First Presbyterian Church
Las Cruces, NM

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Congregational Life and Outreach (CLO) Ministry Team


April 10, 2012

Meeting was opened with prayer at 7:35 p.m. In attendance were Lon, Stephen, Donna, Nora and

Kathy from CLO, plus Marianne and Donna from the Women’s Retreat Committee.

1. Old business:

a. “Meat and Eat” potluck: After-worship format seemed to work well with good turnout

of 75-100 people, including around 20 or so new members.

b. Easter Egg hunt: Egg-filling went very fast (only took about 45 minutes with about

10-12 egg-fillers). Nora re-stocked plastic egg supply (1,000 eggs), for next year.

Storage of these eggs remains problematic due to their volume.

2. Upcoming events

a. May graduation: Nora will buy graduation gifts, which are typically devotionals or

inspirational books. Bea will order cake and Kathy will make her special punch.

b. June 3 Picnic and hymn sing: Watkins Hall 11:30 – 4:00. Stephen will verify that

this is on the calendar. Advertisement and Announcement will occur 3 and 2

weeks prior to the event (respectively). Someone from CLO will ask Greg

Sherman to see if he can serve as the song leader and ask Eunjong Moe if she could

serve as pianist.

c. July 15 Ice cream social: Venue is on the lawn. Advertisement/announcement is

planned 3/2 weeks prior to event.

3. New business

a. The CLO committee reviewed its finances.

b. Women’s retreat.

i. The money allocated to thee women’s retreat (from CLO) is $1,750.

ii. The organizers have contacted a firm, and received a quote, concerning

construction of a webpage for the retreat that will, when completed, be

linked to the FPC website. Additionally, the organizers received a quote for

construction of an entirely new and updated website for FPC.

iii. The women’s retreat committee will manage their budget within their

allotted amount and report expenditures to CLO. Stephen will sign








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Last update 2012-05-13 23:24:20