg Sherman?

                                                          iv.      Carissa will get in touch with Mark about setting up the electronics.

d.      Food and supplies

                                                              i.      Tuna salad (Pat), Egg salad (Carissa), Chicken salad (Kathy).

                                                            ii.      Carissa is shopping for the remainder (i.e., paper products, condiments, chips, breads).

III.             Vow Renewal

a.       Will take place on 6/26, 1:00 p.m.

b.      The committee will provide cake, punch, nuts, etc.  Carissa will look into pricing for an actual wedding cake, otherwise we’ll order a sheet cake.

c.       Carissa will talk with Julie about playing the violin for the service.

d.      The ceremony will be in the sanctuary and the reception in Jones Hall.

e.       Decorate first row(s) with flowers, candles, etc.

f.       We will put out a Memory Table in Jones during the reception for wedding photos.

g.      We need a photographer.  Larry has some ideas about who to ask.

h.      Ceremony details

                                                              i.      Couples will each walk down the aisle to the front of the church.

                                                            ii.      Vows will be said as a group.

                                                          iii.      Couples outside the congregation are welcome to participate – Larry will put an ad in the newspaper.

i.        Larry will do an announcement in church on Sunday.

IV.             Graduation

a.       CL&O is hosting fellowship hour on May 23rd to honor graduates.

b.      So far we have a list of 10 names that have been submitted to Linda.

c.       We have seven gift books left over from last year that we will use this year, if that turns out to be enough.

d.      Bea will order two full sheet cakes, one carrot and one white, saying “Congratulations 2010 Graduates!”

e.       Kathy will be making punch.

f.       Carissa will hand out the gifts at the beginning of the service.  Norm attended the last part of the meeting, so we could discuss the service logistics with him.

g.      Larry will e-mail the Music & Worship committee so that they are aware of our plans for the service that day.

V.                Movie Nights

a.       Will do three movie nights – one for kids/families, one for women, one for men.

b.      Dates

                                                              i.      7/11 @ 3:30 p.m. for kids/family; pizza for dinner afterward

                                                            ii.      7/24 @ 6:00 p.m. for women; dinner TBD

                                                          iii.      7/31 @ 6:00 p.m. for men; burgers/grill out for dinner

c.       Carissa will get with Linda to get these on the calendar.

VI.             Blessing of the Backpacks

a.       Will take place during church service on 8/15.



Submitted by Carissa Brealey-Rood, 05/17/2010



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