First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Congregational Life & Outreach Committee Meeting

Tuesday, September 14, 2010  7:00 p.m.




In attendance were Carissa Rood, Kathy Story, Bea Conner, Stephan Taylor, Larry Felhauer and Pat Felhauer.

1)      Meeting was opened with prayer.

2)      International Potluck to be held following Worship on October 10th.

a)      Tie to World Communion Sunday re diversity of the congregation and community.

b)      We will ask people to wear costumes or bring mementos related to their ethnicity.

c)      Ask people to bring dishes (serve 12) related to their ethnicity.

d)      Committee will provide drinks.

i)        coffee, tea, punch.

ii)      Carissa to get different coffee flavors.

iii)    team members to bring carafes.

e)      Pat and Larry will get a 20# ham since we ran short on food last year.

f)       Team members will each bring breads from different countries.

g)      Carissa to get tent cards for people to indicate origin country on dishes.

h)      Larry will handle publicity.

i)        We will decorate Saturday (10/09) at 10AM.

3)      Banner display system.

a)      Larry will purchase materials.

b)      Stephan and Larry will install 10/09 while others decorate for int'l potluck.

4)      Trunk or Treat to be held Sunday, October 31, from 5 to 8PM.

a)      Set up from 4 to 5PM on the 31st.

b)      Bruce White will bring his popcorn machine again.

c)      Lin Ramirez has contacted folks re bringing the jumper again.

d)      We will provide a table, craft and candy for the Iglesia del Pueblo congregation.

e)      We will strongly encourage other Session teams to host a craft table so we have enough activities and increased opportunity for outreach.

f)       Larry will contact circles and In Betweeners re hosting tables.

g)      Larry will handle advertising.

h)      Food

i)        350 hot dogs (went through 280 last year) - Kathy.

ii)      Nachos, hot chocolate, coffee - Kathy.

iii)    Larry will contact Rusty about grilling hot dogs again.

iv)    Carissa & Bea will bake 150 cookies each and Carissa will get frosting for decorating.

i)        Larry and Pat will review craft and give-away items from last year's after holiday shopping and order anything else we need.

j)        Need to find someone to judge costumes (In Betweeners??).

5)      Gospel of John.

a)      Will be performing in Silver City and have offered to perform Sunday. February 13th, at FPC for $1750 program expense only, no travel.

b)      Advertise heavily in local media and through other area churches.

c)      Sell drinks and snacks in Jones Hall during intermission.

d)      Take free will offering at performance with suggested donation of $10 per person.

6)      Action Item:  Request Session approval to move forward with Gospel of John performance at a cost of $1750 with costs to be recovered to the extent possible through free will offering during performance and sale of refreshments during intermission.  Given the tremendous outreach opportunity this presents, Session agrees to cover any unrecovered cost from other budget areas on faith.  Elders encouraged to get further information on this event at

7)      Meeting closed with prayer.


Respectfully Submitted by Larry Felhauer





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Last update 2010-09-30 17:22:54