First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Congregational Life and Outreach (CLO) Ministry Team


March 13, 2012

Meeting was opened with prayer at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were Bea Conner, Lon Anderson, Stephen Taylor, and Kathy Story.

1. Planning for “Meat and Eat” potluck: (a) Bea and Kathy to purchase miscellaneous food items and service items. (b) All to recruit deacons to help CLO in general and specifically for this function. (c) Lon to look for substitute for icebreaker activities. (d) Stephen to call Linda to find out status of Watkins for early setup potential.

2. Planning for Easter Egg hunt: Donations for egg-fillers will be solicited via “Good News” and “Lantern”, deadline April 1. Children will be segregated into different age groups. Will try to co-locate the egg hunt with after-worship fellowship.

3. May graduation: will start looking for graduation gifts, which are typically devotionals or inspirational books. Plan to augment with existing books from previous years. Will mail out all books not handed out during the Sunday worship service. Bea will order cake and buy materials for specialty punch.

4. The Metro Map advertisement for Newcomer’s connection was reviewed. The committee was pleased with the quality of the ad.

5. The committee discussed the “Las Cruces Bulletin” advertisement. Committee was pleased with the excellent price for a large distribution.

6. The CLO committee reviewed the finances.

7. The CLO committee discussed “Trunk or Treat”. It was uncertain at the time of the meeting if Salt and Light would be held on this particular night. If no S&L, then Trunk or Treat could be held earlier to allow kids to get home earlier that night.

Submitted by: Lon Anderson








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Last update 2012-06-15 16:39:05