First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Congregational Life & Outreach Committee Meeting

Tuesday, August 10, 2010  7:00 p.m.




Attendees:  Carissa Brealey-Rood, Larry Felhauer, Pat Felhauer, Kathy Story, Bea Connor


Open and close in prayer.


I.                   Past Events

a.       Vow Renewal

                                                              i.      All feedback was positive.  The event went very well and was very meaningful to the participating couples.

                                                            ii.      Kathy suggested that next time we host an event like this we create invitations that the renewing couples can give to their friends and families, and to the congregation.  Most attendees were family/friends of the renewing couples.

                                                          iii.      Perhaps we should do this event again in the fall next time, when more people are in town and when people tend to have fewer time commitments.

                                                          iv.      Most of the expenses for this event were one-time costs, since we can reuse the decorations, flowers, etc.  These items are currently being stored in the bride’s room.

b.      Movie Nights

                                                              i.      We’d planned to have three movie nights, but only ended up having one.  We showed Up as our kid/family movie on 7/10.  Altogether about 10 people attended.

                                                            ii.      The other two movie nights were cancelled because no one on the committee was available those evenings.


II.                Future Events

a.       Blessing of the Backpacks, 8/15

                                                              i.      The details of this event were coordinated via e-mail, since we did not meet last month.

                                                            ii.      Larry ordered 4 dozen key chains to distribute during the children’s sermon on 8/15.

                                                          iii.      Nora Yaryan has volunteered to pick up and hand out ice cream cups during fellowship hour, and everyone else is bringing cookies, brownies, etc.

                                                          iv.      Kathy created a sign/banner to decorate with our “Back to School – May God Go With You” theme.  She will send to Linda to have it added to the bulletin.

b.      Finance Course (?)

                                                              i.      Kathy has received the materials for this course but has not had the chance to review them yet.  Once she does, she will distribute to the rest of the committee so we can all take a look.

                                                            ii.      The main concern is that the course participants would need to purchase the textbook, which costs ~$100.  We are not sure the audience we would bring in with this course we be able to afford that cost.  Once we review the course materials, we’ll decide whether it’d be a good idea for the committee to perhaps subsidize part of the book cost for those who enroll.

c.       September event – N/A

d.      October

                                                              i.      International potluck

1.      We will hold this event again this year, as it’s gotten positive feedback and has been very well-attended in the past. 

2.      Many committee members are unavailable on World Communion Sunday, the day we traditionally hold this potluck, so we will host it the following week on 10/10/10 after church.

3.      Larry will create an ad, and will ask for not only food items but also for people to wear traditional dress of other countries, provide personal photos we can put into a slideshow, and any other kind of contribution people would like to make.

                                                            ii.      Trunk-or-treat

1.      We will hold this event at 6:00 p.m. on 10/31. 

2.      Larry will send an e-mail to the other committees strongly urging them to participate in this outreach opportunity by hosting a craft table, activity booth, etc.

e.       November

                                                              i.      Thanksgiving dinner

1.      Carissa will e-mail Linda to have this event put on the calendar for Sunday, November 14 at 5:00 p.m.


III.             Walk ons

a.       Photo Directory

                                                              i.      Carissa received an e-mail from Olan Mills about scheduling photos for a new directory in the fall.

                                                            ii.      Coordinating this is a time- and labor-intensive task that none of our committee members can commit to at this time.

                                                          iii.      Carissa will respond to the e-mail requesting re-notification in the spring.

b.      Young families

                                                              i.      We have had a significant number of young families visiting our church lately.  We need to hold some kind of social event to get to know them.

                                                            ii.      Possibilities:

1.      Pool party at the Pueblos pool – Carissa to check on when it will close for the season.

2.      Picnic and bike ride at La LLorona park (on the Rio Grande).  Bea will look into reserving a place at this park, and what the bug situation is like.


 Submitted by Carissa Brealey-Rood, 16 August 2010




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Last update 2010-08-16 20:28:00